Symmetra dragon skin voicelines

As a Symm main, thank you SO MUCH! :slight_smile:

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This would make me so happy.

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It would make Roadhogā€™s butcher skin the best skin in the game if it had that voiceline!

Thatā€™s amazing! I have been wondering why Symm didnt get her awesome voicelines after the Halloween event but I am glad she will now! :smiley:
Hopefully soon :wink:

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What about Ana? I love Junkensteinā€™s aesthetic and Anaā€™s alchemist reimagining. I was really hoping her pirate skin last year would have her lines, but nope. :frowning:

I want to nano people and hear ā€œYou are empowered! Attack!ā€

YES!! Iā€™ve been wanting this for so long! :smiley: