Symmetra should be the answer to GOATS but isn't

Unless you created Sym then she’s not “your” hero. And they didn’t delete her, she got a rework. Which she needed. Old Sym was slow and incredibly niche. No matter how much you would’ve buffed her she would’ve remained good in one situation and one situation only.

I’ve been playing her since 1.0 and she feels the best in her current form.

Yeah she went from slow and incredibly niche to “There’s never a reason to pick Symmetra.” There’s literally no reason to ever pick her in any composition, under any situation, on any map, against no enemy.

She doesn’t counter anything but is countered by everything. And if you think she is a tank/shield buster you are delusional.

Symmetra’s kit is currently a huge mess - her ultimate is useless and incredibly situational. Her teleporter is clunky and has very limited usage. Her turrets are less in number and still one-shot. On a huge cooldown. No survivability, no mobility. Her orbs don’t pierce and are still easily dodged. Her primary is abysmal.

2.0 was arguably her best and most useful rework which they need to improve upon. Now she is a DPS suffering an identity crisis in a game where every other DPS is a better choice than her. Playing Symmetra at the moment is handicapping your own team.


Look I’m all for symmetra changes and all, but having 1 hero counter an entire composition, whatever it is, if nothing healthy

Of course. Much like brig we dont wanna delete the comp entirely. I just find it funny that the character who was reworked to fight tanks actually gets destroyed by tanks.

If they ever made Symmetra good at anti-tank. She would be the perfect second-DPS for a Bastion bunker.

A teleporting Bunker.

With the possibly of spawning a 5000hp barrier, that covers the entire map.

How about making her beam into something that Tanks truly fear:
💎 [Symm] Primary Fire Shield Piercing

Without buffing the damage or charge speed.

Sym literally counters goats with tele…

Why do people just look at her kill potential but not her team aiding abilities?

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Because even in GM you get people that won’t use the tele, don’t pay attention, refuse to bind their interact key, etc etc etc…

geoff did say that it’s her high skill ceiling and not her power level, so basically… git gud

Because getting kills wins teamfights. Winning teamfights wins games. Sure symmetra can teleport a team around but what good is that if she is tickling the tanks when she gets into a brawl.

Even the pros that can’t make her work clearly need to git gud.
Maybe we put her skill ceiling a bit too high :thinking:

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In pretty much all the games I’ve been in that require a counter to goats and someone picks sym the strat is called out to tele to a specific area either behind or above the opposing team and its almost always executed with positive results.

So It is designed to work in that fashion. If people decide they arent going to follow a strat set in motion at the start of fights then how is that the hero’s issue? You cant make hero balance changes because people don’t listen lol

If you’re picking sym to just get kills you’re starting off with the wrong mind set. Shes a pick to ASSIST the team, not to be a front line dps that solos everyone.

Level 2 beam should deal 2x damage against barriers

Level 3 should ignore armor damage reduction and deal 2x damage against barriers


more like pros can make other things work without as much effort, basically, if everything else was harder to play they would most likely pick sym, which is not to say everyone could make everything work as easily as they do

ptr patch next week . and the devs said that they hoped symm’s primary would counter D-va . so hopefully she gets some love .

I’ve seen GOATS consistently countered by range in pro play, such as Pharah and Hanzo/Widowmaker on DPS. Kephrii and his team just did this multiple times in Contenders.

I dunno how well this would work in latter play though, or how much coordination is required. But I would think if the DPS are simply skilled enough, they can carry.

They sped up its charge rate, though…

You are basically asking for the old orbs before to be faster, stronger, and do the same thing it did before but with a similar (or even shorter) charge time.

They shall all bow down…

I’m all about having balls in my face but I am not down for those
