But they won’t make these changes to Symmetra. Unlike Torbjorn, Symmetra is quite easy to play because of her turrets having a stacking slow, and her weapon being both easier to aim and much simpler to use.
Honestly, it just feels like they prefer Torbjorn over Symmetra entirely. Take a look at the reworks they both received to make them damage dealers:
What did Torb get?
-Better damage
-Adjustments to turret functionality, buffs and nerfs
-Burst damage
-Extra health (Granted this came later)
-A survivability tool
-A brand new ultimate
What did Symmetra get?
-Better damage
-Adjustments to turrets, buffs and nerfs
-No reliable burst
-No additional health
-Extra range
-Had her survivability tools removed
-Got a new mobility tool
-Her old E as an ultimate
So then, what happened next? Because they fixed a bug the same time Sigma Orisa was the go-to comp, she finally became a strong pick in 4 years of being a hero. Zarya got the same fix though, so why wasn’t she touched? She can maintain her charge better than Symmetra, and both her damage and survivability is better than hers.
The biggest mistake with the rework was giving Symmetra rechargeable ammo on barriers. It’s just too good of a concept, even on a hero like Symmetra. It’s why she could charge off them before, but still consumed ammo. And Symmetra’s ease of use compared to other dps heroes makes her an issue if she’s ever good, because she becomes good on both ends of the spectrum. If Widowmaker’s meta, she’s not ever gonna be hit as hard as most players can’t get value out of her kit. But that’s not the case with Symmetra. She was meta for a week and got the Valkyrie treatment, but instead of it happening over a few months, it happened in back to back patches that came out so quick you’d be amazed to learn it was the same company’s balance team.
And after that fiasco, they’re not going to buff Symmetra. They’ve even said before they like the changes they made to her Teleporter, labeling it as a buff, even though this was not only a huge nerf but a massive step backwards. They wanted to remove the passive, time management playstlye Symmetra used to have with her old permanent constructs, so they give her a permanent construct as a cooldown that doesn’t start until its destroyed. To make it worse, they didn’t adjust the cooldown depending on whether it was destroyed by an enemy or destroyed by Symmetra. So if it’s up as a taxi, if you don’t hang back and defend it, you’re punished, but if you destroy it to flank with it you’re punished as well.
Symmetra needs to be reworked again, and put back on the support role. That’s the only experimental change I want to see for her. Otherwise, they’ll just be band-aid fixes that Blizzard think means a damn, and I shudder to think of what they’ll do next to her. Turret cooldowns don’t start until the respective turret is destroyed? More nerfs to her wall?
Give me a break…
(Edit: I used Torb as a comparison cuade they’re both turret users. I know it wasn’t anything to do with your original reply, but I just wanted to make a point)