Suspended for hero swapping

Wow. My account was just suspended for “disruptive gameplay”

Why you ask? Ok Here we go.

We had no shield tank. DPS was Me as Ashe, a Junkrat and a Sym. We had a Roadhog, Mercy, Ana. Enemy team had a Pharrah, Soldier as DPS. We all died to the Pharrah and SOldeir who were both on high ground. healers could not outheal the damage because they were simultaniously focusing people.

So, 3 of us asked the Sym to switch for a shield tank because we needed the shield break and damage from Junk and hitscan (me) for Pharrah. Well, as you can IMAGINE the Sym boasts about their “Gold medals”. I did kill the Pharrahg but she got immediately revived by Mercy and her next rocket killed me cause our healers were dead due to the Soldier.

Well, when half the team is dead its not hard for a Sym to have Gold damage when most of that damage is from automatic turrets. We have no shield. We lost point A in less than a minute. Second objective went uncontested because the Pharrah and Soldier had free shots due to no shield. And despite killing the Pharrah and the Lucio who was on the payload, we again went all the way to 3rd objective and the enemy had 4 minutes to spare.

So when the round switched I got to thinking. If THAT player can’t be banned for playing the hero they want which by all accounts is depriving us of ANY chance of survival, I can’t be suspended for taking that hero and playing it just as badlyt. NEAT!!

SO I took the Sym from them. We were gonna lose from not having a shield. They again chose to deprive us of a shield tank and went Bastion on attack.

I don’t care HOW MUCH damage someone is doing. If their choice is effecting the team survivability by NOT having a shield tank, they SHOULD BE BANNED FOR THROWING!!! Cause that is CLEARLY what just happened to me for choosing to play that same hero. Especially when the game was already blatantly sabotaged by a selfish Sym player who felt we didn’t need a shield tank.


You could’ve gone shield tank yourself, but you didn’t and you purposely antagonized your teammates. Suspension well deserved.


Not when I am HITSCAN and trying to KILL the Pharrah thats killing us.

Yet another occasion of someone who lacks common/game sense.

You stopped being a “hitscan trying to kill the Pharah” when you switched to Sym to antagonize your teammate.



-YouTuber/Streamer gets banned for using a racial slur

Fans come to their defense…
“This YouTuber/Streamer isn’t a racist person!”

“I am not a racist! It was an accident!”

IF YOU MAKE A HABIT OF USING RACIST LANGUAGE THEN YOU ARE A RACIST AND HATEFUL PERSON!!! I know the words. Do I use them? No. Why? because I have whats called SELF CONTROL!! End of story.

people like Pewdipie, XQC and other notable YouTubers who stream and play games are the REASON why people are so horrible. They see YouTubers and Streamers act like jerks so then they think it is acceptable behavior.

And yet XQC and other players are STILL…HERE!!! Still verbally abusing people. Until one of them gets PERM BANNED to set an EXAMPLE for players…nothing will change.

I don’t care how good someone is at the game. If after 3-4 suspensions or temp bans they are still harassing and verbally abusing people they deserve to be perm banned. Regardless of how popular they are.

“If someone continues to use abusive chat even after being warned, silenced, and suspended enough times.”

The number of chances they give doesn’t matter when everyone is on alts anyways.

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Exactly. So when XQC gets banned on his main account he can STILL abuse people on any of his alt accounts.

And that is why we need to involve IP bans.

Authenticators. One per human. Only way to get one is to prove you’re a human(however the methods are these days) and then that’s your competitive key. No authenticator, no competitive.

But Blizzard won’t do that because alt sales are buying them all new Ferraris

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Growing up in the 90’s : Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Growing up in the 2010’s : Sticks and stones were replaced with concrete and I need a safe space.


I personally agree that you should never give up but sometimes you just snap and lose your patience with people because they won’t stop doing dumb things like making the rest of the team have to carry a teamfight win on control so they can generate value.

like dude bro that’s totally throwing. i don’t get people like that. I mean yea the enemy is stupid sometimes but you can’t rely on that possibility every time.

It’s never okay to throw but in my experience a lot of throwers are just really upset players who just want to win and have hit their breaking point. i’ve never been able to make a one trick pull their head out of their butt but from time to time i see a born loser cancel their pity party just long enough to be a winner, if only for a little bit.

cuz honestly this kind of mentality is the problem w/ comp. we gonna ban all the players who really want to win until it’s casualtown.

Permanently Bannable, infact.

using hate speech is one of the only things Blizzard takes VERY SERIOUSLY. Using Racial Slurs is in the ballfield of “KYS”. If you say it YOU WILL GET SUSPENDED. If you have been warned for abusive chat multiple times, YOU WILL BE BANNED.

I’d bet all 3 of my OW accounts on it.

Blizzard can’t force people to file reports, and Blizzard can’t take action on something they don’t see. That’s a community problem, not a Blizzard problem.

You want to move the goal post some more?

Why Blizzard doesn’t keep a chatlog is beyond me. They do on every other game. It’s like they know how much is in this game and they’re afraid they’ll lose 30% of their playerbase because of bans. And if it’s a community problem then obviously we’re accepting of this behavior and I’m clearly in the wrong.

if they cant force people to report then they should also NOT force automated suspensions and silences onto people who get reported multiple times for simply being in a match with someone who disagrees with your opinion and wants to restrict your enjoyment of the game by falsely reporting you for being toxic when all you really want is to win but you have to deal with stubborn and ignorant people who can’t perform.

No one knows if Blizzard does or does not keep chat logs. Going off forum posts’s I’ve seen, I’m guessing that they might clip a few lines if there is a report sent. But even if they do keep logs, it is unreasonable to expect them to review every line everyone types to proactively seek out abusive chat.

Then they shouldn’t have report buttons if they don’t want to properly investigate the situations.

Actually, Its is simple.

You have to report a specific person. So Blizzard will have a record of what match you were in with that person and the SPECIFIC chat line probably has a time code. All they need to do is look at that time code and see what chat lines were typed in that chat box during that match.

And if they do log chats, all they have to do is look up the player you reported, look at the time code and sift through matbe 5-10 minutes of chat lines.

it is a lot less complicated than you’d think. They just dont want to PAY PEOPLE to sit there and do it for the hundreds of thousands of reports they get. Well, maybe if they had a tiered system where peoples accounts get flagged as “Under investigation” and do NOT get automatically silenced or suspended pending verification of “evidence” they wouild have an easier time daling with it.

They do not have to investigate EVERY report made, JUST investighate the person BEING reported.

You weren’t falsely reported for being toxic. You were being toxic.

The other Sym was playing the way they knew how and there is no evidence of intention to throw. You admit to purposely selecting Sym to spite the other player.

You were properly suspended for your behavior, not your hero choice.


I’d prefer not having a report button.

You just repeated what I said.

he plays mostly DPS, close to OTP Ashe, and yet he expect others to fill tank or others roles he doesn’t play

The only thing bigger than the amount of tears in his post is his hypocrisy.

So you should be banned ? (by your definition of “throwing”)

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Getting mad at a Rein for not shielding his team is not toxic when HE is the one complaining aboiut the DPS not performing.

Nor is it toxic for the DPS to complain about death when their HEALERS are boating about their Gold medals while they are DPSing rather than healing.

You see the contradiction right??? many people are not being toxic just for the sake of being toxic. There are people who just report you for being upset.

And since Blizzards CoC literally reads “anything the community deems toxic or disruptive”, which can mean you can be reported for ANYTHING and everything including the fact that you hate vanilla ice cream and someone else on your team LOVES vanilla ice cream…REPORTED! His words make me upset and angry!! Please ban!!

I could be talking in VC about FRIED CHICKEN and someone can acuse me of being disruptive because they cant hear callouts! MUTE MUCH??? if you disagree with someones position/opinion…MUTE THEM…reports are for VIOLATIONS not differences of opinion!!

So yeah, kind of ridiculous.