Symmetra's Controversy. Prepare for Photon Barrier of a text

Does this mean it will go away after 15 seconds or do I have to shoot 5000 damage at it


I think the Controversy is more on how Sym 2.0 and 3.0 are completly different heros and some want 2.0 and others want 3.0. With 3.0 some are arguing that she doesn’t need anything while some say she does.


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Classic whiners. Im pretty much sure all the guys that say she is fine are actually salty genji/tracer mains that dont want her to be good.

I think she is fine because she has the highest winrate of every hero among a plethora of other reasons

if anything, people who keep asking for buffs are the ‘classic whiners’. you got an entire rework that improved both her skill floor and skill cap, and yet it’s still not good enough

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I’m pretty sure this will change your mind.
Besides Sym has one of the lowest pickrates and she still has a stigma of a troll pick. So yeah, amazing hero.
And honestly you cant even properly compare Sym rework with her 2.0 version cause they perform aboslutely different tasks. This rework didnt make her worse or better. She became different. But is she better then other DPS heroes? or at least on the same level? These are another questions and the answers are probably negative

I would be fine with them removing her charge up mechanic and just giving her a thick-ish 150-160 dmg beam


Symmetra is incredibly teamplay dependent, which is her actual weakness. If your team won’t take teleporters, take advantage of turret locations, or support you when high charge, you’re going to have a tough time.

But if they are on board - Symmetra is a game changing monster that melts everything and leaves enemy teams bamboozled.


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Prepare your mind to be blown by my infinite wisdom:

I am not interested in the opinion of biased symmetra one tricks. I am also not comparing her to 2.0. Comparing anything with sym 2.0 would be an incredible insult, as if anything can be compared to that abomination.

Sym 2.0’s purpose was very simple: create a crutch hero for players who otherwise can’t keep up with the game. Classic blizzard: find a cash cow and milk it dry.
Those same people were left in the dust when the skill floor of 3.0 started to somewhat match that of other heroes, because there is no way to balance a hero with a nonexistant skill curve. I simply assign the many complaints to this group of people.

To stay on topic: sym is fine, she might need a tweak here and there but she is far from the terrible hero people cry about.
She is a niche hero. A high pickrate would kill the game, just like bastion/mei/torb/junk/reaper/many others. Her high winrate shows she is effective when she is needed. Simple concepts.


Oh my then why are you still here?

Ok your beating a dead horse. Most of us are FINE with current sym, you literally do this everytime. The problem we have is that sym is high risk and low reward, but YOUR too biased to realize it. Its not always about lock on jesus christ


maybe it’s because some Sym mains didn’t want her to get a rework??


if you’re fine with current sym, then why do you spend so much time complaining about her?

Because she doesnt get what she deserves, she still has a lot of obvious flaws and bugs that keep her from being at her peak.

sure but you also wanted her to be viable

you can’t make 2.0 viable without killing literally every bracket below

so a rework was necessary in order to make her viable at higher ratings without making her beyond oppressive at lower rankings


You still didn’t answer my question darling. You are not better then us.

she has a good weapon

she just can’t utilize it

there’s no excuse for her to be blatantly ultra squish in addition to having excessively long cooldowns and only relying on her gun for downtime, if she has to rely on her gun, which is an unreliable source of damage at range, then she should be allowed to beef up a little

but on its face, her gun is fine, it’s a lot of damage, without having to reload much especially against barriers, and her ranged option is a good zoning tool, it’s just not useful for kill confirms, which is objectively fine so long as she has other options

that’s not symmetra’s fault, in a coordinated team, which this game IS built around, it has its function and it’s a very powerful function at that

i don’t think this is necessary, it just needs to have infinite duration and be re-deployable, like torb turret, except doesn’t prevent you when it’s in combat

this would allow her to set up locations that let her allies ferry through while she’s off doing other stuff, like her previous teleporter, but not as busted because it’s not from spawn, and not as passive because of how much advantage throughout a fight it can have and not just an “every so often” use

this does need to happen, though, this is absolutely disgusting because being booped even the slightest during the long wind-up prevents you from using it

but the wind-up is good, she shouldn’t be an ultra slippery hero that once she presses it she gets away from everything

this is a weird comparison

those are completely different ultimates

but they specifically told us teleporter should allow you to get out of zarya grav:

only problem is, the interaction radius makes it spawn too far from the players sometimes, and that’s why it becomes unnacceptable

it shouldn’t be an “immediate get out of jail free card”

it’s an ability on a 10s cooldown that can bring EVERYONE out to safety, so having it have that wind-up in the grav is still a healthy trade off

read this again to yourself

auto lock
is getting

nothing about this is okay, you shouldn’t be rewarded for an auto lock, especially not at the damage it used to deal, that’s too high and if you add this much damage to someone who already has other mechanics in their favor, they’re way too bloated and they’d need to be nerfed, we don’t need that for symmetra or anyone

no, they are not
and it’s foolish to believe this

they were too strong against incompetent enemies and too weak against competent enemies

and they most certainly weren’t fun, i’ll agree they were unique and “cool” for her theme, but for this game, it was babysitting them and turning the fight into a 5v5, and that’s not entertaining, if you want to play a wild goose chase go play Witch It, but this game shouldn’t have something like this in that form

they might be able to impliment it in a way that’s engaging, but as it was, no, they were not okay in their state for 2.0

a rein barrier can’t cut a map in half while he’s busy doing something else

it’s mostly fine… i suppose it could see some improvements but i’d much prefer her to get tweaks somewhere other than her ult, first

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which question?

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why are u still here trying to teach “biased sym mains”?