Symmetra Rework Opinions from a Symmetra Main

Yup, and you highlight exactly what is wrong with this rework. A zarya jr will not be played outside of niche uses.

There will be an even greater call for symm to switch because any symm player should be able to play zarya… a far superior character.

Only time Symm will be viable will be when a team has trouble with a choke defense and want an alternate path to take. Even that will be easily counterable.

All of that will not be viable in high level play except maybe a cheeky one-off play like that attack mei strat on hollywood.


Exactly, she’s just not worth her price. Damage wise is not a question of comparison. All other dps have an escape mechanism, and if you want to consider the TP one, then fix the deployment time and make it without having to click F.

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How many other heroes have no form of self sustain or defense other than relying on their team? Even McCree has his roll and flashbang to defuse situations.

Zen is the only hero I can think of who’s close to Sym’s level of helplessness, but he plays from the backline, and usually has people invested in his protection since he’s a healer. Also, he has immediate access to his full DPS at any time, and doles it out in high damage shots. If he gets dived by tracer, a skilled zen can pull off discord + headshot almost instantly and keep on chugging. Sym needs to hold her beam on her constantly for 2.25 seconds, which basically needs she both needs a high level of skill, and for Tracer to be either hacked or an idiot.

Having a hero who absolutely requires another hero defending her to be viable is not good character design. We already have one hero like that, and he and his bird are chilling in F tier. It’s just too easily countered, and really not fun to play.


Hey pal you forgot your /s

Having no aim heroes makes it far easier for players new to FPS games to just jump into overwatch and still be able to play decently. Without Sym’s auto aim, or Mercy being as useful as she used to be, newer players have way fewer easy options to start with.

Seems like you are suffering from selective memory.
I simply pointed out that there is a plentiful choice of heroes a new player can pick, it’s almost half the roster of heroes.
They didn’t change Sym’s gun just because. I think you are blind to see that now she can switch between targets rather than being latched onto one target while another just destroys her. The only problem you have with this is that you have to put a little more effort to move your mouse to win. Oh boo hoo. The other 27 hero mains say hello.

Stop being butthurt about aiming in an FPS game, I kindly advise you to spend a couple minutes in practice range and work on your aim.

I bet that once new Sym reaches quick play and you start dominating because of how good she is, and threads start popping up to nerf her you will be the first to defend her.

I have just realized, the AOE effect of the explosion from her right click fire is small as f***. This is totally under what it should be, mainly I am saying this because it doesnt match what the visual effects show.
Recap of current problems:

  1. the turrets do the same damage as the old turrets
  2. the aoe of the right click explosion is not what it should be
  3. she has 0 survivability
  4. FIXED: the teleporter BREAKS everywhere, corners, inclinations… and its deployment time cant save us from a dva bomb or a barrage.

what product are we getting delivered?? where’s blizzard? What’s up with this character design and even worse, its implementation?

She was and is fine, her lock on could easily be outranged…

I´m really disappointed she´ll disappear. That sux to no end… :frowning:

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My thoughts on Symmetra rework - TL;DR at bottom

Primary Fire:
I prefer the lock on, since this feature made her unique. People keep saying they have to use their brain now to aim, but I had to do that before to keep it tethered. I do like the idea that ammo is refunded when hitting shields, and that it charges it too.

Secondary Fire:
Kinda not liking it since I used it against shields, and also in an effort to hit backline healers and supports. It had purpose. Now, I don’t think I’ll use it unless my foes are out of range.

Them being shot out is pretty useful and fun, but I don’t think it was needed for it to travel through the air so slowly. Why not have it appear where you’re looking? I find them to be even more weak because you can’t make a nest out of them, since you can only use 3. Yes, they did increase its damage and slow, but they can still be one shot. They are useful for scouting. See one shoot or get destroyed, you reveal the enemy location. I found their damage to be nearly negligible. What if Turret damage increases as your Primary shot damage increases? Or have the Turret charge up like your gun when its firing. This will make killing the turrets important, instead of taking them out cause they are annoying and will kill you, eventually.

Pretty awesome change. Really strong, and this can be used in creative ways! New ways for team movement on a map, specially during battle. Keep this. Though having to confirm to use the Teleporter is clunky, but necessary.

Photon Barrier (Ultimate):
I found it visually impressive, but boring. This can stop pretty much every ultimate thrown at it, even all at the same time, but I will still find that the Ult will be shut down very quickly, or be useless. Being able to walk through it by the enemy shuts its usefulness by a lot. How about make the shield bounce shots back?(The wall will still take damage). Why not make it slow people down if they walk or touch the wall? Take damage while in contact with it too? “Don’t whiz on the electric fence!”

My Idea for Ult:
Bring personal shields back, with Shield generator or have Symmetra give personal shields that are slightly weaker than Lucio’s or Brigitte’s but works like a normal shield. It regens if you don’t take damage for a while. I think this would be a good balance since Sym, won’t be doing the bulk of the damage to build her Ult. Add the reflection shield as a personal shield? Put a shield on the whole team that reflects shots back. Of course the shield takes damage when reflecting.

Been seeing that the ult is negated with Sombra’s ult, which I think is a good counter.

Primary Fire: go back to tether / lock-on, previous damage, with new features. good for close combat, and taking down shields.
Secondary Fire: go back to piercing, shoot and charge faster but decrease damage. good for range.
Turrets: Nice improvement, make them have more health with a personal shield, damage charges up like your gun, and slow to the point when people feel like they are being slowed.
Teleporter: feels great, so much fun and creative ways to use it now. You may need to increase its drop range.
Photon Barrier (Ultimate): boring. Make it dangerous. Slows and damages while touching or passing through wall, and deflect shots (shield takes damage when doing this). Fly Paper.
NEW Ultimate: Mirror Barrier - Give the whole team a personal shield that reflects shots right back at the attacker. (Not real, just an idea)


I liked symmetra’s lock because I wouldn’t have to try that hard to win

I’m in love with the new Symm. So many outright new mechanics and toys to play with, not just unique iterations on things we can already do. I love the idea of someone who can support their team with utility without strictly being a healer.

The implications on the teleporter alone are huge. Teleporter makes it MUCH safer to play a forward, aggressive defense now that we can instantly retreat. That’s INCREDIBLY valuable right now in a meta that is slow moving and predictable. Imagine moving a Doomfist in position instantly, instead of having to use several abilities to move around? Imagine Bastion flitting between two vantage pointswhile still in turret mode? Or hell, even one safe position and one exposed one?

The new turrets are bomb. No longer do you have to cluster them to get enough of the slow or damage effect. They’re like tiny scouts. Put one in an alternate entrance to tip you off on which direction the enemy is going. Put one in cover that you will use and when someone commits to attacking you, they’re slowed for you primary. Hell, I’ve thrown them on the pillars outside of point b Anubis’ choke and killed Pharah and Mercy with them.

The primary is interesting. Never before have we had a tool that can punish the use of barriers. The pressure is huge. It’s a little sad that Orisa is getting a counter but without the ability to turn off her barriers quickly and easily, a defended choke can easily turn into free charge and a wipe.

The alt fire combos well with her primary, just like Zarya. Initiate with the burst then just beam them down. Easy.

And the ult is just crazy. Free fortifications on top of your team’s existing barrier options is crazy. Bastion or Turrets can just go wherever the hell they please with this thing in play. You can neutralize hard-fought high ground just by plopping this thing in front of it. You can do the opposite and fortify high ground for a McCree ult or Bastion play

Overall, I’m really excited to see what people wind up thinking of using these tools. Really liking the utilitarian route you went with.

Unfortunately, statistics wise she’s been nerfed after this rework, not buffed or gotten out of her grave. look: forums : symmetra-rework/122234/463

THIS. So much this.

Because overwatch is (or at least was) better than those boring, generic FPS’s. If you can’t understand that casual players deserve a place, then maybe you should go play those games instead of wasting other people’s time.

And very weak damage.

Got nerfed into the ground and is far less effective than she used to be.

I’ll give you that one.

Enjoy getting targetted by pretty much the entire enemy team, lol.

Same as above ^

I woudn’t call Pharah a “beginner” hero. Intermediate is more accurate.

Until he got nerfed to death like Mercy did.

A healer that can’t heal himself…sure ok.

Same as torb but worse.

Nah, I forgot /rant. But thanks for the reminder

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I think this is only true if they up the duration a bit. Right now with it having such a limited uptime and having less health, it’s something you have to use immediately and lends itself more towards bastion/dva bomb gimmicks. I’d like to be able to use it as a retreat, as you say, except just like Sombra’s old translocator, the moment you need it it’s dead. IMO the duration should be 15-20 seconds, and they can make the cool down longer.

I don´t like new Sym, her firemode now feels like a smaller Zarya…

She had something unique, now Blizzard show´s us how lazy they are by copying another Characters firemode.

Her new turrets could be fun, but in reality people see them flying and shoot them right on impact, thats just bs

Can´t say I like her ultimate, a big barrier people could just walk through sounds boring af to me, I dont see a lot of scenarios were you could actually use it and feel like you really acomplished something.

Her ultimate is literally Reinhards rightclick (same with Orissa)…and saving up for that sounds stupid. Granted it´s bigger…but I don´t really see an advantage there. It´s staionary, takes a long time to get ready, is suseless once people walked through…

And what someone else said, to secure a McCree for his Ultimate…yeah right, sure I want to save up my ultimate for someone elses glory…
It wouldn´t feel at all as if I accomplished something…I would only use my Ultimate for a McCree that doesn´t need it anylonger after 2 seconds passed.

Bottom line:
I played the new Sym and think she´s garbage…she´s as much fun as having Trump on your birthday party… -.-


There´s no plus side…she was fine andso was lock on and damage boost.
She was easily countered by sniper, JR, Roadhog etc…

If you look for something to do, fix Hanzo and Brigitte…those two are completely out of control.

You talk how “…there was no way to realistically increase its damage potential while still allowing that kind of lock-on targeting” and give us “Spam-Hanzo” and “No-Aim-Brigitte” at the same time…hope you understand that I can´t take you serious here!!!

Man this game is sh*t right now…and I used to love it so much.
But we are fed unbalanced characters one after the other while fun characters are changed into a boring copy of Sarya


Obviously you can’t handle a hero’s weaknesses and you can’t play around them.
Enjoy getting targeted by the enemy team?
What game are you even playing? Because the goal of OW is to win your objective by killing the enemy team.
No point in discussing this with you.

Blizzard moved teleport to ability and got rid of Photon Barrier. This is exactly what I wanted; once we see crazy Bastion/Ana/Soldier/McCree/Torbjorn on High-Ground plays everyone can hopefully stop complaining about her ideal team function.

I think it wouldve been funner if sym’s beam was split into two…that would be a fun buff. She can lock on to 2 nearby heroes while microwaving them

If the damage split between heroes unlike Winston’s tesla gun that does a base damage, I think that would be amazing actually.

So, lots if fun for everbody! Good to hear, buddy!