Support role is dead in OW2

It’s implicit in the change to the kit. I mean already even Violet has said for almost year now that Brig no longer counters Tracer… removing stun is just one more step towards making her a “Brawler-Support” hybrid unable to effectively challenge flankers effectively.


Aside from going for a priority pass, I doubt many will since dps will still have the full benefits, kits, and variety that are better in that role. Instead they’ll just chase away more people who enjoyed those roles that are getting twisted into something different from what they originally enjoyed about them.

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It’s not like Blizzard has any other options. It’s true, that number of tank/support players is always minority compared to number of DPS players. And fun of that minority is complete 180 from fun of DPS majority.


But the only problems were tanks.

There are enough support players.

So why change how they play.

Because supports are next bottleneck. With flankers ruling supreme, supports leaving in droves is expected, and someone has to take their place.

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Just make soldier a support, then we have a flanking dps support c:

alternatively just play flankyata

We will have to see what happens with Brigitte, we have no idea yet.

Violet is also wrong that Brigitte no longer counters Tracer. There is no better support to pick vs her. Why do you think Brigitte is the #1 Support in OWL when Tracer isn’t banned? Also, we don’t know what Brigs changes look like yet.

Rally, also Ladder players (aka 99.99999 percent of competitive players…) is a different team environment than OWL. Brig requires better teamplay to get the most value out of rally. You aren’t getting that in GM ladder as everyone is strangers and does not live with each other.

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Will supports even work outside of OWL? Or my prothecy of supports being non-functional without friends will become reality?

I understand Ladder & OWL are different environments, ladder barely tries to work together (Even though that’s how you’re supposed to play the game, not TDM)

But to say Brigitte isn’t a counter to Tracer is a blatant lie. It isn’t just Rally that makes Brigitte the best support to pick vs. Tracer. Her entire kit is particularly good vs. Tracer. Her shield/50 armor to help her survive, bash to lock her down if she gets in range, whipshot to deal half her HP & make her retreat/recall. Brigitte is the Tracer counter support-wise

LOL I will yield to Violet who is unquestionably the best player on Brig right now. When you hit the top 5 spots in the game on her then we can talk.


No worries, you can believe whoever you want. I’m speaking from my own person experience and OWL.

In my own experience, if I’m playing someone besides Brigitte and our team is struggling against Tracer, I go Brigitte and she suddenly stops being a thorn in our side because I’m whipshotting her & bashing her if she gets close to my other support. In OWL, the same thing happens. Brig is the Tracer counter more than almost any other hero, if not more than any other hero.

:cowboy_hat_face: :boom: :gun:

Fan McStun wants to have a word with you

I am not saying she doesn’t offer a soft counter, but she is nowhere near as effective as she once was. She really is not a true counter anymore.

FanMcStun is not a better counter to Tracer than Brigitte. An equally skilled Tracer will run circles around him. It is rare that a good Tracer will get hit by flashbang, and will not so slowly whittle him down until he dies (unless he’s hard pocketed)

What is your definition of a soft counter vs. a true counter?

Does a hero have to be a “true counter” to be a counter, or be a very good pick against them?

I think in context Violet meant a “hard counter”, OTOH, I think the matchup is still pretty fair now; going into OW 2 I have my doubts.

When you have played and tested Overwatch 2 for at least 50 hours using all the support characters, then we take your review as valid.

Meanwhile it’s just mindless speculation and drama

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225 hp helps him out a lot, but I see his stun as being about as easilly avoidable as Brig’s stun too.

New here?

Blizz has ALWAYS, for the past 20+ years played their cards close to their chest. They rarely ever show anything that isn’t basically ready to ship. There is a reason that “Soon™” is such a meme.
If blizz showcased every change they were making immediately, even if it didn’t go live, then the amount of confusion and misconstruction would be 10000x worse than it is now.

So yeah, this is nothing new.