Sym hate? Am I alone in this

What’s with the Sym hate 3.0 still? I’m in high diamond and when I get put with Masters the second I pic Sym I get told told to switch off, kill myself, I’m a “known thrower” just for picking her people have reported me on their 4 other accounts ect. And I get constantly bad talked all match in coms none stop but when I go healer or tank no one bats an eye what so ever is it just me?

Yeah people still dislike sym, it sucks :c

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Yeah I guess that will never change just sucks tho : T it’s frustrating when people in coms belittle you for picking a character

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Its plausible to ask someone playing off meta to switch , especially when GOATS in masters + is a necessity .
Its hard getting value out of non meta heroes in comparison to meta heroes + if they are giving you a hard time , you can just mute. Someone giving you grief is nothing compared to someone hard throwing the game.

Symmetra with auto aim and 6 turrets made me hate this game. If I get killed by a Symmetra now I feel like I’ve been outplayed as she’s tough to make work, but with some teamwork she can provide some insane value.

But that’s the problem. People assume she sucks and won’t even attempt the minimum amount of coordination to get her to work and would rather lose. At least she’s a DPS with some utility.

it’s because your pick requires everyone on your team to play around your pick, who will probably get countered and knowing sym players you wont switch so it’s gg.

same with bastion players, they want you all to play around their pick with some boring cheese bunker strat. it’s a coin flip if people will feel like doing it and if it will work.

I am with you. I wish she gets a slight buff soon, so that people put more faith in her. Something with staying alive while in close range, such as reaper-like passive but with respect to her shields.

The thing is there are 29 hero’s, at any one point in time only 6-8 of them will be considered “meta”.

All hero’s are potentially viable, but many of them are map specific and the rest need the team to “go along with the plan” and pick other hero’s which work well with them.

The VAST majority of the time people just want to play what they want to play, not what you want them to play.

They desperately want to win and unfortunately too many times they will have seen a sym/torb etc etc not work and they don’t want this.

The two things are at odds with each other, wanting to win and playing what is needed to win, but that’s the facts of the situation.

The only thing they know, they do not want “troll picks” on the team, as that’s what people see them as.

Play whatever you want, but do so knowing that you are playing outside of the meta and people perceive it as being a troll pick.

You will find A LOT of toxic behaviour, far more than anyone else sees, but this is your decision.

I don’t typically flame people, but I’ll admit I get put on edge when I see certain picks, Symmetra being one of them. The reason is that typically, in my experience, the people make these picks almost never swap.

Hammond, Torb, Doomfist, Genji, Widowmaker to some extent, Hanzo, Ashe (probably just because she’s still new). All these seem to be culprits a little more than the rest. Again, just my experience.

It’s especially bad when the person picks one of these when there’s already two of that role selected, isn’t in team chat, etc. Hard to make someone’s hero pick work when they won’t even communicate with the team.

it won’t stop, I don’t think it ever will.
sym I mean queen will always be hated

I hate sym. Her turrets suck the fun out of the game, but i dont see her as a throw pick.

Seemed like Boss comp was getting a little more popular. But if the upcoming changes kill Goats then there will be no need for it and the chances of Sym entering the meta will be another lost dream…:frowning: