Supports should talk about impact instead of survivability

okay and with body shots, she still charges insanely fast imagine if soldiers helix rocker work the same that would be insanely broken

and also on the dev thing if they had said it last patch i would have believed it but saying it after the fact makes it look like a blatant lie to put a shield up from criticism

They did… even before last patch.

link please i dont see them saying this or was it a tweet

tweet, I’ll see if I can find it.

This was the original “we were having issues with the hotfixing tool” post.


This is where they were saying they had just got it up and running…

I’ll see if I can find the tweet where they talk about not being able to adjust hog.

ya i don’t use twitter its like the worst place on the internet

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I’d like to argue, but you are not exactly wrong :slight_smile:

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all stats on overbuff aren’t accurate, because every stat comes from a public account instead of a private one too.

overbuff in general is inaccurate

Being denied a kill feels bad, but being denied the ability to play the game feels muuuuuch worse.

I mean that’s pretty vague. For some dps…all they can do is get kills. If we get to a point where supports can never die wouldn’t it feels like dps can’t play the game too?


Are you under the impression that im saying this is a good idea?

Ye outside some supports survivability isn’t really a problem thanks to the passive. I think the notion of the dbd thing is just that burst damage is rampant right now. Not really to say that supports cannot perform because of it. But that they’re usually the target since many tanks cannot be killed until their support is crippled. So it leads to them being hunted (ala DBD.)

Impact is a good point though. Definitely feels like many supports don’t create enough of an impact on the game. But by large I think that’s due to the burst damage meta. Problem is if we nerf that (and we should) then heals are no longer kept in check.

It’s definitely a delicate balancing situation.

blinded by spite. dude clearly says he think the issue with support is with their impact, not survivability and you twist that into him somehow saying that the issue is survivability?

Well you’re drawing a distinction between a support getting dived vs a dps being denied a kill. They can kinda be the same thing from both perspectives. Idk if it’s fair to say one is worse than the other.

It is very fair because dps not getting a kill means they can at least move around and play the video game.

When you have an unavoidable death you literally do not get to play the video game.

That applies to DPS just the same. If I get one shot on Tracer, and I’m far more susceptible to one shots than the entire rest of the case, am I not denied playing the game?

You’re missing the original context.

Am I? I thought we were talking about being killed and not able to play the game. Am I wrong?

Much more likely all these numbers prove is that supports are less accessible kills in most games than DPS or tanks are. Which makes perfect sense given the two supports who aren’t generally playing in the backline (or in the skybox in Mercy’s case) also have the highest death rates. Particularly when you bear in mind most players are in Bronze to Gold where people aren’t taking smart off-angles and sniping Ana or Zen in the backline, and they’re certainly not shooting the GA-ing Mercy out of the sky.

Scroll up.

I have. Denial of playing the game.

Do you think one shots are different for DPS than they are for support? We all die the same.

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