Sym TP should be only for Sym

Remove the ability for Sym’s teammates to take the TP. It makes her niche and puts various limitations on the ability and thus on her, making her super clunky.

In my experience, people don’t use TP, or when they do, it’s when they shouldn’t (for example when I TP in the backline to do damage and then yeet out asap). Ana TPs with me thinking it’s a team effort, and she’s dead. It’s just not useful for the team, and then it’s not useful for Sym herself because of the limitations put on it.

I personally detest the current state where she’s better off using TP as a shortcut from spawn, something the devs tried to get rid of by removing TP as an ultimate and then getting it right back in by making it infinite on a long cooldown - the classic example of devs not having an idea what they’re doing with her.

This would open a lot of possibilities for this ability to be actually strong for Symmetra. Like making it instant or very short, on a shorter cooldown. She needs something and 20dmg increase on orbs ain’t it.

What do you think? Are you using Sym’s TP for helpful purposes or is it just a nuisance for you?


I somewhat agree with this but i dont know if blizzard would change the way the tp works tbh!
My wish is for her to become less team oriented and more of a solo/flanker type of dps

I also want to remove her utility/dps thing, to me this kind of hybrid put a limitation to a character as proven by another one who is sombra.these hybrids are proven to be very hard to balance hence most of the utiliy dps are either niche or throwpick and sometimes can be very oppressive with the wrong buffs etc.

What i want is to remove her turrets and her team tp function and give her something else in return.

Her teleporter is immensely valuable - cutting off 5 entire seconds from return from spawn grants a team a large advantage, it may not seem like it to the casual observer, but 5 seconds is a lot in Overwatch where it grants a numerical boost of players on point.

People ranting on turrets need to simply do what the good players do: anticipate and eliminate. I am going to sound cruel here, but if you cannot deal with turrets and have a case of “Turrets Syndrome” where you foam at the mouth over turrets, that’s just a sign of a poor player tbh.

But it’s still niche. There are maps where the taxi isn’t useful due to the layout of maps.

It would be much better to rework TP into being a Sym-only ability. It allows for TP to get the buffs it needs.

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Name one that a teleporter doesn’t help because I really cannot think of one…

5s on an infrequent occasion (if it was frequent you have other issues) for the price of sym literally forced to be on hero down time during that + 12s, i.e. at least half a player down that can actively contribute to the actual fight by default.


The teleport usually sits up unmolested at least when I play, not sure how you think its only temporary, I easily hit 20+ people using it to hold objectives as most Syms do. It provides a real advantage over time, and even with the C/D isn’t that hard to re-erect.

Even then keeping TP at spawn only brings more harm than good.

I’m somewhat ok with TP being Sym only since your team never uses it anyway. Or just tell you to waste it at spawn.

Most players refuse to work with Sym anyway.

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“Refuse” implies they have the intellectual capacity to willfully not participate…

you missed the point. you or your teammate uses tp to get back sooner ok. so you leave it there and what’s it doing? who’s getting value while your team’s alive and playing away from spawn?
i.e. it’s wasted uptime. more specifically: unless your team is literally playing spawn simulator in dying so often, like 90% (being generous tbh) of a spawn tp’s uptime is collecting dust not contributing value assuming you leave it there for long periods of time.

during that time sym’s only ability to get herself in and out of her effective range (including orbs) is stuck at spawn and basically forced to play outside her effective range to spam orbs (rather than aim them). waiting for the team to let her w+m1 because she definitely isn’t going to be doing any orb melee combo flanks or flanking to claim an area or tp’ing to get a sneaky angle to charge primary etc. without her tp. and for an extra 12s longer too because the 12s cd only starts when it’s destroyed.

I had that with old 3.0 tp using it primarily for myself. still did skip choke tps and occasionally spawn tps, but back then I also had a lot more did flank tps and escape tps too unlike now.

something you need to understand is a tp cast is pretty much how sym actively does anything.

  • effective downtime experienced is in the range 2-12s depending on how quickly enemies or bug destroyed it because the cd ticks away in parallel to uptime. often 6s because a sym would use it for 6s


  • effective down time experienced: 12s guaranteed + non-utilisation time while tp is up.

no other hero in the game has a minimum 12s hero down time. not even sombra has that down time because her translocator cd now runs in parallel and it has low cd.


So your saying they are dumb? I mean I agree they are not super bright to begin with but just making sure.

Either way you get trash talked or reported for picking Sym.

she shouldn’t be a spawn taxi bot. Everyone says she has no mobility, oh but TP is mobility, not if it’s used like this.


Exactly, you are pretty much disabling your only mobility option by keeping it at spawn.

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She really needs two TPs that she can switch between. A degrading one like the original 3.0 TP just for her that allows instant mobility and a Spawn Taxi TP.

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I would love to have my old TP back.


The old TP was fine.


They should remove it because that teleport is truly handicapping her performance. Hardly no one ever uses it and most players use it for turret bomb anyway. Make her E ability similar to Torbjorn granting more shield hp, orb can now pierce through barriers and making her beam auto lock for 5 seconds. That way she no longer have to stay cling onto that outdated teleport concept.

This game is fast pace so doing this concept will benefit her a lot.

And yet they still changed it. :frowning_face:

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let it be on record I said this: infinite tp’s cd mechanic for sym3.0 is the biggest mistake in sym balance history they have ever done. PERIODT.


Yep, basically. There’s so many problems with it but that’s a big one.