Symmetra balance change suggestions

Note: this is assuming her PTR nerfs go live. (Primary fire damage from 65/130/195 to 60/120/180, beam width from 0.3m to 0.15m.)

Primary Fire
Now deals bonus damage to barriers. (Could be a flat multiplier or a percent of the barrier’s HP.)

Secondary Fire
Projectile speed from 25 m/s to 30 m/s.
This improves her effective range slightly, making the matchup between her and ranged characters a bit less one-sided.

Cooldown now begins when the teleporter is deployed, and will stop at 6 seconds. The remaining cooldown finishes when the teleporter is destroyed.
TP deploys 0.25-0.5s faster.
This makes the TP a bit more on-demand, in direct opposition to the recent CD changes making it more passive.

Sentry Turrets
No changes. A nice QoL change would be to allow us to manually destroy individual turrets using the interact key.

Photon Barrier
Now lasts for 12 seconds instead of 15 seconds.

So the main goal of these changes is to make Sym a bit stronger out of barrier metas, especially since I predict we’ll see barrier nerfs quite soon. The ult nerf is also to reduce some of her contribution to that very problem, and since basically everything else I’ve suggested is a buff.


uuuh isn’t ptr supposed to be like 60/120/180?

like if your numbers there are really what you want to go with, that’d make primary literally have no use outside of either securing kills on really low hp targets and barrier breaking. Like I don’t see a situation where I’d want to really bother charging primary up with all those restrictions it has just for a 120dps beam.

like it worked with old sym kinda because back then to miss you had to make an effort for that and even in the higher ranks people killed her before the beam could kill them.

like everything else is fine, but that beam I disagree with esp if the point is to make sym less niche.

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LOL TYPO my bad! Fixing.


Sym should only have 2 turrets. Cut the cancer and amount of fun sucked out of the game to the minimum

Someone made a thread about this.

I like this idea but I think 1%, 2% and 3% could be too low because it would be around the same damage she is dealing to barriers without the nerfs.
So what about 1.5%, 3% and 6%? Against rein barrier she would deal 90/180/300.

I don’t like this mechanic. You could reduce the cooldown to 6 seconds and it would be almost the same.
I think the best way is to make the cooldown start after deployment again. This change was the real problem when the tp came to PTR but everyone was upset because of the 15 seconds instead.

Not really, I discussed the idea of half cooldown in my thread a few days ago:

Readjusting the teleporter every 6 seconds is very rapid and allowing the ability to be ready while the teleporter is still active would be very broken. This would mean destroying the teleporter would be useless since another could be instantly placed.

I was talking about a 6 seconds cooldown that starts after destroyed.

It still allows the teleporter to be moved after 6 seconds, and since the dev’s originally had it at 15 seconds, 6 is not going to happen. This is why keeping 12 seconds but splitting it between placement and destruction means you have to commit to the placement for a while, but leaving it too long is not punished with a 12 second cooldown.

They only have 30 hp, if you have three on you you still only move 20% slower so it’s very easy to destroy them.

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honestly I don’t think that it’d be very overly frequent tbh. like if we compare with other ability cd’s, 6s is the same cd as moira fade, sombra invis which are reasonable windows to attack them esp when you factor in the 2s deployment time and the fact that sym’s tp has a lot more counterplay than moira fade.

and I don’t think team tp’s would be overly oppressive too because in order to utilise tp, they need to huddle close which makes them really vulnerable splash and splash cc i.e. junkrat, pharah, ball, etc. which we should all know that the effect of that is like if a mei wall split the team hard.

however, that said, I think the 6s cd pause idea is definitely fair to both sym and people playing against a sym.

Hi spunky potato :slight_smile:


cd starting from deployment definitely brings the most flexibility, but the issue is that can’t be fairly kept with infinite duration unless it’s something like the suggestion in op.

imo 6s downtime from destruction is borderline unfair for the enemy. like for sym it’s not going to be clunky, but for enemies it’s borderline “why do I bother killing tp” esp if killed quickly. with the op’s one, enemies would at least be reward if they kill to quick like old 3.0tp which makes it seem more fair.

don’t get me wrong. I also suggested a flat cd reduction to 6~8s cd as a compromise solution if keeping infinite tp so I’m not saying that that solution is bad, but I can see why devs don’t want to adopt it.