Symmetra now counters goats LEGIT

Let it go. The only people that got hit by those were either not aware of their surroundings or hit point blank.

The only orbs you got hits through shields with were when you would spam a lot of them so the chipping damage was unavoidable.

Walk away from the 2.0 LMB.

Tbh, I prefer the newer Secondary fire. I just don’t like the no survivalbility, the terrible ult and how slow the Primary is.

Worst case it would only be good as a GOATS mirror, as long as you don’t play GOATS into it, the Sym pick only weakens their comp compared to traditional GOATS. On the other hand, it might make GOATS more skillful with TP coordination and strategic play from the Sym.

Well, not necessarily, considering Sym is a “bypass defence matrix” hero.

So she fits right in to the comp.

Wait, they fixed the tick rate? Was it in the patch notes?

It feels like Sym could be a really nasty addition to Goats, actually.

Aside from teleporting them around, her ult could be extremely useful too, basically providing 100% protection from ranged attack without using up DM or shield on the way in.


y would she take a tank slot? if anything shed take a dps or support slot

She already countered/worked well in GOATS regardless of the tickrate tbh. The only difficult part is managing the enemy tanks and keeping them from just facerolling your own tanks to get to Sym.

In the comp, it is best to run her as the third tank instead of as a support slot. Rein, Zarya, Sym, Brig, Zen, and Moira/Ana/Mercy. Lucio has never been a good pick with Sym and TP makes speedboost redundant, so don’t run him. Discord is waaaaay more valuable, especially vs three tanks. Discord will up her full damage from 330dps to around 429dps, aka, almost Bastion level dps.

Because Syms kit is very tank like in the sense that she creates and controls space. Her ult also makes her the most powerful shield tank for 15 seconds, and she can continue tanking even after she dies.

u either didnt play much or against many 2.0’s . cuz u cant have ur attention on sym 100% of the time especially at a higher level.

So is Brig and most would not put her in a tank slot

Except Brig is a healer first and offtank second.

Sym isn’t as bound to her DPS/Support hybrid role. She’s always been that way. She’s always been somewhat of a tank kit rolled into a DPS/Support.

It seems like they actually buffed the damage of the gun.

i dont completely disagree with ur point but im pretty sure most are not ok with sym taking a tank slot, mei probably could but not sym

It’s her synergy with Rein and Zarya that enables to her to take that slot. The enemy tanks can’t do much about the pressure from Syms beam if there’s an aggressive Rein and charged Zarya in their faces.

Those are hands down the two best tanks for Sym to hide behind. The reason 3 supports is better is simply because Sym players rarely get healed or given the heal priority of a tank as she should, so the more supports, the better.

GOATS don’t have much issue getting to point because of their general speed and sustain, and they don’t have much worth eating with matrix since they mostly brawl. From what I’ve seen, the comps running Sym are anti-GOATS running more DPS and using TP to skip the choke point brawl that GOATS counts on to keep them from taking point presence.

I don’t see Sym being particularly useful against non-mirror counter-GOATS comps because 1) her range is better suited to a brawl but other heroes do it better if barriers aren’t heavily involved and 2) GOATS isn’t lacking in mobility as it is so TP shouldn’t be adding much to that comp. GOATS doesn’t need high ground beside they win by sitting on point and either turtling or smashing anyone who tries to pry them off.

I’m very doubtful that Sym will make GOATS stronger overall outside of counter-GOATS mirrors.

I feel so powerful now with max beam melting tanks. I can see how they imagined her as a DVa counter now. Who knew all she needed was to fix the tick rate?

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