Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

As have I. It doesn’t mean that I am content with how Mercy is right now, nor does it mean that I don’t have the right to speak up about it. I find my favorite hero to still be unengaging, unimpactful, and unrewarding to play, and until they come up with another hero with an ability like Mass res, and is a pure pacifist in the game, with a similar aesthetic to Mercy, I will continue to voice my complaints about the injustice that was done to her. My opinion! :blush:

That is an assumption. Neither you nor I know what the future holds, nor whether or not that future includes Mass res reverted back in Mercy’s ultimate or not. You are of course fine to believe that it won’t happen. I will stay with my belief that it will, and hope for the best. If that never happens, even after the game is dead and gone, so be it. Until then, I’ll be quite happy right here, continuing to voice my opinions, as I always have. Thanks for the concern though! :smiley:

That’s an interesting suggestion, but your idea of removing ressurect has me wondering. If you have the belief that Mass Rez won’t be coming back, why then would you have the belief that they will remove ressurect altogether? Surely you are aware when the devs made it clear that ressurect as an ability is not going to be removed right? Wouldn’t this idea conflict your previous views in terms of what you think the devs or Blizzy is “intent” on? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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You are correct. As a Mercy main, Mercy 1.0’s niche was that her kit was overall fairly underwhelming because of her super powerful ultimate. It’s what kept her in line, and I was fine with that niche. But it also still needed a little help as she was underperforming overall.

The only way to give Mercy an E ability with Mass Res would be to give her something that has little/no impact on the fight itself. Something like launching Mercy in the air without the assistance of a teammate or something like that. Even a 2-3s free flight Valk. But it would include nothing but free flight.

To compensate for LoS check and cast time, a small burst heal can be given to living teammates to encourage tempo ressing even further, and a small damage reduction instead of invulnerability to Mercy.

I think this would make her overall very balanced and fun, but also keeps the ult spamming in check, which we desperately need.

There’s still a chance for big resses, but it is very unlikely unless the enemy pays no attention to the Mercy (to which she deserves that res then).

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2 More Mercy Rework Ideas , 2 mercy rework ideas feedback please!

  • Mercy gets 4 skin specific E ressurect voice lines for the enemy to hear
  • Mercy gets several Valkyrie ultimate specific lines. (Valkyrie is charging, Valkyrie is almost ready, Valkyrie is ready, get in there, I will watch over you!)
  • Jeff and Geoff both say they have no plans, intention, or desire to revert Mercy and want to put the notion to rest (aka asking the community to stop asking for it)

I really don’t care either way, as long as Mercy is fun and balanced, but I think it’s a bit silly to think mass rez is ever coming back considering all the times they have quite literally said it isn’t.


Valk is lame, mass rez is lame, and mercy is boring. Her kit is so basic she can only be underpowered or overpowered.

Basically sums everything up.

1 star support struggles yo

It’d be like a resurrect pulse-bomb which is nice I think.
Burst healing has never been mercy’s job however. Maybe a temporary valkyrie that lasts 4 seconds and amps the single-beam up, but still with an over time healing effect.

Doesn’t take a genius to notice when you’re gone, the forums actually had debates and threads that weren’t mercy related, but I guess you wouldn’t know that, just being passive aggressive is pretty obvious that you’re just toxic.

I’m also active of the forums daily (while attending a job and college gasp) and frequent Mercy discussion as I’m a Mercy main, the only one I’ve seen was the one I made. So please I implore you to watch that passive aggressive attitude, just another reason to label revert Mercy players as toxic.


Good for you! I wish you well in your endeavors. Have a good one then! :blush:

And I think it’s quite silly to think that they are referring to mass res never coming back, when no such confirmation has been made, outside of semantics and assumed intentions on wordplay. But alas, we are free to have our own views on what was / wasn’t said regarding the ability. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on it. However, the important thing to know, is that they have been known to go back on their word in this game. I wouldn’t be surprised if that occurrence happens yet again in the future. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Thanks! I wish you luck on getting Mass Rez back!

I’m fine with most of the listed changes except for two:

This defeats the point of the cast time.

You have to pick one: Mass Rez or Valk. You can’t have both.

To me, it’s the opposite. They need to slowly roll back the amount of CC in the game to make the game flow better. There’s no worse feeling than playing tank and getting hit by every CC ability the enemy team has in their reserve.

One more thing I’d like to add is a visible radius ( a la Lucio) that shows who’s getting rezzed.

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All I can say is it at least this puts Rez in a more appropriate place (an Ultimate) which is far more interesting then a static cooldown.

Yes this is actually a direction I want to see with Rez. I want poor performance to cost you, so that good performance actually makes a noticeable difference!

At least Rez wouldn’t so nothing of a thought and having it more often means your pulling your weight more (because it had to be earned and not given as a cooldown).

I agree because it disables you and slows you I think a cast-time that can interrupted is good thou. Having a charge up to use Rez (but not disable you) would make it at least more predictive to use.

See my comment above I think a cast-time provides good counter-play and adds a challenge to using Rez.

True but this single point Rez Ultimate is lesser power than Valkyrie so a reduced cost is reasonable.

Not completely but at least Rez would be earned this way and poor play means less Rez which I also like, since I find it BS that a bad Mercy can get same access to Rez since its just given away on a cooldown.

And it would replace Valkyrie which is a major plus to me because I hate how much Valkyrie plays the game for me and makes everything too easy.

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What’s this sort of elitism/entitlement with Rez?

That’s an oddly common as a complaint and I never got it

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Its about having variability that is controlled by your ability to perform your role well (as a healer in this case with Mercy) and that giving you access to the powerful and distinctive ability Rez creating the sense that your playing well is why you getting the chance to Rez rather than the current Rez which is just there and is static relative to your ability to play well.


Wonder when devs will find out, that Valkyrie buffs are not improving Mercy at all. No matter how you look at it, support ultimate that easily stopped by focus fire isn’t going to work.

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The only players I’ve seen complain about Mercy saying she’s not improving or is still trash is revert players. It’s hard to take any of you seriously sometimes so honestly I ignore most of you for the simple fact you won’t seem happy or satisfied with Mercy unless she gets a revert

You all ask for people to be open minded but the moment someone says she isn’t getting a revert or Valkyrie is good you expload and call us toxic and just harass us for having a different opinion. (It feels like it 90% of the time)

Seriously it’s just you guys that don’t like Mercy, revert players… it say something something. That’s why you’re ignored, you aren’t even giving the rework a chance nor will you ever…

But that’s just my opinion from my overall experience with you guys. Not fact.


It’s been explained multiple times, why Valkyrie is bad, via numbers.
Numbers do not care about personal opinions, and it’s fairly obvious, that teammate with 140/300 hps is surviving better, than with 60.

It also been explained, why buffing Valkyrie to acceptable levels will simply shift balance problem it presents to next healer.

Power of Valkyrie was mostly located in multiple rez charges it provided. It was removed, and suddenly it’s no good ult.

Rework had a chance, and it failed hard.

So even though Mercy was getting more healing than every other healer at 60 is not evidence enough Valkyrie worked?

Thing is, you really only use numbers that favour you when arguing your point. You only bring up her 48% pickrate or her 50% (can’t rember) winrates and literally base all your argument about those.

Not to mention you’re arguments show heavy bias just from reading previous posts and such. I personally cannot take someone serious when they show so much bias. I don’t know how they expect people to agree that don’t have such biases.

It’s simple, Valkyrie can recieve a small rework or buffs. She doesn’t need a full blown rework or revert like most of you literally suggested almost daily.

I like the idea of buffing her healing and damage boost heavily when in Valkyrie and cutting the duration to something like 6-8 seconds.

If you’re arguing that she needs more heals then my idea (based on you opinion on her healing) should agree with you delightfully.


No one cares about overall healing over course of match. Healing per second is what actually matters, as it determines, if your teammate will survive all that damage coming, or will die.

And if you buff Valkyrie’s healing, you now made Coalescence too weak, and have to buff Moira, which makes you buff Valkyrie again, and so on.