Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

I have had her golden gun since 1.0 and she was specifically nerfed on console too. So all these newbs getting on her now don’t really know what it is like to be a real Symm main from release! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think her teleporter should be placed on walls, like an actual portal. In the better world comic on page 6, you can see that she placed down traps near a door. I mean, it’ll be difficult to see the teleporter indicator on high ground, it would be much easier to see the indicator on the wall. Plus, why can’t I just placed the portal entrance by myself instead of it spawning in front of me?

Here is an idea for her teleporter.

Rather than have the entrance portal automatically appear in front of you after you cast the exit portal, make the teleporter a double-activation ability. Cast it the first time and you create the entrance portal wherever you wish. Cast it a second time and create the exit portal.

I like the use of the teleporter the way it is, helping newly respawned teammates rejoin the fight quickly. Even though it sounds like the new teleporter will only be active for a short time after activation, with this setup you can still use the teleporter in the original way or in the new ways Blizzard is obviously leaning towards.

For those who are still confused by what I am saying, picture it being like the teleporter grenade used by Sombra. But one that can transport other people too.


Why thank you! The only reason we might have a different opinion must be because I haven’t been reading any of the posts I have been commenting on.

Thanks to adding to the genial tone of the board!

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Yes, but it requires a good understanding of her kit, mechanical ability to track and team coordination to get Zarya’s linear beam to 195dps. For symmetra 3.0 it’s basically just tracking.
I’m actually not too concerned about that, because at least it requires some aim mechanics to get to that level. That high dmg is exactly why it must be a linear beam. Even soft-locking would make that op.

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Remember, you can still get dove on by a bunch of high mobility characters, even if you are on high ground. And supports only have ~200hp.

I mean, there are already 2 hybrid supports right now. The Support class is pretty varied imo. Zen is support-dps hybrid. Brigitte is support-tank hybrid. Ana’s kit is regarded as one of the most fascinating in the game (just difficult to use and not in a good place). Lucio breakdances off walls.
I mean, the DPS category only has really Sombra as a kind of hybrid (much less now). Maybe hog is a tank-dps hybrid.
Do I think we need more supports? Yeah, I do. Particularly I think we need a mobility support. Right now all the supports (except lucio) are super slow and unable to really participate in mobility comps. Hence the enemy team just takes out the non-mobile members. And ideally I’d like there to be another option other than zen to go with lucio to support the team. Cut down on the instant 400dmg to a squishie and have some kit that enables the team to engage for a longer period of time in a fight against the reapers and brigittes.

Couldn’t you instead give Symmetra an ultimate that generates a shield around her in the shape of a dome, following her and absorbing 3000 damage? And once it’s destroyed or its effect expires, all allies within the dome are granted a 75 bonus shield to their health, lasting until that hero’s death or until Symmetra is switched off?

That way, she still has a Shield Generator of sorts, but in the after effects of her ultimate? You could even retain her lines for "Defense Matrix established, “You are protected,” etc. to minimize the requirements for new voice lines…


Would it be overkill for Sym to keep two ultimates and make shield gen her second? I just don’t like the idea of Sym loosing the ability to give shields, she is the only character in the game with this mechanic and if she looses it who knows how long it will be before another character gets this ability.

Sorry, but now I’m laughing when I remember Jeff saying the devs wanted Mercy to be recognized by her healing and her mobility. Still, you don’t list her amongst “mobile healers”.

It was probably removed because of Brigitte/Torb armor stacking. I doubt they are going to want to bring it back, even with a new character.

I wonder if Photon Shields could return just to keep that aspect of her, even if it was the 25 shields version.

oh course she’d still charge up, she does so with her current live weapon. just meant healing > ammo recharge

We have been blessed

she was never a no-skill, she just had a different style of skill.

I feel that new symmetra would help rein because first, her teleporter now makes rein more mobile and allows him to access high ground. Next, symmetra still is a low health short range character who rein can kill easily with firestrike, hammer, charge, and rein can drop is shield, stopping sym’s recharge. Even Orisa, can melt sym while she’s attacking her shield. That being said, new sym counters winston as he cannot drop his shield and can be melted by her primary as he only does 60 dps.

Please don’t make another Zarya. If i want to play a character with a straight beam, i would go and play Zarya. The lock on is what makes Symmetra unique. So please consider it again and don’t remove the lock on.


Have you considered having both the beam and the alt fire benefit from the bonus damage and have the bonus damage ramp up over time similar to Zarya’s bonus damage rather than have the three tier system?

I was thinking… Maybe devs should keep her old lock on weapon as a 2nd weapon. Something like Mercy’s pistol. But the old weapon’s dps would be the same as today. So newbies and current Symmetra players would be happy?

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Is Symmetra’s Health going to be 250 or still 200?