Sym orb does 140 damage when fully charged in PTR

Not using your secondary to break barrier is also dumb considering that sym effective distance is close quarter and Sym can prob get a few shots off before entering her strong distance to get value (Assuming if the teams are competent.).

That’s also not counting Junkrat reload time and Sym who has a bigger ammo pool (And since no mention of increased charge time is pointed out, the charge time is prob the same which means she can put out enough damage to rival Junkrat in the lower time.).

Place your bets how soon symmetra gets nerfed on other areas once people start playing symmercy for giggles and popping 182dmg orbs.

a joke btw…

You didnt even read, this tells me you didnt even read my god you didnt read…

He destroys it at 2.4 reload finishes at 3.9

Without reload this becomes 4.4

7 seconds to destroy 8.5 is the reload

Without reload this becomes 6.6


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A hanzo can throw an arrow to get a kill and does it a lot better as well as safer distance.

Sym orbs also can do a lot more damage now with amp field (Which is exactly why they didn’t gave junkrat 140 nades due to complaints.) but sym get this.

Consider me a little miffed that she got something and Junkrat still have got anything aside from a bug fix that was present for months on the mine explosion.

Symm actually doing 280dmg orbs with amp matrix kekw.

Too bad baptiste is still trash.

Yea, why did Sym get a buff and not Junkrat.

What’s more, it’s the exact same buff that blizz retracted of all things.

Where’s Junkrat buff?

lol an increase of 20 hp damage is a joke with how freaking slow these orbs are moving. And she has more problems that needs fixing in other areas of her kit.

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Hey, people said baptiste was trash during that time period and due to that, Junkrat didn’t get that buff.

I’m just thinking how horrible symm’s primary is compared to just spamming orbs from safe distance.

Why ever start to charge on shields when you can spam orbs constantly from safer distance.

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Junkrat is doing fine, and that’s not really a bug.

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Orbs are basically an attack in between while sym is getting closer.

Spamming small orbs is actually pretty useful depending onthe situation since their hitboxes aren’t too bad either.

Because Symm is performing worse than junkrat in all ranks?

They didnt retract the junkrat buff they partially reverted it, he still got an overall damage increase because 140 at a much faster fire rate than symmetras orb is a lot more powerful than 140 on symmetras orb

Idk in the works? Could just be they dont know how they wanta buff him? Could just be they think he’s meta dependent and he’ll shoot up like brig did this patch once a new meta comes around, maybe theyre waiting to see how he’ll perform in the pro league with all the changes to the game in place

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Yea, and sym is also doing fine by that metric then.

The nade was an absolutely a bug due to a previous bug that made nades get stuck and not detonating in high areas.

This didn’t happened until the hitbox and bounce nerf came in. It’s a new bug that’s came about due to them fixing a previous bug.

Maybe I’m biased here (got about 100+ hours on junk atm), but this buff makes me wanna play Sym over Junkrat for several reasons.

For one, yes Sym is slower at breaking barriers with alt fire, but now that it’s sorta alike Junkrat’s level of breaking, you can sorta safely break it without necessarly getting closer with primary.

For two, maxed out sym orbs, even if slow, in my honest opinion hits more frequently people over the insanely stupid small grenades that are known to in some occasions, not register damage.

For three, it’s easier to connect horizontal shots over lobbed shots that are limited in bounces. Plus you have a zarya-like beam that ramps up if you manage to pop-off in close range.

For four, I think her kit has much more potential (even if it lacks in some portion) for team-communication than Junkrat’s, where let’s be honest, you’re often on your own and can create awful situations with a mine mistaken boop.

So like, would I pick Sym more than Junkrat in more situations than Junkrat? Yes, absolutely. Would I still pick Junkrat in specific maps? Yes at times given (e.g. King’s row). Is Sym better than Junkrat? I’d feel like they both are gonna be on par if the pickrate would allow to be of the same.

I’m pleased with those Sym changes, I might actually start playing her more frequently than I used to, since most people are hard-stuck mentality of ogs kit in many of my games.


Yes, my fear is a revert to early 3.0 where the beam was hyper niche and you only really ever used orbs. I think we need to address primary range and stage 1 dps.

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and decrease his fire rate to 1 per second?

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I genuinely wouldn’t mind tbh.

It’s something.

Give him 200dmg grenade while we are at it xD

honestly all OW heroes should be reworked at this point.
give a breath of fresh air to all the heroes, give them more depth, give them 1 more ability.

Like what happened to hanzo

Nuking pharahs will be even more effective wooo