Sym's new ult will be worthless

no, shield dance. Pop it in the middle of a team fight and the team can shield dance. How much harder would it be for the enemy to win if half of their damage is being absorbed by the barrier from you dancing around the shield while shooting at them?

The first thing I thought of is Orisa. She has a huge hit box but I can still avoid alot of damage during a fight as I shield dance around my barrier and I often get quite a bit of kills because my shield takes so much of the damage. Now a whole team can do that for 15 seconds…that is a long time.

This right here. People are still complaining about it without thinking about its actual uses. a 5k barrier that stretches across the map is powerful. especially with he fast charge rate. if Sym can have it just about every team fight (similar to moira’s) it becomes a much better Ult.

It’s an anti sniper ult through and through. It can have it’s uses during teamfights. Like splitting the tanks from the rest of the team and forcing them to come into close range which could be beneficial for your team comp. But don’t expect it to be reliable except for snipe denial.

It is useful. Have you tried it ingame yet ?

Yes, I made a widow move!

Play of the game right there!

I played a bunch of Horizon last night and Sym’s shield is exceptionally useful/powerful. “Just walking through it” is an vast oversimplification of countering it. The barrier can be placed in a way that it cuts of particular regions of the map, such as high ground where the enemy has no direct routes to.

The 5000hp seems pretty much invincible for anything that isn’t pure focus fire from the entire enemy team. I played bastion on round and even got nano boosted, fired nonstop into it plus fire from other allies and the thing ended up expiring before we destroyed it.

And yes you totally can dance with it - it’s so easy to do, how can you even make that claim? You can’t stand in the middle of it and fire on both sides, and even if you could it makes you a standing target. Trying to dodge fire while also effectively shooting your target along a giant plane is not an easy task when there are 6 enemies that can shoot through it.

Truthfully I think anyone who thinks it’s not valuable it not seeing it used properly/effectively.

I did actually try barrier dancing last night with it to give it a shot. I’ll admit it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be to still hit people but it still was much easier than it would be if the barrier was curved.

However, as a Sym against an enemy Sym’s shield, I would actually say placing a barrier is a liability. Enemy Sym gets to free tier three damage and even an ammo reload from dancing in your shield, and I was actually excited when the enemy placed a shield because it meant I got to melt things. That’s not a good thing.

As symmetra yourself you should rarely be on the front line trying to dance with your own barrier, especially vs another sym. The barrier dancing is useful for the heroes that are supposed to be there.

Well with the shield being map wide, Sym can take advantage of it anywhere. With a ten meter range on her most powerful damage, they’ve made her into a tank buster so that she should be played in the front lines to meet her damage potential. She’s no longer a backline zoning specialist/flanker counter. The tiny pin point reticle has certainly seen to that.

I still say the new ult is not worthy of being called an ultimate. Especially with how short its duration is, and its incredibly limited effect on the team engagement. It’s not useless, that’s why I didn’t say useless, but compared to every other ultimate in the game… even Widowmaker’s does more.

aving you whole team from ults is usless???

Which ults does the new barrier save you from that the old barrier didn’t?

all the old ults you could save YOURSELF from not you team
the new ones is a tad pointless to the last but it can saver your team from a dva bomb junrkrat (trap as long as you wait for it to pass ) domfist any thing that cant pass it as long as you team sticks with you you can even divide the map in have and switch side while approaching point

I don’t think I could disagree more with every point you made. Her ult is extremely powerful, and well deserved of being called an ult. A 5000hp barrier than can literally cut off half the enemy team from engaging is practically priceless for your own team’s engagement, especially at the rate she gets it which is basically every team fight. It lasts plenty long to accomplish its goal and is by no means too short. If it expires by the time it accomplishes its goal it means your team is not being very efficient or you placed the shield in a poor position which didn’t actually help your team very much.

The goal of the shield is not to just place it right in the middle of the point and expect people to dance. you have to place it strategically to cut off valuable portions of the map. Place it in such a way that the enemy team holding high ground literally cannot do anything. It forces their backline heroes to reposition themselves in less than ideal places which allows them to get picked off. Ana can no longer heal from a distance. Soldier McCree and widow perched on high ground must jump down and fight head on. Even bastion cant deal damage quickly enough to burn down the barrier in a reasonable time so he’s completely ineffective at dealing any damage on one entire side of the plane.

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How to resume this post in one quote.
“Such a lack of imagination.” Symmetra, 2016

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I’m liking most of the changes they’e showing for Symm on the PTR but as it is right now i’d have to agree that yea her new ult is pretty bad. It would have been a good one if it lasted forever but with it poofing after 15 seconds it’s just plain lousy IMO. I can just as easily use a mei wall for the same purposes but far more often and with the added bonus of it blocking paths.

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Exactly? It changes the tides of battle by forcing long range heroes to reposition closer. It forces the opponents to engage close up on your terms or be poked at from range unable to do anything back.

Compared to setting up for or literally wiping the entire team? Just think about some of the other ultimate abilities and the potential they have to change the game. You really think that making widow move is ultimate worthy? You can do that with her barrier right now if she’s far enough back.

Sym’s new ult is most useful as a pushing tool. You know how Reinhardt will often shield up so that the team can get past a choke, like on Anubis A where he will block forward and everyone will go into either the left or right room? Sym’s shield does that on an even bigger scale where you don’t need to worry about going into rooms AT ALL and the barrier can effectively create a tunnel for your entire approach. The only way the enemy can pass through it would be to bunch up all in one exposed spot right in front of you.

Similarly, on defense it forces the enemy to come directly to you, or at least gives you some breathing room to heal up while they wait out the barrier. A lot less useful there because of the time limit unfortunately.

For instance see here
ht tps://
This shield cuts off the enemy attacking from the point or from high ground and gives you a safe path to walk all the way from spawn to the point, shooting the enemy along the way.


(Sotanaht’s image:)

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Well, again, I never said it was useless. It does have some uses however that strategy does nothing that Reinhardt’s, Orisa’s, or even Sym’s current shield doesn’t do. It just does it a little bit bigger. It’s not a good ultimate but it’s an okay ability. Saying “oh well it’s got 5000 health and it’s map wide so that’s definitely pretty impressive” still doesn’t mean that it’s actual effect on the game does all that much. Its size is impractical and is just there for being flashy, and only makes it more vulnerable. Its health is kind of pointless if just breaks itself after a few seconds. Think of the different ultimates in this game… freezing multiple enemies solid, deleting shields and stopping enemies from using abilities, insta-killing multiple enemies at once, saving allies from massive amounts of damage… this wall is decidedly lackluster as far as ults go.