Sym has no answer for any hero in this game

Except your trap card somehow triggered the trap card they had and it somehow took all your life points.

are you saying they need to buff sym?

Buff no…fix yes? Heck yes!


As a Brig player, I start nervously sweating when a Sym chases me. It’s a tricky situation of… “do I hold my shield up to stay alive, but therefore letting her get max charge and full ammo…”

So I usually end up whipshotting syms away from me and running away because rarely do I survive them, and if I miss whipshot it’s all over


what do you mean fix? remove charge for her beam and let it be monster killing machine allways?

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Wish her alt fire functioned like this, then she might handle better

Edit for wrong link

Yes I understand that, but this is Symmetra we’re talking about and many players willing wanting her on the team. She’s okay, but overall the most easiest to shut down on pressure compared to 2.0 and before.

Perhaps another rework at this point.

That’s sadly embarrassing.


Even if this was true it’s blizzrd fault for forcing sym mains to aim with such a hard weapon.

Of course it is. Sym is easily one of the most difficult heroes in the game to master because her kit is complex, she has many options in most situations and picking the wrong one can be heavily punished, and she has multiple learning curves with all of her abilities.

I disagree. She’s always needed pressure from her team to operate and exert her own pressure. Except now she has an option to create pressure on her own via her ult.


Symm needs to be reworked to be entirely non conditional and keep up with the current state of the game

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You can’t aim at something slowed to a crawl via turrets?


So tired of these Sym threads…

She’s niche and requires a team. She’s not nearly as bad as these forums make her out to be.

She does not need to be reworked or reverted. Possibly some TP buffs, but that’s all.


Have you ever played Brig against a good Sym? Sym counters a lot of Brig’s kit very well. She can throw a turret behind you to stop your escape route even tho Brig doesn’t have any mobility, the turret slows her escape route even more.

And Sym exploits Brig’s defensiveness by feeding off of her shield and getting stronger the longer Brig holds it up (did you not know Sym can feed off shields now?)


i love every part of her kit right now, i can kill anything i want while i can actually help my team in a meaningful way.
the only two that’s gives me a bit of a problem is winston and pharah but they usually die to everything else on my team.

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Don’t forget teleporter.

If she can set it up, Symmetra will torment a Brigitte by never being in range while forcing the Brigitte to deal with turret and beam harassment (assuming 1v1 scenario)

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TP also functions like a barrier vs shield bash and whipshot. Many Brigs will try to shield bash through the TP to stop you from escaping but they eat a right click and you TP away anyway because you weren’t stunned. At a distance, whipshot almost magnetizes to TP if it’s between you much like Moira’s beam does (she’s also very strong against Moira 1v1 because of that).


What pressure are you exactly talking about?

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Usually the kind that tanks apply. If Syms tanks aren’t creating space, she is almost useless and kinda has to pull a miracle out of her butt.

OR if there’s something that needs to be pressured for Sym to operate (like a Widow) then that needs to happen for Sym to make plays. Most other DPS heroes aren’t that reliant on the tanks roles, but Sym isn’t just a DPS, so that’s fine imo.

Every hero doesn’t need to be viable on every map and in every comp and that’s okay


So what you’re saying as a dps she still needs to be used as support? That’s a wasted slot for a dps if you think about it.

That isn’t fine because they literally destroys the point of her being dps therefore she’s still a hero with no direction.

Sym 2.0 and previous versions had a slight purpose.

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