Support Main: Brigitte needs another nerf

No problem! iweiqwefiwjne

With a stun long enough to kill Tracer, it’s on Tracer to wear Brigitte down without getting into stun range. Without a stun long enough to kill Tracer, all Tracer would have to do after getting stunned is hold down E until the ability goes off. That’s a whole lot less work than Brigitte has to do in order to get in range and actually hit Tracer.

You’re asking to turn what is a fairly even fight right now between a good Tracer and a Brigitte completely on its head, giving Tracer the ability to get right up in Brigitte’s face without any fear of dying. Remember that Brigitte can’t currently heal without hitting something, and if she does hit something she only recovers 80 hp over a fixed amount of time.

The stun must kill Tracer or Tracer will become a hard counter to Brigitte just like she is to every other support who can’t deal enough damage to kill her before she recalls. Even Moira can’t compete with Tracer in high level play.

Allowing Brigitte to heal with her shield up instead of when swinging her mace would give Brigitte the sustain she needs to have to live without killing Tracer, so perhaps with that chance in place we could then come back and look at making Brigitte less able to punish Tracer. But until the dev team is actually willing to take that rework suggestion, Tracer needs to die.

  1. Pointing out winrates automatically makes your argument weak.
    Ryu is the most picked character in SFV and not even close to being the best.

  2. Why do people think that a harder character play should equal being effective? Doesn’t matter that Mei is not as hard as Doomfist. Doesn’t mean Doomfist gets to be better. This is OW The easy mode FPS stop it.


The fact that she heals herself while attacking has been the biggest problem with me, and her shield health.
I think if she only healed her team while attacking while her team whos’ attacking AROUND her gave her healing would encourage her to stay with her team.


Something I’d like to point out: the stat sites can no longer provide accurate data. Private profiles mean they can’t get a lot of data now. Anything generated since that update has to be taken with a grain of salt.

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  1. Why should it? Winrates tell you a lot about a character’s viability in the meta when you compare them alongside pickrates. Pointing out that a character has a high winrate and high pickrate is a good correlation that they might be overtuned. And a character with a high pickrate, high winrate, and objectively lower skillfoor should definitely cause some concern. Those that say that winrates don’t mean anything are just being dense. You might have to look at the whole picture, but they provide objective information which is always helpful when looking at balance.

  2. Because it’s good game design that higher skillcap heroes should generally be more rewarding to play when mastered than heroes that are easier to pick up and master. Doomfist IS better than Mei in the higher ranks where people have mastered his kit. He’s significantly less effective than Mei in lower ranks where people don’t have the mechanical skill to play him well. See? Good game design. Thank you for proving my point.

I’d like to see something like this too. Something to raise her skillcap.

  1. Again I pointed out how stupid it is. You learn nothing from them.

  2. Bad game design makes “higher skilled” heroes more rewarding.
    Good game design has all types of characters balanced around team play. People who talk about “higher skilled” heroes are salty scrubs who think they are better than everyone and should get rewarded.


Dancing back and forth with dashes out of Brigitte’s stun range takes a lot more work than Brigitte walking forward with her shield up. The geometry of the maps mean that Tracer will not usually have room to just keep backing up and shooting down Brigitte’s shield, and it takes a while for her to break it.

Tracer still has to fear dying. If she gets hit with one primary swing, she’s dead. She has about half a second to react to the flail for her to recall or she still gets one-shot. And we’re talking, IF that’s not enough time for her to whipshot. I think at this point it’s a small price to pay for the overall health of the game.

I honestly really want to see that kind of rework. I really don’t see them reworking her since she just came out recently. Maybe next year.

No, it’s good game design to make sure that all heroes are easy to pick up and play. It’s terrible game design to have certain heroes be objectively better when played well compared to another hero played at the same level.

The solution here isn’t to nerf “easy” heroes, it’s to give all heroes a set of abilities that are both easy to use and rewarding to master.


Personally she has made this game much less fun to play

  1. Yes you do. You objectively learn what that heroes win to lose ratio is. You can use that information coupled with other information like pickrates to make inferences and suggestions.

  2. Bad game design rewards skill. Ok. “People who talk about “higher skilled” heroes are salty scrubs who think they are better than everyone and should get rewarded.” People who ARE better than everyone SHOULD be rewarded. Tracer takes a lot of effort to be good with. Torbjorn is much easier to be good with. Tracer should be rewarded more in most scenarios than Torb because of this. If every Torb player was as effective as a GM Tracer main this game would go straight in the garbage. I’m not saying that lower skill heroes should never be played over higher skill ones. I’m saying the higher skill ones should have incentives for mastering them and lower skill ones should be less incentivized in higher tiers of play.

A fellow support main.

No she does not need another nerf.

Sincerly an Ana main.

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And that’s the way the balance team has been going. Hanzo became more skill-rewarding with his new kit and so has Sym, but until they rework every hero to have a solid skill ceiling, “easy” heroes like Brigitte and Torb shouldn’t dominate heroes that actually take time and mechanical effort to master.

Alright im done talking to you. Your comment pic, your mains, all tell me you are just someone who thinks they should be better than everyone else just because you think they are more skillful.

Tracer being better than Torb is a load of garbage and bad design.
Get over yourself.


Yep. I’m a firm believer that effort and skill should be rewarded. Bye.

Tracer being better than Torb is a load of garbage and bad design.
Get over yourself.

LMAO! The “bad” design is that Torb doesn’t have enough skill expression in his kit like Tracer does. Don’t complain that Tracer is better than Torb. Complain that Torb can’t be as good as Tracer.


As a fellow Ana main who also plays a lot of Sombra, as well as Zarya as well:



Is there a character with an easy to use weapon that also has headshot damage?

YOU’RE A BRIGITTE MAIN. You have 14 hours on her and 23 on Ana and Ana has been out for 2 years and Brigitte has been out for 2 months. Not biased at all.


Things that would be nice:

  • no more attack shield cancel - Rein needs time to activate his shield, same mechanic should work for Brigitte as well, with same timing
  • no more Rein’s charge, and Doomfist’s RP being canceled by stun - there’s no reason for that
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