Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

Yeah truee but that’s cuz they are snipers and they r never close, nor have to be close, but sym, have to be close to attack, unless they give her the shield barrier again, cuz if she goes in, she don’t have that extra ability to defend herself not to escape. All snipers have an escape ability. so she needs an escape ability or the shield barrier or give her more shields/health

I’m aware that this may not be taken in consideration but I think a good and simple option for symmetra’s rework would be for her turrets to have a sort of healing/shield aura ( if she places all her turrets it’d get to the max effect).
That way her ultimate shield generator could be replaced for a more offensive substitute, so symmetra could be played in different situations.

Also, I hope you guys plan on keeping her teleporter (she would not be symmetra without it)

So, I’ll show you the context of the potential new Symetra. The poor Briguita (except for the apple throw) has a range of about 5 meters. The symetra, besides having a weapon that melts her shield, generates charge and can easily put three sentries on Briguite’s back, which would leave her with the deadly choice of trying to destroy the sentries that are slowing her down and draining her life or to advance against a super efficient Symetra in breaking down barriers and with a ray a little less strong than that of Zarya.

…maybe we’ll just have to see how this work in game in a month or so.

R u guys thinking of giving her more health/shields just to sustain herself while attacking? just because she wont have shield gen no more for her sustain and she no longer will have her shield barrier that she throws for upcoming attacks that way she can escape or protect herself. just because all the defends heroes have quick self healing and snipers have quick escape ability. what will she have to escape or protect herself quickly?

will she have more health?.. Now that she won’t have her shield barrier nor shield gen to sustain?

May be using her TP?

I know that the Symetra rework has not been finalized, but the weapon’s operation seems to me to be very powerful against tanks. If the changes are the way I understood it, it will be even more complicated to find players willing to play as a main tank.
It is already frustrating enough to have to negotiate in most of the matches to not have 5 dps in the composition, because no one who has the frustrating experience of playing as
main tank and getting grenades and junkrat mines, hanzo arrows and shots from widowmakers on the other side of the map, now we’re still going to have a super-effective defensive hero against barriers.
I believed that tanks should be tough characters, but this game is only privileging the damage characters.
Heroes tanks are dying and need attention from Blizzard as well as Anna who still can not cure allies behind an enemy barrier, as if walls and unfavorable angles were not enough obstacles.

Today, in the game, the moment a Reinhart lowers the shield or give an attack all the opposing team focuses fire on him and gives an instakill.
Symetra will break the barrier, Junkrat will play either his mines or the new Hanzo will take that quick shot that only the mains tanks know how well it is balanced … Even more when the Hanzo is a distance greater than the radius of attack by Reinhart or Winston.

I do not want to look extremist, but playing as a main tank is frustrating now and will be next season. Main tanks should be threatening or challenging to the dps, they should be a counter, but today they are a punching bag, a target to carry supreme skills of both dps and healers. The tanks need attention, they need some love from the developers.

lvl 3 weapon charge would basically be full powered zarya except without the health to back it up. also, with high ground being so important, putting a barrier directly in front of a ledge basically forces far ranged high ground attackers into close range

I was just correcting your statement that every defense hero have 250 HP or more. The pool is small enough that broad statements like those can’t be hyperbole. It’s like saying all tanks have 500 HP or more, when Zarya and Orisa clearly don’t, and they are one third of the tank lineup.

If you go with something like, “Assassin classes in League of Legends all have burst damage potential”, that is mostly true, and while we have some exceptions, the champion pool is large enough that you are allowed some broad strokes while arguing with this statement as your base.

On the topic of self sustain and having more health / survivability I understand that everyone wants her to be more durable somehow. I think an extra 50 shield HP would be great and OR a new passive as she lacks one.

My idea has always been this

Improved Shields:
Symmetra’s shield HP begins regenerating after only 1.5 s instead of 3 s of not taking damage.

This would give her more personal self sustain with her shield HP but wouldn’t really be broken in my opinion.

what if attacking barriers healed shield health instead of regenerating ammo?

So you are removing her auto aiming attack?

I like the sound of the new teleporter. However, I think it would be cooler if it worked like the portal gun from the portal games. Where you shoot the exit on one place at the floor or ceiling or wall and same thing for the entrance. Could be really fun and interesting

Well she can’t give too many shields because it would be broken and she can’t give too little because then it would be pointless. There’s no middle ground an 75 isn’t enough.

Trueeee! But remember that Zarya have shields, meaning she can heal by recharging Back her shields. That’s a survivability that she as.

This kinda feels weak to be honest. 25 meters is a small range, especially when you think about how you need a clear line of sight to place it. I would rather have it so I have to manually place both the entrance and exit than automatically like this.

Maybe a feature when we can manually place both of them with pressing E and then selecting which one to place (i.e. right click for entrance, left click for exit), and when you place one you automatically destroy the previous version.
They could have the same cooldown for more balanced gameplay.

With the increased time requirement to reach full charge, she’s likely to burn through a good portion of a clip doing so. I think allowing her to charge up off shields helps her counter Winston dive comps.

I like the idea of her regenerating shields and don’t think it would be so bad if she could do both.

Especially after they made the turrets function that way as well. I doubt it would be that broken to launch a telegraphed teleporter straight at a floor/wall. And if so, they can nerf its health, it sounds more active in nature now. 300 HP is a lot for an ability deployable.

Please dont remove the shield generator. It feels like all this time playing Symm was useless because shes a different character now. Her ults were unique and pretty powerful. Its eroding the character to the point where its something completely different. Is having a glorified shield for an ultimate really better than a shield gen? Please dont remove shield generator. The tp idea and the turrets are amazing and exactly what she needed. But why replace the ultimate, which is the core of Symm. No other character has a placeable ult like tp/shield gen that can last a game life if not destroyed.