Supports are…strong (?)

You could argue that Mercy does have to aim at some level. She has to aim at the ally she wants to beam/fly to, and often times hitting the right target in a group full of allies can be difficult.

Mercy has to aim to the right ally with beam/GA.

I’m talking about the new support being fun to play, that is exclusive to the person playing the hero.

If a player refuses to play a hero out of spite that is immaturity.

Okay, so, the option are playing to win, playing for fun, or both. Regardless, not playing a hero out of spite is immature…

You mean the live game that hasn’t had a major update in nearly 3 years?? The same live game that makes Tanking really not fun because of how they’re forced to be balance in 6v6 which is what makes DPS queue times long? Shocker…

That’s your opinion.

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But… we did? We got Bap right after Ashe. Do you know what you’re talking about.

They said it themselves that they have two new supports they are testing out right now along with Season 2’s tank. I don’t see why they would lie about that, especially since the teams well aware there needs to be more attention for supports.


Without even checking it, I knew the disingenuous argument of “fun” (which is subjective) vs Strong would come up, and many dudes would act like there havent been dozens of threads crying Supports cant survive/keep anyone alive in OW2.

Its amazing how many supports are better or even more “fun” (Because the Zen kick is hilarious) than OW1 and still some people claim they are not … when they barely have been touched or if they have, it is for the better.

You can totally claim Orisa or DF are not “fun” now, since they have been totally reworked but Supports? … cmon now :rofl: , they are 99% the same or MORE powerful or have more choices.

I said it super early but for every person that says strong doesn’t mean fun…there’s another that says weak means not fun……so…which is it? Strength correlates with fun or it doesn’t??.

Oh it doesnt, but many are pivoting now to that argument after getting refuted on the other claims (Supports getting “farmed” or being “weak”).

Its specially irritating because we all know it is an euphemism for “I dont like that I can’t play Passive anymore and chill”, so instead of saying that, they claim the queues are like that because its not “fun” … and this “magically” happens when the arguments about Supports “getting farmed” or being “weak” are refuted.

Its just 100% moving the goalpost.

you could argue that in the same way that you could argue that you have to aim at what ever you want to interact with in a point and click. it falls flat as soon as you actually think about it.

no she doesnt. she has to look in the general direction.

fun to play is fair enough but do we want another hero that is only fun for the person playing it?

the cause is irrelevant. it could be spite or it could be the fact that half the playerbase find mercy to be the least interactive hero in the game, the outcome is the same.

or playing with malicious intent. I doubt half the people throwing enjoy the act of throwing but it is a means to smurf.

immature or not, its not the only reason people refuse to play hero’s.

I mean the game that everyone has access to. the game that doesn’t have its queue times influenced by what’s new.

its almost like the people that choose to play shooters tend to want to shoot or something.

that goes both ways my man. your opinion doesn’t mean any more than mine does.

Well, that is the priority… Making heroes unfun for the people using them is the antithesis of game design. It’s why we got Moth Mercy if that rings a few bells…

Heroes aren’t supposed to be fun to play against anyway. What should be important is how fun and impactful you feel on your hero.


should it be though? theres a balance here that is the difference between a hated hero and a fine one. mei, sym, bastion, doom all come to mind.

unfun to play =/= fun to play with or against.
a hero doesn’t have to be unfun to play to be enjoyable to play into.

this is objectively wrong. the entire drawn of pvp games is the interaction of players. if it is unfun to interact with someone then there is a fundamental flaw.

why you think the two are mutually exclusive is a mystery.

Only had 2 days in the beta now but supports feel both fun and strong to me. I had two matches where a sombra worked me over pretty bad but to be honest having the occasional team that ignores both sound ques, and support for their supports, and then spam i need healing lol is not new to ow2.

A new hero would be nice but to be honest learning new maps on an instant q has been a plus for my first beta exprience

Looking at support role queue times, no one cares how powerful they are. They just don’t like it. Bad times ahead, unless something drastic makes lots of people want to all of a sudden play support.


It’s both. If it is so weak that nothing can be done in a match it isn’t going to be fun regardless. But you can make a character more fun without making it more powerful. You can make a character more powerful while making it less fun to play. A character doesn’t have to be particularly powerful to still be fun to play.

Nothing I play is powerful, because I’m to terrible to be powerful at anything. But I can still have fun playing.

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Title should have been " The NEW State of dps in Overwatch 2" with the answer how OP dps in Overwatch 2 are.

Idk if anything, this video talks positively about supports. IIRC the other video was more click baity and almost sounded like the guy was attacking every support player instead of just the ones complaining. This video doesn’t do any of that and looks at things more fairly in comparison.

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Ah yes great for low ranked players…

They would always be playing against low ranked dps, so it’s not like they would be against amazing flankers.

Hitscan vs projectile.

since majority of supports are projectile disadvantage.

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If you wanna pretend everything is black and white like that, go for it. Meanwhile supports have some of the best 1v1 heroes.

Supports are supports and not dps, why even play support if you have to dps majority of the time…

might aswell queue for dps instead higher damage aswell :clown_face:


Yeah, agree 100%

I feel like a large portion of the “support sucks and/or is boring!” Crowd are dps mains trying support or queing for fast ques and just never liked support in the first place.


^^^ case in point. Right here.

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