Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

I mean this is great and all, but how about her survability?
A 10s CD for personal shield is pretty insane.

Unlike Zaraya she doesn’t have 400 hp

Reducing their mobility for a mere second can make a huge differences in a fast pace game like Overwatch.

Ikr? If it moves slowly then its more likely to be target and destroyed easy, might as well not give her this ability!


Probably not, since Geoff described them as a projectile. Need to know the speed though still.

It’s a lot easier to set up turrets as you advance to a point from the side or some other area to lock down. They don’t have to necessarily be behind the enemy. The other (and more important imo) benefit is that she can set them up faster.

Current time to set up = Run to set up location, set up turrets, get back to fray and hope you didn’t die while setting up.

New time = Set up turrets from afar, join fray rather than take your time running to go set them up.

It reduces her set up time by quite a bit.

Sure, this can happen. But this game is and always has been a mix of different genres. The complaint about it being too much of a moba because of sym strikes me as a bit silly rather than prudent. If you don’t want your FPS game to have moba aspects to it, overwatch isn’t the game for you considering there’s the ult economy, team compositions, healers, etc. There’s a lot of aspects to this game that simply are not present in other FPS games.

That’s also interesting to note.

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Excellent, lots of us predicted the throwable turrets and it will add some much needed flexibility and thought to her kit.

Can’t wait to see what else is in store.

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I wonder if they will change her basic gun primary/secondary fire. It seems to frustrate many players on how much DPS her hardlock gun does and it leaves Sym players with a short range gun yet zero mobility. And the secondary fire orbs are great for spamming chokes but inconsistent in actual fights.


No, there are other changes to her turrets as well. We’ve lowered the max number to 3 (both that she can hold and that can be deployed), but we’ve increased their damage and slow potential. They also have 30 health currently, though that number will probably change over time as we test. They still die quite easily but there is a significant difference between dying to any damage and just having very low health.


Im actually curious? Are you guys running out of ideas or something?

Cuz I have a super cool idea! :smiley:

But maybe you already changed it… with that picture you posted of the Sym card you got

Can you make them shoot out of her fingertips while she does her sassy little chuckle?


Why can’t Sym heal with her turrets? Have her attach the healing turrets at the back, up to 3 targets with a 15 seconds duration.

Oh joy, so you’re just making her even more hateful to play against?


Is it too early to hear about the teleporter changes Jeff hinted at?

This is definitely interesting. Wonder what the range on that would be.

As a Symmetra main with close to 100 hours on her I am very very disappointed to read this.

Sure the extra damage and slow will be nice but spreading them out to see where enemies are coming from wont be as effective which depending on the situation can be very helpful.

In fact one of the main things that first made me want to play Symmetra was the fact she could place 6 turrets which would allow me to use different strategies and placements.
Less is just disappointing even if they are more effective.


So what about her other skills and weapon? New “projectile turrets” sound like they could fit as her alternate attack rather than Shift skill.

Why only three? How are we supposed to stop the enemy team on eichenwald now?

Already answered here.


Oh no… Did I create the next Stylosa/Your Overwatch/Overwatch Central/BTC video?

JK, love all y’all.


Can you share more info on the Tele? About that card you posted?

Is it anything close to what I suggested?

If they seem to be dying too easily (especially at a reduced amount to three) are you opposed to giving her more? A single melee strike still destroys them in one attack. Two close range bullets from soldier, a single shot from McCree, etc.

Her counters such as Winston and Mei (for turret destruction) can still clear them out really quickly at only 30 health. Do they have a faster cooldown?