Symmetra is finally in a good place

What I’d like to see:

Obviously the faster deployment time. Teleporter is not a mobile component when it takes so long to setup.

Turrets need some improvement still:

Make it so if a turret hits a body that it falls to the ground instead of just being destroyed. Nothing quite like seeing your ‘needs ten seconds to regen’ turret with already low health being destroyed because someone turned a corner and dumb-lucked walked into it.

Make it so Hammond rolling over them isn’t destructive. People complained about Sym’s auto-lock beam but someone pressing W and unknowingly rolling over a turret and getting a lucky and effortless kill of it is okay?

Finally on the topic of turrets, I’d like to see the health increased by 10-15 more or see a reduction in cooldown by two seconds per turret for 8 each.

The health doesn’t bother me so much if the teleporter deployment is sped up and if, for the love of God, the dev team could work out teleportation so it isn’t so wonky on ledges. It’s infuriating to have an entire teleporter wasted because the most minimal of movements can cause your teleporter to end up on the ground instead of on the ledge.

Because then you also get yelled at by your teammates even more.

when forums say " yes she’s finaly in a good playable enjoyable place"
traduction: she’s OP to everyone else who don’t play symetra

Who said anything about immediately?

They need to make the interaction radius a little bigger and also reduce her turret cooldown to 8 seconds AND THEN she will be solid. However I still think her survivability is still and will always be an issue which can be solved by either increasing her beam range to 15 OR just giving her 250HP.

Photon Barrier …