Sym and dva need love

Never argue with Yin re: Sym - this person is on another planet where logic doesn’t exist. Wasted effort


Change Symm’s primary to a laser gun. Because it’s now a laser, which is light, it’s hit register is faster than hitscans. BAM Symm is now viable.

One sentry does 10 damage more than a melee hit.

You come uninvited to add literally nothing to a discussion of a hero that you clearly dont play nor care beyond putting it down, and for what?

You are behaving like an obnoxious contrarian at every point in any discussion just for the sake of it.

I have no patience for people like you and you are not welcome to any Sym discussion because all you do is spout half truths trying to sound smart.


I had a conversation with this person and insisting that symm 2.0 tp was always placed outside the spawn not inisde.

I had to literally post a video from symm 2.0 days to convince that its not the case, this person love to spew some wrong information just for the sake of conversation/argument and Have that I’m right you are wrong attitude.
Not to mention the habit of qouting almost every single replies a thread have.

If I were you i wont humor any reply in the future.


In the lower ranks where people don’t have any awareness and basically give her the lvl3 beam for free…yes absolutely.
Even a simple turretbomb can devestate an entire team there

Yeah, and what? Utility heroes still have damage output.

Her rework gave her more utility with an infinite sized barrier and a team teleporter. She is categorised as a utility DPS by every high rank player :woman_facepalming:t3:

His rework made him less of a turret babysitter. Now he just chucks it down and focuses on his own damage output, rather than building the turret.

Oh really?

Secondary Fire:

This is a really weird statement. Who cares whether Ashe has his old ult? Molten Core replaced his utility ability and significantly increases his survivability and damage output for a period.


Teleporter was always available for the team.

Most Defense-oriented healers did have utility.

Yep. They streamlined it. Doesn’t cost scrap, scrap is no longer used, either.

Projectile speed and reload times don’t have anything to do with damage.

As for secondary fire, the current Torbjorn is producing 150 damage thanks to a number of changes to shotgun changes. So this ended up having no changes.

I think you were trying to say Overload here. Molten Core - the original - also increased his armor for the duration. Overload keeps that armor (though to a lesser degree) and ties the haste effect that benefitted the old level 3 turret to Torbjorn himself.

New Molten Core retains the same defensive, space-controlling functions of the original, but ties it into a new operational effect. Overall, I haven’t seen any net benefits, but I haven’t really seen any negatives to it, either. It’s otherwise a good replacement.

They got ignored again

People in bronze have zero awareness of their team, not so of their enemies. Anything that threatens them they will notice fast, not so much things that threatens their allies.

That sentries are somehow a free win just because of ~muh auto aim~ when they deal barely more damage than a melee hit is a myth perpetuated by people who dont have actually played Symmetra in bronze.

As someone that has climbed from bronze to Diamond as Sym, the higher I went the better my experiences with Sym became when I got to play her. Bronze is hell because no one supports you, no one follows you through perfectly placed TPs and the best heroes of bronze shred Sym like nothing.

Sym is such a devastatingly bad dps in bronze that GM Sym players like Stevoo have actually lost matches in bronze when doing their unranked to GM challenges, because Sym is a deficient dps with zero agency that has to be enabled by her team and has no real solo carry potential.

It would though due to the fact they charge so slow that some fights u only have 1/2 at any given time

And I’m not talking about spamming them out either

dVa needs surely some of her strength back, whether is pellet damage upped to 3 from 2, or DM buffs.

Symm is just fundementally designwise a relict of old Defence times, probably best choice to have her in support with Utility and low heals like an offhealer imo.

How does one end up randomly in Bronze? :wink:

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Oh so now people pretend that unranked to GM challenges arent a thing?

You could literally just nuke her playerbase if you do that because her dedicated playerbase always has played her as a DPS.

Changes I’ve tested in Workshop that aren’t broken:

  • 15m Beam
  • Orb projectile Velocity at 35m/s
  • Turret cooldown at 8 seconds each
  • Turret projectile Velocity x2

Changes I wish I can try:

  • Turrets only go on cooldown when destroyed.
  • Turret deployment speed up (when it hits a surface)
  • Teleporter range at 40m

Can you make Sentries apply the Zarya Grav debuff. You know the one that disables mobility in specific.

You have been heard … HUGE buffs incoming :rofl:

First off, lets not call it a challenge. And 2nd it meant to be sarcastical, since he is, as far as im aware, a GM player, which means he either bought or threw matches, which is along this so called challenge, as despicable as all the other smurfs and deserves hopefully way more bans.

sym is actually lowkey pretty decent, shes just hard to play. Go watch dyslexia, harmony, abandoned, etc. Several syms have peaked in top10 in recent history, and are quite comfortably chilling around 4400.

I’m going to give yall a hottake here:
Sym is actually better in high ranks, where people abuse tp and know how to pocket her, than in low ranks, because her turrets are not actually that good.

Regardless of the morality of smurfing, the point is that losing matches as a GM smurf in bronze is something completely unthinkable for mains of other heroes. Specially as a dps hero.

Its about time that the ‘‘Sym is a pubstomper’’ myth dies because nothing has ever pointed to that being true other that the assumption that ‘‘sentries autoaim = free win’’ that some people who havent played in silver or bronze make.

Sym has no agency over her own impact, she has no on demand burst, she has no survivability and her mistakes are extremely easy to punish. She is a team dependant taxibot that requires massive team pocketing and coordination to perform basic dps jobs.

Any perceived strength Symmetra has is exclusive to pro-play and completely untranslatable to the 99.8% of the playerbase where people wont pocket you and wont follow you for TP strat cheese.

She is not a pubstomper, and at this point its kind of a joke statement made by weirdos who think that since such Skillful Players™ such as themselves died to sentries a couple of times, bronze must be Symmetraland where she rules unopposed with an army of those 50m range 100000 hp and 6666666666 dps sentries.

I tihnk even this Necros guy lost a few matches inbetween plat and diamond so its not to far fetched even others can lose here or there some matches … this is just no excuse to do these runs in all honesty.

Symm might or might not have issues, i think people are overexegerating about her tbh. She is good as a Defence hero, especially on certain map tiles, but lacks to be useful on others and have sometimes issues at Attack when hitscans are a) anyway stronger then most other type of DPS heroes and b) she needs her team to take her utility and make use of it. I dont see an issue with being niche, much rather would i have liked to see her being a support. Just a honest opinion shrugs

Nope. At least I can’t. There might be an actual programmer who can, but I find that seperate object (buildings) don’t obey the rules the current Workshop can do.