Suspended for 2 hours?!

I’ve had a few times I was suspended for 5 or 10 minutes, just because I had to bail out in the middle of gameplay. (I’m a dad in my 40’s so things come up sometimes that are WAY more important than finishing a competitive Overwatch round. Tough… I make no apologies for that, and will take my 10 minute “time out in the corner” if need-be.)

But earlier tonight, I had a weird thing happen. Finished a round and was at the point between rounds where I wanted to look at a loot crate I had just earned. The game went to a black screen for a minute and then dumped me back to my desktop, saying something about a lost network connection. Thought my wi-fi was at fault but nope … worked fine pulling up a web site. So re-launched OW and got back in. Found I was now suspended/banned for 2 hours from Competitive play. Huh?!

Is this what happens if people report you? (Because I don’t think I ever got banned due to someone reporting me before, and have no idea why they would have from the last round I played?)

Mod Edit: As this thread is going nowhere constructive, we are locking this down.


I would suggest to not play comp if you have to leave in the middle of the game


That’s not very realistic… Emergencies happen in real life. I don’t try to leave in the middle of games. It’s pretty rare. But if you’re saying the whole desire to try to rank up to see what SR you can earn is ONLY for the kids with NO responsibilities in life other than the game? That’s kind of sad, really. I hope gaming doesn’t turn into this across the board. I’ve been enjoying gaming since the mid 1980’s.


You’re the one not being very realistic, tbh. You are effecting 11 other people when you bail. There needs to be consequences for that. Dont play comp if you think a situation is gonna arise that needs your attention more.


I’m a father of 2 in my 30s. I don’t neglect my kids due to OW, but I also don’t ever have to leave games. The only time I have ever left a game was due to a DC.

I am very choosy as to when I play comp because I have two kids.


Maybe what I’m really saying is that the game could have a better design to handle people who leave? I’ve been in a LOT of competitive games where we get a “leaver” and yeah, it messes things up.

But I’d rather see it adjust the balance to compensate for a leaver on one side… Maybe have a “handicap” it applies so the remaining players on the team that’s short a person can do more damage than normal, or can take more damage before dying?

I’m a father too. If I’m baby sitting, I don’t play competitive. Simple.


None of this is even addressing my original question… Trying to find out why a 2 hour suspension after a round was completely over? Is this just some random glitch I experienced?

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…You leave competitive mid game just to check lootboxes? Sorry but if you do that AND leave comp games enough for “dad emergencies” than you deserve a 2 hour ban.

Also regarding rejoining to a 2 hour ban, your ban should (could be a bug though) only happen if you weren’t able to rejoin your game before the 2 minute rejoin-with-no-penalty period expired. If checking your connection and restarting your game took the full 2 minutes than your team most likely lost horribly without you and your punishment is completely fair.

I understand that emergencies happen, but frankly if they’re happening enough that you get a 2 hour ban you should stick to quickplay. Competitive is not there for you to leave at your leisure.

Edit: it’s a well known thing that the rejoin button can be faulty, so never risk opening a box mid game. Why not just open it before you queue/while waiting in queue?


Had you left a couple of games before the 2 hour ban? The ban times only ramp up if you leave a couple of games relatively close together. I’ve left about 5 games that I wasn’t able to come back to in my time playing and never been above the 10 minute ban mark because they were very spread.

I think you’re misunderstanding. I’m talking about having to leave mid-game maybe three times over 2 or 3 seasons of game play! Hardly excessive, and I’d say some people have quit more than that just due to a less reliable broadband connection than I’m fortunate to have here!

This was a situation where we finished a round and the system was searching for another match. Are you saying if you try to click to open a loot box while it’s searching for a game, it will just let a new competitive round start without letting you know it began, while you look at the loot box contents? I’m almost positive I actually had that happen once, where a match began as I was in a loot crate, and it just dumped me right out of the loot crate screen and into the match screen.

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If there is even a chance that you may leave during a match stick to QP. You ruin the game for 5 people and make it an easy win for the other 6. Sounds like you need to be banned for a season if you leave that often.

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Ah my mistake, you are using the word ‘rounds’ where I would use ‘match’. I use round to describe each phase of the match (attack, defence), so it sounded like you were casually leaving in the middle of the match while positions switched to check a lootbox and leaving every few days to check on your kids. Apologies.

Now that I understand, you might have encountered a bug loading into the server and were unfairly penalised. If you got the black screen while loading into a completely new match and then quit your game, you would have been counted as leaving in the 1 minute grace period so the match would have been cancelled.

I don’t think thats penalised more than a normal leave though (-50sr, 10 minute ban) so probably a bug, yeah.

There has been previous bugs with joining competitive games when one is viewing highlights, maybe this is a new bug to do with lootboxes.

a blizz employee should just lock this thread because of how toxic this dumb community is

You absolutely deserve a ban if you have “better” things to tend to while playing comp!! If you can’t play the game, then don’t. That simple.

Also, if you have a two hour ban, you’ve left before a few times earely this season already. I forget what it is, but I’d bet this is at least your third time.

From some of these replies I’ve gotten, I’m starting to agree, Anbu!

(That said, I do appreciate your reply, Pancakes. I really felt like it must have been an odd bug – but wondered if others had seen anything like it or not. And yes, I should have said “match” instead of “round”. My bad on that.)

But wow – some of you people probably need to get a grip, if you’re this sour about someone needing to leave a game in the middle because something unexpected and serious comes up! At the end of the day, this stuff is supposed to be FUN. When you die, nobody’s going to check your tombstone to see what your SR was in Overwatch, ok?

You are right, it is ment to be fun. What part of being on a team that’s has a leaver is fun?


id be pretty mad if someone left my game dont get me wrong. What you did too was actually -300 iq, like i didnt know what you expected honestly. This is a competitive game, not mario kart and you should probably get a grip of that. That being said, ive had to leave for various reasons. It just triggers me when people say “if you have a sliver of a chance of leaving then dont play” like i wonder how many DC’s this person has gotten.

Youre literally on the edge of less than 500 sr, like i really dont understand why youre on this forum.