Symmetra opinions and buffs from a gm symmain

She has no survability i know she has a tp but it’s not enough and she has 200 hp it feels like she’s zenyatta. she should have 250 or 275 hp, DONT TELL ME ITS BROKEN SHE USED TO HAVE IT (275 with shield gen) SHE WASN’T BROKEN + HAD AUTOLOCK.

Her tp is so bugged u cant put down a teleporter behind a railing

Her primary beam’s tickrate is bad its just like Zarya 1.0 The biggest improvement in Overwatch PTR right now: Zarya's laser hit registration - YouTube dont tell me i cant aim let me criticize her primary, i have around 50-55% in accuracy.

And its like she’s so orb dependent because her primary beam is so situational. If a shield isnt near u or a big target u cant charge up ur beam.

My own buffs: 250 hp, a 15 range meter beam, 1.4 seconds to charge up instead of 2, instead of of 60/120/180 dps make so she can do 85/125/180 DPS and of course without a bad tickrate + make so she can teleport behind railings/fences and fix so her teleporter can’t get destroyed.

EDIT: her 12m beam rn on ptr is fine but it’s not enough, she needs more buffs.

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I recommended the same things before and you’re a GM.

She does need to be 250 Health (100 + 150). It be great if she was 15 meters in primary, she used to counter Genji but Genji can easily kill her now. I used to love Symmetra because she countered Genji. I also suggested that her charge be 1.5 seconds as 2 seconds is way too long, but 1.4 seconds seems reasonable too. I agree with you dps numbers. It would help her kill things with her primary as the bad tick rate is terrible at the moment.

Her teleport needs to have a faster deployment time too. It takes to long to deploy it and it is impossible to escape grav. You will die 90-99% of the time. People don’t even use my teleporter. I am the only one using it. I sometimes put telelport by the spawn for those who died to get back faster. Only the Ana and Zen uses this when I do it.

Teleport can still randomly destroy itself sometimes.

Last of all, I suggested that her sentry refill rate be 8 seconds opposed to 10 seconds.

Her ult is fine and depends how you use it.

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I’ve seen multiple sensible posts on how Symmetra could be better tweaked to make her a more effective character overall, without putting her into the realm of being overpowered.

Most of them share the same common themes: More hp, longer range on primary, damage ramp removal on primary, level reduction on primary, turret cooldown tweaks, more turrets in pocket, teleporter placement refinement, tp cast time reduction, activation time reduction, primary/secondary fire interactions, etc.

They’re all very good ideas, and I wish I could see some/all of them put into action. Sadly, I think it’ll be a full season in OWL before they really tweak her kit. Hopefully they’ll take these ideas into consideration.

The biggest glaring problem with her kit currently, is lack of survivability. All other DPS characters have a reliable escape mechanic on cooldown that can be used instantly, why not Symmetra?

I would be interested in seeing a ramp up that is quick for lv 1 -> 2, but slower from 2 -> 3 (and likewise for ramp down).

But either way shell still be bad because it doesnt solve the fact that she is a squishy hero w a short range beam. They either need to make her more survivable or lengthen the beam

Atleast the range get a little buff on the ptr.

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I feel like the range should be at least 15 meter, and I think the Orb should charge a little faster then she would be perfect

Yep. 12 m is not nearly enough. Range should be 15-20 m.

I have seen this pattern before. All great concepts to make Symmetra better, but gets ignored until 2 years later. All the focus will be on other heroes especially Mercy as we see she still gets tweaked after 2017 ordeal.