Sym advocates: lend your voice here

For anyone who hasn’t seen their childish behavior:

I’m not going to go further because their history is a giant pool of toxic waste.

Ironic that the first quote (it was a reply to me in another thread) called me a child, and yet here we are.

Their posts in this thread show how much of a child they are already.

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Don’t forget to pop into the AMA on Reddit guys

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There’s no reason to not refund symm’s teleport cooldown when it randomly breaks itself when torb gets his turret refunded.

There’s also no reason why symm shouldn’t get a lower cd on her teleport whenever she manually breaks it if it’s not being attacked.

But they’re too scared of “infinite teleporter shenanigans” to even give her proper bugfixes or even look at her way whenever she has any sort of negative issues. The only fixes she will get are the ones that benefit symm, quite literally. They’re content on keeping her as garbage taxibot for owl.

Newsflash: Symm teleport shouldn’t be able to be placed on positions that would automatically cause teleport to self-destruct. Trying to do so should give you the invalid sound cue and a red teleport positioning placement.

If the game is allowing symmetra to place teleporters in positions where the game doesn’t actually allow them to be placed, there’s something wrong with the coding that needs to be fixed.

As a player, you won’t know where random spots ingame are actually invalid placement spots since the game still allows your teleporter to be placed there and that would punish you for normally placing your teleporter.

It should be fixed as it needlessly deprives symmetra of her teleporter cooldown because blizzard has tried to aggressively curb teleporting out of bounds, which is causing this issue for normal players. Things like Orisa shield placement should not magically explode your teleport either.

It’s also far less hassle for the game devs to just give her a refund for accidental self-destruction than combing through every single map cranny and nook looking for invalid construct placements.


Upvote Sym comments and questions for visibility guys

The AMA is over but we can still give this visibility!