Symmetra 4.0 is being teased

Sure since it gave her +75 shields and allowed her to play more aggressive.

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that +75hp for sym was like what, 1~2 shots extra for TTK on her which is like an extra 0.5~1s or so. but what does that 0.5~1s or so matter when it takes sym way longer (and very likely much more resources) to gap close + her much longer ttk on others or her really long setup time to make a difference in the overall gameplay (no I’m not talking simply about 1v1s here nor am I simply just talking about damaging either)?

like when you look at her numbers in how it took her

  • 2~3s to kill + god knows how long to gap close into 7m of the enemy without dying along the way, how much does like 1~1.5s extra time to live matter to what sym needs to get close and stay close?
  • or like 1.4s PER turret to place + 2x god knows how long to gap close into where you want to place those turrets (2 times because you need to walk back), how much does like 1~1.5s extra time to live matter to what sym needs to do that for setting up zones?
  • it obvs didn’t change anything about gameplay for distanced orb spam

it’s very blatant that it didn’t matter much when it came to her conditions for uptime —> overall gameplay

To quote Stevo’s famous words:

“Shield Gen saved me!”

cool, out of how many games of which each were how long in duration? :expressionless:

I’m sure someone’s also managed to block a widow headshot with throwable turrets too, but it doesn’t mean it makes a huge difference in overall gameplay in how current sym gap closes when tp is down/elsewhere or let sym stay in say 12m of the enemy. analogous logic here for sg.

So you don’t have any ideas for my SG problem. That’s sad :frowning:
And how to I place down my TP to bring back my whole team from spawn like Mass Rez?
If Sym 2.0 and Sym 3.0 are the same heroes can you explain me how it works?

I said if you compare the gameplay of old sym vs sym3.0 played as if her tp didn’t exist in her kit, you’d get similar gameplay.

how? see the below explanation:

all in all resulting in the following overall gameplay for old sym and a tp-less sym3.0

If you need to ignore Symmetra’s key ability to “justify” your point you’re living in a fantasy world.

If we ignore Mercy’s beam she no healing ability :astonished: Let’s rework her into a DPS then because non healing support don’t work :clown_face:

Ok. No answer again. Looks like those heroes are not the same as you claimed.

Maybe you can help with this one.
Where is her barrier that I used every 10 seconds to block important ultimates, snipers, chip damage ect?

again the original claim was never “2.0 is exactly the same as 3.0” but rather:

don’t blame me nor strawman just because you didn’t read what was said clearly enough.
the claim and justification was simply showing that 3.0 didn’t replace 2.0 with a completely/100% different hero.

saying something isn’t 100% different != saying they’re 100% the same.

yet you still block about the same ults with current barrier as one did for old barriers. you still block bastions + snipers with current wall too. you can black stuff like mccree stun and hook and chip damage if you really wanted to, but the question is whether if it’s worth it.

and not old barrier still didn’t change the uptime conditions for the rest of her kit (primary, secondary, turrets), i.e. still needed a massive distraction or escort to get to where she wanted to be for weapon use or turrets, use cases of those aspects didn’t change, etc.

And I said:

There you have it. Her TP on E exists. Admit it. Stop pretenting otherwise.
It. Is. There.
And it won’t go even if you try so hard.

This whole “if we ignore this and this and this and this and this we can say that” is irrelevant. Or are you living in your own reality?

Besides the small difference that old barrier had a 10 second cooldown and new barrier has a ~60 seconds cooldown. How great. It’s totally the same gameplay. Wow.

Last question. If Symmetra plays sooooo similar as before why did so many Sym mains stopped playing her because of the rework? Did they just fail to realize how similar they play? And why didn’t you explain it to them?

Oh and:


when I’m showing how there simply isn’t a 100% difference between the 2 kits, how is that an unfair or unreasonable point? like do you not understand that there can be only say % difference that lies between 0% and 100%?

and I already addressed that:

  1. yes @ fail to realise there isn’t an insignificant overlap
  2. role queue i.e.
    • many sym mains had a majority of their mains being supports and dps queue times were and are really high
  3. losing the players with disabilities or simply poor aim
  4. blizz showing no sign of making significant buffs despite how blatantly undernumbered she was/is and then infinite tp nerf happened + subsequent nerfs
    • and an offshoot reason, esp when seeing other heroes getting treated much better

of which is blatantly false as explained above in previous posts.

They could try make it as close as possible. For a start her tp wouldn’t need changes most likely, teleporter could be used as a peeling baby sitter off support utility. Her orbs could keep the same projectile speed and heal, either that or give her another straight beam, but its yellow and heals, it could have a charge up mechanic which could be fun to test.

Turrets… Actually thats the one thing that might need to go because they’re so cancer and keep her down due to dominating lower ranks. Walls fine, unless they want to go back to 6 man tp ult or shield gen.

Because you ignore Symmetra’s key ability by that.

No. You talked about uptime and her kit. I talked about her barrier and how it changed.

Sure. 99% of the Sym mains are just dumb but Zephrin knows what’s up.

I have an idea.
Why don’t you start playing Zarya? If we ignore her ult she’s very similar to Sym 3.0. But in good.

You’re right.
When it feels like self torture to play Symmetra I actually have to realize how much fun I’m having right now.

Are you stupid?

IT CUTS THE MAP IN HALF. If you don’t know how to utilize that I dont know what to say. It blocks line of site on MOST enemy Ults AND Healing. Not to mention if you cut a point in half with your turrets being blocked by the wall, that is massive value or just have them scattered from one side to the other. I have won a 5v1 in overtime by popping wall and dancing between the two sides while me and my turrets melted the team.

so basically she’s going to be w+m1/2’ing her teammates all day with her low mobility despite how fast everybody else is. even if you make her somehow able to catch up to be viable, it’s already a massive gameplay change that’d make her not sym. like changing the goal of the character from “killing and zoning” to “save lives” is simply that massive of a gameplay change.

and you’d still need the tp changes I’ve said earlier in the thread to keep up with the pace increase of the game in OW2. i.e. teams moving around more often —> need to reposition or repurpose tp more often. and if dps are getting mobility crept, sym will need a better escape (i.e. also need to be able to somehow interact with tp sooner after placement while her team still has to wait for the full 2s deployment)

I agree with you that healing beam/orbs are an horrible idea (imagine Mercy without GA) but her gameplay got changed that much with her 3.0 rework as well.
Her whole identity was built around creating the perfect defensive, blocking damage, increasing HP ect.
Now she’s a kamikaze glass cannon. Nothing is left from her original goal.

except despite it being key, it doesn’t comprise of literally the majority of the hero’s gameplay. if we’re talking about say mercy’s GA or tracer’s blinks, or like mccree’s primary where they’re like used pretty much every moment of their active gameplay, you’d have a point. but we’re talking about an ability that’s more situational in comparison and had a moderate experienced down time prior to infinite tp nerf, and then now has a long down time post infinite tp nerf.

yeah the point about the “uptime” bit I quoted was that irrespective of the 10s cd of old barrier, it still didn’t change her overall gameplay as it didn’t change her uptime conditions no her use cases of the other elements of her kit that she used much more often i.e. still the similar gameplay I pointed out before.

I mean the amount of people claiming that 3.0 is “100% completely different” to old sym despite the various similar aspects of various parts of the kits seem to indicate that’s the case. like if they were 100% different, then there should be literally 0 similarities in any part of their kit, but obviously that simply isn’t the case. nor is there a trivial amount of similarities either.

except when you aggressively build that “perfect defense” further up in the enemy territory and then dynamically keep pushing it up or moving it where the enemy wants to head into or moving it to isolate the enemy’s zones/positioning, is it still defensive (rhetorical question)? no not really.

that’s what blizz tried to do with sym3.0 with putting tp on e (so she can move herself and her “zones” around more often and to places where most can’t access easily) but then did like a 180 turn around when infinite tp happened.

Once again, citation needed for such bold claims.

Think people need to go read what he said again…

Cause nothing is being teased…he said what he said before…nothing is off the table (he actually used even less words than that)…

But that table hasn’t been looked at yet…not even like a year after that AMA when he last mentioned it

I don’t think that’s what they said, I watched YourOverwatch’s view on the AMA and he said the Devs haven’t tried changing any roles yet for example “mei to tank or Sym to support” but it’s still on the table.

Who are you? I don’t want to be another mercy with stupid healing turrets.