Symmetra just got a HUGE Rework on TP on PTR!

Maybe there are some spots with payloads where you don’t reach the 40m. Let’s try it out!

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They couldn’t have given us this even one patch before they killed OW?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck if I’m going to ever play Sym again when she has to compose 50% of our DPS

It should be halved if she destroys it. Like Torb turret

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This sounds like a good change, would still allow you to use the teleporter aggressively

This is a step in the right direction.

Now Symmetra has the mobility she needs. You just gotta plan ahead (as how she should be played)

Yeah huge nerf with meh buffs.

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Consider this:

On 2CP, you set up a teleporter somewhere between points A and B. Now literally everyone can use it all the time until it’s destroyed.

People will be getting back to point A so freakin fast. Especially Lucio and Hammond.

These are huge nerfs


ok, thats… incredibly fair.

yet her teleporter now lasts forever and got bigger range.

anywhere where the payload have less than 40 meters to clear, the enemy will have a way to shoot the teleporter.

These seem like overall nerfs to her self reliance to a character who is already overly team dependent and unpopular on team comps.

I foresee most teams just rolling with a lucio for the mobility and more reliable defensive ult


The nerfs are far bigger and far worse. It’s a stationary teleport that is destroy able and yet I have to have a CD between uses, it will have a giant CD after its destroyed as opposed to now? Garbage


says the reinhardt main
you guys were literally louder than mercy mains during goats/brig era.

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now imagine this teleporter in maps like Volskaya and Hanamura with places you can place the teleporter and the enemy team will never have the time or clear shot to go there and hit the teleporter? It’s a permanent shortcut.

I think Rialto 2nd point or Junkertown 2nd and 3rd point could work.
Sure, it’s counterable but nice to have.

this is a nerf in general.
people always complained that syms kit was too slow and not fast enough, and alas, they made it worse by making it even slower

the devs hate this character with a passion


Literally no such thing. Have you forgotten that sym had an infinite tp that she could hide further from team battles with a longer range and it was easily destroyed?

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her TP had to be hidden somewhere IN the point, and, well… the enemies were TRYING TO GET IN THERE, but there are several flanks in the maps the enemy team will never go there, for instace, take that flanki in Volskaya to reach point 1 over the lake, when was the last time the defending team could hit it withough full exposure? Or across the cliff in Hanamura to reach second point? I could go on and on, but seriously, do like Disney and USE YOUR IMAGINATION.

No it hadn’t. What moron would hide the tp in point