Suspended for playing attack symmetra

While it doesn’t completely fix the issue. I think they should remove in game reporting… they should make you go through the website to report someone. This might reduce the number of false reports.

My guy I don’t know how much more clear jeff hasn’t rob make it for you to understand

Jeff said himself reporting people for things deemed born reportable is not allowed

And what is and is not reportable is what the devs and game say is

And guess what they explicitly said you aren’t not allowed to report people for

Playing a hero you don’t like

It says you can’t report them for that IN GAME

But an unenforced policy, isn’t a policy that matters.

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i just came here to bathe in 1 trick tears.

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That’s why the dev team should Be Held accountable

I understand him that he has nothing against Syms played on Deff, on maps she is good on.
But rather sees all Attack syms like throwers. And yes i can understand that.
I understand your point too, but in the end you play selfish and forces your team to play around you, and when you underperform then i can defenetly understand why player report you.

Eh? I think your either drunk, or your voice to text isn’t working lol.

Mobile forums always do this

They should be held accountable

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Ah ok gotcha.

You don’t have to work around a sym to win no one forces you to do anything

Yep. Been like this for a while now, still no word on it. I’ve been suspended 6 times for my Symmetra, in which I peaked at 4.1, so I’m clearly not throwing any of my games.

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Well you need. If she is getting counterd by a Phara or a Widow your team needs to swap acordingly becours you cant or wont swap/deal with her.

My guy I have faced thousands of pharahs as sym and my team didn’t swap and we won

It’s called being good at your own hero

I dont always need peopel to swap for me

Otherwise I wouldn’t be winning my games

Glad the devs are cleaning up the community and banning the sym one tricks.

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If you aren’t doing nothing for your team, you should probably switch and not blame your team for you constantly dying like they’re the ones not trying. Especially if everyone realizes where the weakest link is. Is it the Mercy healing? The Reinhardt shielding? The DPS killing? Or is it the attack Symmetra or Widow in the back doing nothing.

If someone wants to play Torb on Eichenwalde on attack go right ahead, just put in your own weight and don’t think people are being toxic and singling you out if your pick isn’t working and you’re not that healer/offense/tank they need to make good push and they’ve already adjusted. Stubbornness is a quick route to the L.

You see this goes both ways, you tell me to play in a group because I play attack and I tell you hat solo Q has people that play widow on attack and torb on attack. So who’s at fault since maybe people in my group don’t want me to play attack sym and going into solo Q removes that burden off of me but also people that don’t play solo Q should know what to expect when they don’t party up and start raging at a random player for playing what they want.

“You were asking for it” -Mei