Symmetra ruins lijiang

you literally cannot reach 4560 (like i did which was rank 13 at the time)
without knowing the ins and outs of every map and every character because you have to outplay any character in any situation consistently.

and if you haven’t realized this is my alt account which i mainly played hanzo on, my other account dumpster played genji mccree hanzo soldier zarya as my top 5 heroes to 4490 before role queue.

your post is why people who know what they’re talking about DON’T post here, because not only are you wrong you are insulting players who gave up a lot to be a better player whether or not they are pursuing a career of going pro or not, you are being as insulting as possible.

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Didn’t they just buff Pharah’s splash damage?

Then the problem here isn’t Symm, but the tanks.

That is, the tanks enable this sort of play. I mean, for how many seasons has high level ladder play been about who has the better widow? The only thing required here being a pocket healer (maybe). That seems like a bigger problem but that doesn’t seem to trigger anyone.

Anyway and funny enough tanks in various ways have consistently caused problems since Season 1. But let’s blame the punching bag hero.

it was only like season 13? or 12 that’s it lol.
it never was again like that

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I’m pretty sure that even now parts of Illios, Anubis, Dorado, Gibralter, and LC very much a Widow playground. It sure seems that way when watching top 500 streams.

But say one map in the entire game potentially makes Sym a must-play. What is the problem?

the problem is back in the day this map was a genji and mccree playground which are more fun, higher skill ceiling heroes who you want to see in a 4600 game

That’s the common belief, but as a decent Symmetra player I must say that’s a myth. When playing Symmetra against Winston, spaced out turrets and a teleporter near the fight counters Winston. Once his jump pack is gone, you’re free to farm his shield.

Wouldn’t be an issue if role lock wasn’t a thing.