Symmetra 2.5 idea

Yup. Reworking a character to the point it’s basically brand new is healthy for the game. Totally not reworking someones main to the point they have to either find someone else which makes symmetra’s pickrate low. Or they quit the game. Either way 3.0 was a failure, she still has one of the lowest pick rates in the game and become more team dependent than she already was. How exactly was 3.0 a success?

Sorry but the autolock is never coming (thanks god)

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Why do you people keep spamming this nonsense? The most playtime Sym has ever seen was in the double shield meta with (you guessed it) her 3.0 rework, and this is a FACT with actual evidence.

Sym 2.0 was garbage you like it or not, but please stop with the 2.0 spam, its never coming back.

Never asked for it to come back first of all so you can back up with all that. Second of all it doesn’t matter. A lot of people played sym 2.0 and then she got reworked to someone who was completely brand new. Another beam character, hooray! AND guess what sym’s pickrate is right now? U guessed it. One of the lowest. Stop don’t try me

I appreciate the fact that you recognized Im right. She is still the same character, the only thing that got changed was re playstyle.

Her Proton projector is still a beam dunno what you mean lol, the only difference is that you have to aim now (which sucks for people who have disabilities, but it was literally the thing that was holding her back so for the sake of her viability and the rest of Sym mains it had to be reworked into a gun with more potential)

I definitely did not agree with you. You said that sym 3.0 was even better in double shield meta but you’re still not providing the evidence to back it up. Saying theres evidence doesnt show you know it

Its literally zarya’s beam. Idk how you cannot see that, zarya’s beam is just better tho. More range, good power in the beginning, has the health to charge up her beam and actually helps the team
Sym 3.0 is a TP bot who is switched off immediately if it doesn’t work. She went from being a pretty good niche on KOTH and defense to bring niche on just attack (btw if you say her beam does more damage its true, however you are a 200 health character with no protection. Good luck charging it)

I mean it certainly isn’t the healthiest way to go about it, I can’t disagree with that, but in Symmetra 2.0’s case, her fundamentally flawed kit simply had to go and there’s nothing we could had done to change that.

We don’t have any amount of evidence that supports a specific number of how many Symmetra 2.0 mains stopped playing Symmetra altogether after the rework or quit entirely. Either way though, when talking about a hero with a tiny 0.8% pick rate like Symmetra 2.0, needless to say that it was more than worth it making a necessary sacrifice in order to achieve a much healthier state of both the hero an the game itself and that’s exactly what the developers rightfully did.

Which still was more than double that of Symmetra 2.0’s pick rate just last week, despite the fact that 3.0 has been a blatantly underpowered hero for the best part part of the hero’s life (in contrast to 2.0 on the other hand)…

Needless to repeat the obvious at this point that Symmetra 3.0’s design isn’t even close to a failure… What is a failure is all the numerical balance surrounding the hero, which in almost no point has allowed the much more superior design of 3.0 shine. A design which is much more superior due to the hero’s now reduced situational nature and elimination of her old, extremely frustrating and “low skill = high reward” play style and kit.


Instant nope.

Actually if you check overbuff right now for all ranks under competitive. Sym’s pickrate is actually 0.63% which is even worst than symmetra 2.0

Of course if you have evidence that my data is wrong even tho they update it every week you are free to show me. As my point still stands that symmetra 3.0 was a failure. More people stopped playing her even more, she lost her unique part of her and just became trash tier. The only characters below symmetra are sombra and bastion and well you know they aren’t that good either.

You are right. Data fluctuates and this week 3.0’s pick rate happens to be slightly below 2.0’s, in the same way that during 2.0’s life span in the game her pick rate had fallen much lower than 0.8% number during the last days before the rework that we use as a point of reference.

When Symmetra 3.0 was as close to balanced as she has ever been during the Double Shield META, her pick rate used to put even the highest of 2.0’s pick rates to shame… But hey… Keep on bringing up these unfair and flawed comparisons of yours, even though a lot of times even the blatantly underpowered Symmetra 3.0 beats 2.0’s win rate by a long shot, as it happened last week :rofl: :rofl:

In the context of a video game, I would choose an actually well - designed hero over just a ““unique”” one at any time of the day and I’m 1000% sure the grand majority of the player base would agree as well.

Yeah, she did become trash tier, because the balance surrounding her is trash tier, not the 3.0 design itself.

Dunno what’s so hard to comprehend really… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

agree this is more 3.0 than 2.0 but it’s not “nerfed sym3.0 with piercing orbs”. orbs are stronger, tp I’d say is buffed from where old 3.0 tp was and far better than current :put_litter_in_its_place: tp, turrets nerfed, passive buff and a pretty OP ult.

this sym OP is proposing is actually OP sym3.0 tbh (mainly because of passive + ult). and the very fact that turrets are nerfed while tp and orbs are buffed is actually making sym gameplay more reliant on her weapon and tp, stuff the player can control, rather than turrets (idk how you arrived at the contrary conclusion tbh).

primary will always be weak as it is (a “lost cause” as I call it) because it’s a short ranged weapon demanding high usage time in order to get value on a hero that can’t stay in that range. trying to put forth that inherently niche aspect of her gameplay as the main thing for her to do isn’t going to work unless you want her to be a zarya clone (because zarya’s sustain is what’s needed for that).

in having a tp like old 3.0 tp makes it strong because it lets sym be where she (should) want to be when and where she (should) want to. It lets her dynamically switch between front liner, flanker or utility whether for zoning or for getting picks, flexibility that many heroes don’t have. Thus having hero uptime that’d actually be more in line with the other heroes who aren’t having viability issues.

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She is, this is a rework idea that incorporates ideas from both 2.0 and 3.0

We are talking about now. What do you not get? We are not in double shield meta anymore. The tanks were nerfed. Symmetra was nerfed, is it that hard to understand? Her pickrate is worst than 2.0 and thats just facts :woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:

Where is your evidence that 3.0winrate was better than 2.0? And even if it still doesn’t change the fact that 2.0 had a bigger pickrate than 3.0.

They are not going to buff her because TP could be Too broken. That’s not balanced.

It isn’t and I’m already shown you why. So please quit ignoring everything I say for once and put your bias to the side.

We literally just talked about that in another thread, where I provided all my numbers concerning last week.

But buffing TP isn’t the only way to buff Symmetra 3.0 lmao.

You did the same thing sooo

objectively it isn’t broken given how we did have years of old 3.0 tp which was a lot more frequent with a lot less down time (i.e. far superior than the current :put_litter_in_its_place: tp we have) but having legit not being OP nor oppressive across all the metas we had it.

them not buffing it and consequently her kit itself is a mentality issue.

Theres a reason she was actually played in owl for once. If your team has good synergy you can use the teleporter to basically bamboozle the enemy and win the point. You cant really do that anymore

back in old 3.0 tp days she wasn’t played in owl iirc. at most it was for hanamura skip choke (which we still have and people can actually counter fine, even a single junkrat was shown to be enough to ruin a team tp play in OWL). and other times it was to tp out of spawn and to be never be touched after in the match. that’s not evidence to claim tp being OP.

can you elaborate on what you specifically mean by that?
A lot of “team uses” are very situational and simply aren’t in high demand.

I haven’t ignored a single thing you said, as I have replied to everything, so please stop stop trying to find scapegoats now.