Talon Soldiers Never had an Upgrade many years later

From Retribution all the way to Storm Rising taking place many years later, they are the same class of soldier with zero upgrades. Rip Talon’s budget :joy:


well they have that armor on, which doesnt help them whatsoever, a simple smack to the face is apparently enough :laughing:


You’d think Talon would look at their soldier units and think that since they were destroyed by Blackwatch years ago, then that they would need some type of help now lol

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They will likely be receiving more variety in Overwatch 2.

It is also worth noting that Mauga was outfitted with a shield, and they started deploying medics like Baptiste. Whether that is just Mauge/Baptiste or that is part of their main forces remains to be seen.


Yes! I’m hoping! Though, I thought I saw them again in the trailer? I could be wrong haha OW2 will most likely deliver interesting enemies I hope!

Baptiste when younger, was in a typical Talon Soldier uniform iirc, minus the helmet for his skin in Archives and changed a bit for him. Mauga I think, iirc again, wore the same armor as the heavy armor enemy? I could be wrong though!

Storm Rising is only 2 years after Retribution.


We only saw the Trooper, Heavy, and Sniper so far in the trailer and concept art. We dont know what the Assassins/Enforcers look like, if they will return, or what else we will get.

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It is? Oooooh, you know what? You are right! I keep forgetting because it looks like the new team now, but in Zero Hour, they were all new :joy: I don’t know why my brain thinks that Storm Rising is a more “newer” mission.

I figure in two years time though, upgrades would be applicable, but there were probably other plans.


Talon is giving their troopers the same treatment Bastion is receiving from Blizzard change my mind.

I hope so considering they’re the main antagonist yet we know Null Sector is getting upgrades

Talon (presumably Maximilien) investend literal TONS of money in null-sector development. I think Talon restricted money they spend on troopers, because of null sector mess. I mean, in zero hour we can see that they built a literal titan to capture Paris.


Their design got upgraded though. Just look at Recall/Trainhopper troopers.

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Talon soldiers are stormtroopers confirmed.