Symmetra and Sombra: Are they really any better?

In competitive, players still call out Symmetras for throwing and call her a trash hero.

The same goes for Sombra.

Symmetra players still get reported, blocked, avoided, etc.


They aren’t.

Symmetra’s rework is total failure.

Sombra will never be viable DPS as long as she remains Stealth


Old Symm vs Reworked Symm (overall comparison)

Holding M1 with perfect positioning where you could die at any moment, with timed slow M2 balls
Never using M1 and spamming high speed balls that basically can’t miss

Knowing every single map absolutely perfectly and every single good ult spot as well as how to use your ults to bait
Hitting Q twice and clicking at a point

Timing perfect shields to save teammates and protect yourself and/or mitigate maximum damage
Knowing admittedly quite a few cheeky tele spots, 2/3 of which are useless in this sniper meta because anyone that uses a tele on high ground will just die instantly

Perfect positioning to be able to setup turrets, accounting for facing direction, in the best possible way out of a limitless amount of possibilities, largely due to turret volume
Just throw them around a certain area

At higher ranks she took great amounts of skill. Now at higher ranks… she doesn’t really take any whatsoever. And maybe that’s the point, but the problem is she’s also weaker than before.

Now, try convince this rework is good :wink:


Seriously, everyone that talks about Symm in a favorable light never played her before. Btw, yes, she is lower skill now. Her primary fire is useless, so you don’t use it. Her secondary fire no longer passes through shields, so you just spam it without having to aim, because you have to count on the target either not moving or walking into it. Her tele which replaced barrier can not be used to save her from hooks, rockets, and any number of other thing it used to save her from, because it takes so long to deploy, and she has to stay near it in order to use it, that as an escape it is almost useless unless it is deployed before you enter a fight, which never works against people that engage you. Her ult is now a strong teamfight ult, which can win a fight, but picks like tracer could care less, and it replaces tele which could give snowball victories on attack, or shield gen which was a constant passive shield for everyone, and at worst a distraction for flankers. Her turrets where improved but now there are less and easier to use. So yeah, much simpler play, effectively lower dps, less survivability, and fewer turrets. She got nerfed.

Sorry for spam, that was my last respond

Sombra? At best absolutely nothing changed and imo at least, she’s actually worse off and is going to be far more difficult to get into a good place now.

Symmetra…hard for me to say fully but overall, I don’t think the cost was worth it. She’s still in a terribly awkward role, still considered a throw pick by most, and the rework is dislike by many, many, of her mains.


For Sym it’s the Basically the primary Fire and little more.

For Sombra, it’s just made too situational but that’s entirely new issue, I don’t have time to think about. (Basically it’s where Sym used to be.)

They are just stalling in my opinion

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if we had symms old primary fire back, i could live with how she is now


I don’t know!

I play Symmetra in QP a lot, and there, she does absolutely fine. I almost always get reasonable medals for a DPS, and my winrate seems ok. But comp is so different…

I don’t have much experience with Sombra, so I’m going to refrain from speaking as to her overall place after her rework.

Symmetra is in a weird spot currently. When I say this, I don’t mean it to be vague, so allow me to elaborate.

Symmetra went from being a defensive powerhouse (that was easily bested by a single character on the roster, Winston) to a better all around, less situational use character. This is good on paper, but in practice, it could use some serious tweaking to be a well rounded contribution to a team.

What she brings now is reliable damage via right clicks, and semi reliable damage from turrets before they’re located and killed. The problem is, as the skill floor rises in competitive, those twitch reflexes the competitive crowd in the higher tiers possesses completely negates the turrets. One shot, 10 second cooldown for Symmetra. If the turret is ignored in favor of shooting a nearby player instead, it can really rack up some considerable damage before being destroyed. Knowing when, and how to place them is key, and it’s a skill most of the old school Symmetra players know and understand.

The new Symmetra crowd, however, tends to place those turrets in very bad, in the open places in order to attempt to secure a singular kill. They often trade their own lives using the tactic, and end up putting their turrets on cooldown again as they do the walk of shame back to the battlefront from spawn.

Turret bombs using the new teleporter and turrets doesn’t work at higher levels of play, and again, ends up putting you at a massive disadvantage should the tactic fail.

In my opinion, the complete rework of Symmetra wasn’t necessary. The Overwatch team thought differently. They needed a way to introduce her into the ‘skilled’ tier of play, and her primary weapon was seen as something of a joke. Also they wanted to remove the addition of shields to a team. They are slowly but surely phasing out additional health pools via armor/shields to make the characters who possess those abilities shine a little brighter. (Brigitte through her heal, and ultimate)

Was the rework successful? Sure, if the intent is to take one step forward, and two steps back. If the intent was to fix a perception issue, it failed miserably. If the intent was to make the character possess a more engaging play style, then it is a huge success over 2.0.

The game is being configured, slowly but surely, to cater to the eSports arena. It will cease being a casual game once Blizzard is done with it. You can play it casually, but the real draw is the competitive scene. Now when someone attempts to cite their skill, they don’t say “I pull X gold medals, I have a X:X K:D ratio” they say, “I have XXXX SR rating, I’m top 500” or something similar. As long as the game can continue to bring profit into the pockets of Blizzard, it will cater towards the whims of the pocketbook holders.

Look at the recent addition of paywalled content. Now look, how quickly one paywalled item went to three. Before too long, most of the added cosmetics in the game will be paywalled.

Maybe I’m reading too far ahead. Maybe I’m painting a grim picture where I shouldn’t be. Maybe I’m completely off base on my predictions. I tend to live in a world of common sense, where practical application of logic ferrets out the most obvious answers.

Honestly, I hope I’m wrong, but recent trends (should they continue) clearly denote the intentions of the company.


Poor sombra and symmetra :frowning: poor symbra :broken_heart:


Honestly the changes are so unimpactful that I barely notice a difference, now I just have to play ring-around-the-shield and occasionally shoot a flanking sombra

I’m scuttling this ship before it can even leave port.


i personally think the syms current m1 doesnt fit any part of her kit at all.
like, you are super squishy yet the moment you use this thing you gotta go playing all like mei/reaper/dive tanks yet you dont have none of the things they do to survive
tele is limited to one place and is destroyable

Not at all… If you ask me, they are worse.

ive had mercies and brigitte players questioning why i pick sym at all sometimes so yeah,

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Hey this looks like something I wrote…oh wait, it is what I wrote. Should I be annoyed or honored that you reused my post?

It is not just the primary fire, it is the complete lack of defensive abilities as well. Tele doesn’t count because it takes 2 seconds to deploy so if it is not already deployed it doesn’t help. I am pretty sure the reason for giving sym a barrier going from the original sym to sym 2.0 was to give her more viability on attack and to give her personally some sort of defense as she was food for picks like pharah. With the removal of barrier she is back in that spot she was originally having no means to protect herself (outside her ult) and no means to protect the team on pushes. People don’t realize it, but her old barrier easily soaked a lot of damage on attacks when used correctly. Like, covering for rein’s shield to recharge.

I strongly disagree with this statement. Winston was not the biggest threat for a sym in the past. He would have to be at full life when engaging her and even then if he had to reload and she was near a health pack he could easily lose a 1v1. Brigitte was a better counter if she could get into melee range, moira was a strong counter pick because she could drain sym just as fast as sym could melt her and if the situation was dicey she could escape. Even pharah was better than winston because sym could only kill her if the pharah player got too close, although a decent sym learned to stay in cover. Now, practically everything can kill a sym 1v1.

She isn’t better all around, she is worse all around. No more barriers into rocket barrage to make a pahrah suicide, or barrier to prevent hooks or mccrees stun, or block reins ult or dvas ult. No more solo flanking, you have to use the tele to flank which generally gives it away, because you don’t dare sneak around without a tele set up as you have no chance of winning if anyone but a healer catches you, and most of the healers are pretty evenly matched with sym currently. She went from being able to do many things, to having to play backline damage spam, because anywhere else and she dies. You know who plays the same role she does but better? Pharah. In fact I had a match where some guy tried to sym, we crushed his team round 1, then he switched to pharah and we got crushed rounds 2 and 3. New sym plays like a ground bound pharah, with a gimmicky tele, and a less useful ult, because that is exactly what she is.

Symmetra is considered a throw pick because she was a throw pick for 2 years and people can’t get over it.

Sombra is better (in Contenders she is used quet a lot) but still not really good.

Both these heroes need teamwork to be the most effective so in solo que they will never be really effective.


i love using sombra to punish hammond or doomfist more often. And yes her speed decrease is felt,but since you can stay in it forever overall you’re faster? I can better time my attacks,and knowing my teleporter is not gonna vanish at the last moment unless destroyed makes her easier to play. I have no idea if she’s actually good in higher tiers,but in qp at least she feels better to play and use strats with

as for symmetra,i’m not sure yet…she can be fun,but she dies so fast
Sombra at least has very good disengage

Well Seagull got massively avoided for playing Symm yesterday, so if that isn’t a sign that she’s still a troll pick.

And Fitzy gets a few players every other game that gripe at him for playing Sombra too.

Its not much to go by I admit but well doesn’t seem like these changes are successful if well know players are being treated like this. :woman_shrugging:

But they both seem to be getting value out of the heroes so Idk really.

Yes, once I saw your respond I was shook how accurate it was and decided to reuse it in order to show people how bad symm is now.
Please, feel honoured :frowning_face:

Sorry, I should have tagged you