Suspended for playing attack symmetra

Something needs to change, I’m tired of people playing the game and get suspended or banned because someone doesn’t agree with their pick. I don’t understand how just because a whole bunch of people report you because they play the assumption card and think your throwing because of the hero you pick off the start then that’s just wrong. What happen to Jeff Kaplan saying you can’t get banned for one tricking or playing an unpopular pick If people always complain about picks then why don’t they run their own team???

You can’t say that “oh, the sr difference when you are grouped puts you up against higher level players” so what if it does. I would rather play against GM players than bronze players anyway, why? I say this because you will never improve if you don’t increase the difficulty. It’s like riding a bike with training wheels and you start crying when they’re forced off.

People need to understand that when you Queue for competative without your own group there will be one tricks and people that pick off meta heroes. You signed the contract when you stepped in comp with no group and therefor have no right to complain.


they changed this in the latest patch I thought

I believe they’re still working on that

Don’t play attack sym and no ban.
Ez as that. And yes for some this is throwing.

And I never

I signed a contract for a good and balanced game. Wher everyone is doing the best to win. I did not sing up for a game with a boosted Sym on attack who gets farmed off by the other widow and Pharma and as soon as you ask her to swap leaves voice.
So play somthing eles on Attck or live with other who wants good games Report you.


But the reality is this game is far from balanced.l and anyone knows what solo q is like especially when the season is about to end. People have the right to play whatever they want and shouldn’t be banned for it. If you don’t want that happening then you should run your own group.

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it’s a well known thing that happens…just don’t do it, just picking Symm gets your team mad at you…and minor mistake from your part with trigger a report…it’s just what happens , theres no fix for it atm.

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Or just wait for Sym 3.0

And player have the right to report what they think is throwing.
If you dont like it play in a group.


If you don’t want attack Syms, then play in a 6-stack.

Anyone reporting attack Syms as throwing is false reporting and deserve to be banned.


Do reports from QP/Arcade and comp go in the same pile that sets off a ban, or do you have to reach a threshold in a specific mode only to get one?

No, nothing needs to change. You play a hero that cant do well on attack, and force it even. You do not care about your teammates.


No actually, you don’t have that right, because you’re not supposed to do that

Jeff said it wasn’t bannable.

This is like saying it isn’t illegal for me to go around breaking kneecaps because I haven’t been arrested yet

The problem is that the term “throwing” has been thrown around (no pun intended) so much that it has next to no actual meaning anymore.

False reports are bannable as well, allegedly.

One of the problems is that this unwritten rule that Sym is a troll or throw pick only applies to Sym and a few other characters. Oddly enough she wouldn’t be so bad on attack if the team that is threatened by her presence actually exhibited teamwork and worked with her, instead of against her.

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Yet there is no punishment for doing it, so it will never stop.

It doesn’t matter what Jeff says if he doesn’t put in place something to deter false reporting.

And to Blizzard, the ones who makes the rules on what is and isn’t reportable, it is not throwing.

So you reporting them is a false report.

False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system.


The unfortunate truth. If they actually cracked down on false reports they might lessen

advise ppl who openly state that they’ve reported you for your hero pick that you’ve reported them for false reporting.

But that just turns into everyone reporting everyone :unamused:

that’s on jeff
