Symmetra? Who’s that?

Mccree is actually getting a 50 health increase on PTR while Symmetra got nerfed after 2 weeks of being relevant in the barrier meta.

I know her beam needed tweaking but the nerfs to her ultimate and turrets was overkill for a hero who’s never been remotely as decent as Mccree at his worst.


I still dont understand the reasoning for that…


Yeah it’s pretty hilarious, but y’know, once you just realize that the Dev team literally don’t think Sym exists, it gets easier to accept.

My noodle beam queen, I miss your soft gleam, oh noodle laaaaady…


I hope they delete that trash hero


I think the devs are one step ahead of you


Allow me to explain.

Telemcree is going to absolutely nope on people.

Sym/mcree has always been great synergy. She lines 'em up he knocks 'em down. Same reason brig is basically the best healer for sym and zarya is a decent tank. Anything that offers control but can’t z-axis it’s own self scales incredibly well with sym. She is just fine, because she makes others next level. There are plenty of sym comps if you’re willing to solve the synergy.

I’m not even mad, I’m just baffled, this is legitimately such a dumb change, It should have been to Sym, this makes no god damn sense lol


It’s a dumb change, but hey, Blizzard is always listening to our feedback…


Oh they don’t recognize her, remember when it took them almost year after her 2nd rework to correctly tell us what her real damage numbers are.


or to even put many of her changes on the patch notes
or when it took them more than one year to notice beam was getting greatly reduced damage


I’d be happy with the removal of sym. Never liked the character. I’ve always disliked her. She’s not fun to play against and I feel she’s complete cheese.


Thats your opinion and youre free to share, also its soo nice to read the cries of someone who died to a turret.


Calm down…


still find it funny that she now has a lower win and pick rate than 2.0


She’s a sanitation worker. I heard she used to be a nurse that specialized in another form of healing, but unfortunate events happen that led her career to change. However things went downhill from there to the point she had to escape that reality. She now carries trash or becomes trash.

Not going to lie, but I think her auto lock gave a lot of players PTSD hence why many players hate her existence on a spiritual level. What adds more salt to the wound she was the only support that healed different.

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Can we please look into balancing the heroes in the game that are overpowered before we look into balancing heroes that are underpowered. I mean we should be congratulating the Devs, this PTR update is amazing and has hit all the spots that needed to be changed. I’m intrested in seeing how the McCree changes affect the game and if it makes McCree feel more like the old McCree.


No wonder the devs don’t take your feedback seriously

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Symmetra plays have been literally begging for this change since 2.0 and she became a ‘damage’ hero with support HP and a close-range weapon.

But no give it McCree who can kill you from miles away.


+1 for someone looking at the bigger picture.

Symmetra isn’t a close range sustain brawl character. There are more than enough heores to fill that role, and more than enough hp/dmg power creep. In fact, most of the power creep has gone into brawl dmg / hp sustain. It’s awful rn.

Sym is completely fine with her kit playing out the way it does (although a 10sec tp would feel a little swifter).

They need to move Overwatch away from prescribed choke poke + all-in ult-dump on point. They need to make other playstyle variants viable - not just the clumped deathball. When you look around 90% of the map is hardly used and Sym shines playing spread out and enabling e.g. flankers and duelists like McCree.

Most of the things in the PTR patch are indirect buffs/gains for Sym and Sombra.

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Imagine complaining about the easiest hero to deal with in the entire game.