I have crashed at the launch of a game multiple times today. It seems to happen when I either use reque for MH or after a round. The game just closes. Now I understand the 13900/14900k issues but I thought I have resolved that with manually setting the watts. So today, I now have a 4 hour suspension and all I play is MH. Can yall just remove the timeouts from MH?
I got DC’d and reconnected during one game 5 or 6 times and came back to a 2 hour ban.
All your goin get is a lot of ppl sayin you shldnt have left other matchess blah blah blah. My advice take this time to reflect on if this is a game you wanna support.
Lets be honest ow2 was filled with alot of promises that never came to pass and really isnt the game me an alot of others paid for. Now their fully in their right to change the direction of the game but its up to us if we want to stay along for the ride. Everytime you log in you cast your vote for yes.
Im not sayin leave or stay thats a personal choice but just think about it is all.
Most of these crashes this morning were like right when I got in to OW 2 closing. The last one we won the first round and then it closed, showing a 4hr suspension. I dunno what is up with my rig, I guess Intel blaming the Mobo folks but I have tried everything to stop these programs from closing and seems to not have done the job.
After reading other post in tech support , responses from blue was to update drivers. I have already done this. All I play is MH, there should not be any of this bs from playing MH. It use to be an arcade mode.
If you overclock your gpu through MSI afterburner or ASUS TWEAK UI it can also crash, blizzard games are trash and do not react well to overclocked hardwares.
I have been reading the drama about the 13900/14900k for awhile. I had everything set to auto which seems to have been the issue from Intels standpoint. Yet, I have manually entered Intels specs and seem to still be having issues. It did improve POE and Discord for me but OW2 is a different story.
congratulations, now you have 4 hours to search the root of the crashing issues.
They don’t do the 4 hour leaver penalty anymore, they reduced it to 2. Therefore, you’re withholding information. The term for that is lying. There’s also a term for continuing to touch a hot stove, but I’ll let someone else tell you.
are you making changes that ya shouldnt be doing as my laptop has a core i7 but i dont tamper with anything even if it had the options in the bios i honestly would leave them at default values
Since when? I just tested it and it’s 4 hours. See screenshot
Most laptops CPUs are locked and cannot be overclocked anyway. Especially since laptops aren’t true gaming machines, even though companies will try to sell you a laptop at a premium if it has the word “gaming” in it. It’s just predatory and don’t believe the hype. If you want to overlock you get a desktop PC and an Intel CPU with a K in the SKU. Desktop provide way more cooling.
Just dont play blizzard games if you want to overclock, with the exception of wow I can play it just fine with a mild cpu overclock. I had overclocked my 1080 TI a few years ago and OW (overwatch1) at the time threw fits and would always crash at random times.
Once I removed the GPU overclock it was ok. Other triple A titles are fine with both cpu and gpu overclocks. Blizzard games?
Need to leave 6 or more for the 4 hour penalty to kick in.
So you can keep crashing in those games? uh, no.
I voted once a few months ago and i’m happy with my saved free time.
As did i and many others i know have done the same. Sadly i was the last to finally see what was goin on always thinking it would get better but never did.
No, as a pure mh player, just no
It’s almost certainly not the game’s fault, but poor overclocking, lol
I have a crashing issue too that seems to appear randomly.
Ive noticed these contributing factors:
Not cleaning inside your PC.
If Battle.net Launcher is minimized instead of closed.
If you have the Steam Launcher minimized instead of closed.
If your browser is loaded with tabs/windows.
If there was a recent OW2 update or Windows update.
If theres a ton of people playing at a certain time.
The Mysterious “X” Factor (basically the day/time/quantum effects?).
This issue can be very frustrating and strange. Hope this helps.
I went thru the event viewer and send GOG would crash at the same time. I am not sure GOG would cause the crash or closing of OW2 but it is crashing at the sametime as OW2. Again, I searched Gigabyte and Intel again yesterday to see if there is anything I have to done to stop crashing/closing software. Since manually entering in settings into bios POE & Discord improved dramatically. I am always up for more info but I am to the point of wishing I could return my CPU, yet I do not know if that would remedy my situation.
Its possible.
I would close any other programs before starting OW2. Its the safest way to play.