Support character proposal, (ammo support)

story wise I would like to imagine a Iranian war hero. (As im iranian myself.)
in the iran iraq war, there were some brave people who fought at the front line.
and what enabled them was the people behind.
many went to help as medics. young girls and boys who helped casualties, fought alongside others, helped giving the dead soldiers bodies a proper burial, and… carried ammo!

a somewhat old man.
full beard, white hair.
170cm. normal clothing. (old school by the overwatch time)
he is carrying a gun. kinda like soldier 76.
a modified model of ak47 with different mag and stock.
it uses classic cartridge bullets as mccree.
he has a remote control drone that is controlled by his team and they are watching his back. he talks to them using that drone. multiple people talk through the drone and its real voice. not robotic.
he was a tactical special force defending iran and middle east from omnics.
when he is free and dont have missions to do he goes around the world and helps others.
ending conflicts and fighting alongside the weak to defend their home.
he is known well in the area he fights. so most of the people know him and trust him.
he is also known for ending wars and fights with talks,
he is a general and have many squads of trained soldiers under his hand but he is always at front line. they cant stop him. he always answers: i cant just send you young soldiers in front of me knowing that your family are always waiting for you.
he also has a family. but he lost many many of his friends in the war. he says he is the only one left out from his army.
he hates war. but when it comes to people and civilians he is always a step ahead in defending.
he was involved in forming of local resistance groups and supported them defending from the omnics.
he taught people that they can defend themselves too.
but media said he is against overwatch. they said giving firearms and weapon technology to random country is against what overwatch is working for and its adding fuel to the war.
he and his army didnt have any problems with overwatch, they even endorsed them and supported their moves defending people.
media blamed some of the overwatch’s getting banned on him. they said he was behind the curtains and framed them.

(this is the back story that i had in my mind. iranians know who i am referencing to.)

now for the gameplay idea.
30 bullet riffle.
can run like 76.
support drone can instantly reload a teammate.
or prevent a enemy from reloading for a second or two.
it works like a temporary zen orb.
his ultimate can be unlimited ammo box, drone dropping a box that makes reloads of teammates around it faster. like orisa ult.

im expecting jeff to… (ohh…) … expecting the director to see this. but not the story.
the ammo idea is new. im expecting to see it sooner or later in pvp but the back story? i dont know.

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Story thread isn’t for fanworks.


Love the idea, but move it to #general-discussion