Takeaways from the JunquerQueen Cinematic and Origin Story

  • JunkerQueen seems to be 17 years old during the events of the cinematic. They also showed her real name.
  • The FFA participants had proper names (Geiger and Meri), unique visuals and were “emotionally” involved with the Queen, meaning they’ll probably appear in future lore (or even PvE).
  • There was en emphasis on how heartbroken and sad the King was after being defeated (+ the banishment scene at the end). My assumption is that he’ll play a role in the future (mabye by joining the side of the omnics, or maybe he transformed into Roadhog after a mutation).
  • There are many hints in the origin story that the PvE will contain some sort of Omnic Zombie apocalypse. JunquerQueen was mass murdering them and they visually looked like Zombies + a hint about “mutants” and “Evil Omnic Deamons” which looked like stage Bosses.

Pretty sure King Howl doesn’t become Roadhog, you can see Roadhog sitting in the crowd near Junkrat to his right (timestamped at 6:27):

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True, i didn’t notice.

But he became like one