Supports in Overwatch 2, we need clarification

I literally just said to you in another thread this is the problem with giving spoilers/info early…

People can’t see the bigger picture (we don’t have all the re-works/numbers/info) yet and make threads like “OMG SuPPertZ SomBrA fooD!”

Just…stop… :upside_down_face:

Very true! Survivability won’t really be a problem. The push to higher individual impact may need some changes to some supports. But as I said, Zen, Bap and Ana are completely fine how they are, especially with their role passive.

I feel like that might be something that they should look into once the game is in the hands of the players and data can be collected. I don’t feel like any supports should be much weaker or unable to get enough value through this transition. We’ll likely end up in a situation where some healers are just better than others but I really don’t think any of them should be pushed to being unplayable.

They literally poured more damage into every other role and then decided that supports need huge nerfs in utility, healing and then even tossed them a nice 25% combat heal debuff because how dare we actually do something else besides dps during combat.

How dare we play support role to yanno, heal and enable teammates.

I mean, this change is literally going to make a healthpack a better healing source than supports during a fight.

I’m just done with their balance department, this is a huge joke.

I completely understand Moth now why he didn’t like that Lucio’s sound barrier took forever to charge. He literally doesn’t have any heals to charge it with lol.


get ready for COD mode with low TTK lol.


Then buff her healing. Most mercy players don’t play her for dps, we play her for healing. Nerfing an already weak healer is dumb

I definitely won’t be playing that shi-show

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