Support Main Looking for Duo/Trio

Heya! I’m a Mercy main, but after the past few seasons have learned to play the other healers because of her nerfs. I am pretty good at Mercy, Moira, Ana, Brig, and Zen. I’d say I can play any heals, but outside of that I can only really play D.Va. I have over 500 hours on Mercy and about 700 on support in general.

I placed Masters last season, fell hard because it was the end of season and I didn’t stop playing even though I knew I should have (lol). Since then, I’ve been duoing with a friend but he swears we are cursed, as we can never win together. So I’m looking for a duo or trio to queue with to try to get my SR at least back up to diamond.

I have had such horrible luck this season so far and really hope to turn it around. Add me on Discord or comment here if you want to play together!

Discord - SkytheSavage#1602

Hi, I’m 2800 and also looking for someone to duo or trio with. I’ve played mostly Ana this season with 70% win rate but I also have a lot of hours on any of the main tanks or Zarya. I’m also decent with Zen, Hanzo, and a few other heroes. My ID is Nemesis#14288 and I play at completely random times, NA btw.