Symmetra: I Just Find It Funny How

And it will still cap higher than it used to? She got some 40% buff from this bug fix, they’re still keeping her higher than she was, but making her less OP.

And who, exactly, are those? Sigma just got nerfed, so it can’t be him. Reaper has been trash forever and they finally got him in a decent place after they toned down his lifesteal and fixed shadow step. Hanzo gets shut down pretty easily with double barrier. Same with Widow. And McCree.

Doomfist is the only real answer to Double Barrier because who wants to spend ten minutes shooting two barriers that are literally impossible to break if they’re cycle correctly with each other?

Half the cast is pretty much useless now that we have two tanks that can shield AND damage at the same time.

Well its more consistent damage.

Nerf for larger targets(tanks) buff for everything else.

Yeah, but a lot of that is people not swapping off shield tanks when they are feeding her or not taking her down quick enough.

I actually agree with those that will say she is likely to stay viable after this, but people who don’t change anything when facing her are going to complain just as hard after the nerfs. And she will still be pretty bad when nobody is playing shield, if that happens.

Of course you can. You just need infinite time.

That’s not what I meant… but I think you know that lol

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There is a reason. She became very viable after the bug fix, along with a meta that favours her while she started pumping out 20-40% more damage than normal.

I love Sym but this didn’t come out of thin air.

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Again, his was justified since Overload could shred tanks, dare I say, on near the same level as Storm Arrow. It was basically a “I win” button for duels, and a mini-SA for everything else. It needed the nerf

Good luck without getting headshot.

So they can take less than week to nerf Sym but leave this double shield meta with slap on the wrist changes as if it isn’t the whole reason Sym is even relevant in the first place.

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I’m sorry, how long was the Symmetra nerf on PTR again?

I can imagine the late night phone call.

“Rusty? Is that you Rusty? Where the h*ll are you?? Didn’t you get my Blackberry notification?”
“Boss? W…what’s wrong?”
“Something terrible. TERRIBLE! Symmetra is being picked! Like, in comp! Rusty, you cinnamon toast potato head, get down here now and FIX HER BACK TO IRRELEVANCY!”
“Ok, boss, Yeah, on my way. By the way, is Doomfist still able to engage, kill at will, and escape without a scratch?”
“Well…yes, of course he is. Been that way for a long time now.”
“Good, good. All right. I needed my world stabilized after that Symm news. I’ll be right in, boss, and make sure”
“You’re doing god’s work, Rusty. God’s work.”

Listen I understand exactly how you feel on this, but she really needed this one.

This is coming from a sym player. It felt really gross how much damage she could pump out with a-little-more-than-minimal effort. Then factor in if you’re good at movement and tracking it just goes up from there.

Her and Zarya both needed this. Besides the nerf isn’t really that bad, she’s still decent I think.

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I’m just trying to be thankful she isn’t getting a 20-40% damage nerf :sweat_smile:

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I’m glad that devs balanced her cause literally anyone with 1/625th of a brain could track with her (can confirm, had like 50% accuracy with her). At least now it takes some skill to track.

The concern is the damage portion. Not the aim.

Same, I think that would be extremely unnecessary. Though her damage nerf may still hurt a bit, I’m unsure of how it’s going to affect her overall damage right now as I haven’t played her much lately.

Symmetra had a 40% Damage increase with the bug fix.

She needed a nerf, independently of the META. The devs said this but quoting is a pain on mobile.