Support Balance Discussion Thread

Mercy was a problem before actually. Not sure how long you’ve been playing, but the original Mercy was actually pretty bad and people cried out for buffs. She wasn’t balanced before, she’s gone from weak to OP to slightly overturned (current). She can do too much for the amount of skill she has to put in and her entire kit is incredibly strong. Though for the record, her healing is equally as safe as Zen’s.

Regarding Zenyatta, you seem to be forgetting the fact that people can choose not to shoot the discord target or might not even see they are discorded. Mercy’s damage boost can’t be missed and is forced onto people, so again is much more consistent. Overall discord is much less effective than a damage boost for this exact reason. Even if callouts are made, people might ignore the callout, they might not be in voice chat, might not be able to follow up at the time.

When I’m talking about Zen not having a technical self-heal, I mean there’s nothing in his kit that lets him put himself up to full health. He has shield health, but only starts restoring after 3 seconds of not taking damage and only heals up the shield health portion of his HP. Mercy has a passive ability that can heal her entire health pool at the same rate as shield health after 1 second of not taking damage. Again, this is just another example of how Mercy’s kit is better all-round.

Alright…Im going to get attacked but Idc
I think Moira was OP when she came out, and still is kinda OP (KINDA).Let me explain:
When she first came out I was like cool…but after playing her, I realised she is like Ana on drugs.She does everything better than Ana.Moira barely has any punishment for her mistakes.You see, she has the best healing in the game, while only having to hold a button and not aim.Unlike Ana, who misses shots.Moira can survive, UNLIKE ANA.Dont get me started…Small hitbox, orb healing, leach healing, fade, damage.I know some people say that moira has the lowest damage in the game, but when you play her she can kill 50% of DPS heroes EASILY.Her orb + grasp attack is strong.First thing I thought about when I played Moira was…She is a DPS/healer hybrid, but unlike Zen, she does both things way too good.Tell me what you think.I suggest a little nerf on her healing.

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Tick-damage is the least of my concerns with Ana. What troubles me most is just how helpless the hero feels when fighting a hero like

You mentioned that mobile Ana would be a no-go, so why not give the hero something more defensive/offensive? Currently, Ana seems to suffer most from the fact that she can’t heal characters out of her line of sight, something that other healers can already do:
Mercy: Tethered beams stays connected through walls/barriers for a brief period of time.
Zenyatta: Harmony orb stays attached through walls/barriers for a brief period of time.
Moira: Slight, minor heal over time each time a character is healed.
Lucio: Similar issue as Ana, but more mobility with speed boost to catch up with and heal allies.

An idea: A new ability that provides a brief, but noticeable speed boost to Ana. I can’t really think of many more practical ways than this to keep Ana from literally falling behind without lowering the hero’s skill ceiling overall or breaking the game with barrier piercing bullets. (and possibly +5-10% health in the form of shields upon nanoboosted targets? Just another idea I thought I’d throw out to make nanoboost a bit more worthwhile than just “do damage or run like hell from the entire enemy team focusing you down.” This way it’s also more viable in less offensive team compositions).

Also, as for Ana’s current abilities, they’re on such long cooldowns/require such a careful precision because they can effectively remove enemies from the fight at the click of a button.

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All right this is my two cents:

Ana: needs some buffs

Lucio: needs a buff to his ultimate

Mercy: balanced

Zenyatta: balanced

Moira: was a little weak, after the bug fix she definitely needs a buff

Brigette: needs power transferred from her tank side to her support side

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I understand your reasoning, but I wouldn’t agree on nerfing her healing or her damage for that matter. Also don’t worry about “getting attacked”, so far at least this has been a very safe thread full of good discussion, you’re fine voicing your opinions.

With regards to her damage, yes it’s fairly low on paper, but in practice her two primary damage sources are lock-on, which means they’re very consistent. Two consistent low damage sources at the same time stacking up deals damage that’s very hard to deal with. To do this effectively though, you have to burn a cooldown and during this time, not be healing your team at all. Her hitbox is actually bigger than Ana’s btw.

As for her healing, the big thing up until recently was that it could heal only a pretty short range. Now on top of that, it can no longer heal through shields. Previously the range alone balanced the healing, since your only gap closer if you are far away from people that need healing is also your only escape option.

She can certainly be annoying to deal with, but she’s also a necessary addition to the game and nerfing her in any aspect other than perhaps her vampirism a tiny bit would destroy her.



I actually quite like this idea, and it could be applied as the space bar ability or something. Simple, doable and doesn’t break her character.

Oh I know they’re very powerful, but they can be blocked and nullified by quite a lot in the game so their effectiveness is more limited than might be expected.


Those are all pretty fair summaries. If Brig did undergo what you’ve suggested though, you couldn’t transfer much of it over. Perhaps lowering her shield health or changing her 50 armour to 50 health in exchange for a bit higher team healing (can’t really increase the self healing or she’ll feel unkillable).

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A couple of things

First, Moira’s primary isnt lock on, it has a large hit box, but isn’t lock on.

Second, I was thinking reduce shield health and self heal(down to 12 hps like Lucio) and increasing the time inspire is active along with nocking a second off repair pack’s cooldown.

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Wouldn’t be too far off. Right now though, I feel like Moira is in a very “okay” spot, if you can call it that. However, I do agree, she does feel quite strong in the right situations. Her beam has a fairly large area from which you can hover over a target to deal damage/heal, at the push of LSHIFT you can pass through space and time at the speed of light to escape combat, and coalescence might as well be the most blinding seizure of color in the game.

As for her orbs, they really only work in tight quarters, otherwise: OOPS WALL COLLISION! TIME TO FLY RIGHT INTO THE SKY LIKE A BALLOON AND WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE! IT WON’T FLY AWAY AGAIN? RIGHT? Clearly joking, but those orbs are a wink and a fizzle to keep from flying away on more open maps.

Overall, my biggest issue with Moira is just how much like Mercy she is: great escape mechanics, great overall healing making her a common main support pick, small hotbox, and just very easy to use overall.

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Besides Moira, I agree entirely on these loose descriptions of things to stay/hopefully come.

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Yeah, any buff they give her has to be small, like having her damage orb refill her resource bar.

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Other than the 50 to 60 HPS, nothing about her base kit has changed at all. So if she was so weak back then why are you suggesting nerfs to it in your OP? And according to the wiki Zen’s orb has a range of 40 meters, while Mercy’s healing has a range of 15 meters (30 in Valk). So no, they’re not equally safe.

Teammates that don’t shoot the target sounds like a player problem and not a discord problem, and you seem to be forgetting that the boosted target can miss as well.

Mercy has her regen is because she’s a front line healer. She has to be within 15 meters of her target who is most likely near enemies who can shoot her. Moira has to be close range as well, but she has her orb and succ. Ana could definitely use a bump up with self healing, maybe 10 health with each shot landed which would be boosted by bionade.


As someone who has recently picked up brigette has like an 85% winrate on brigette and am currently 400 sr higher then where i started this season i can say the shield changes would be perfect. Add some skill to the skilless hero. Inb4 brigette needs skill, no she doesnt she take bugger all skill aside from positioning, which all other characters have to worry about, and aim which is literally just looking at the enemy and pressing m1 + w

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You’re joking. Biotic Orb doesn’t expend healing/fill the resource bar? For such an important part of her kit, I’m surprised to hear that this was overlooked.

Just no.

For all I care you can remove it entirely and give her dual wielding instead.

No again.

No idea why people want to change her base kit so much. Mercy was UP before the rework and nobody cared about all this stuff. Now after the moronic rework from the devs everyone wants to nerf her base kit. But whatever… I think that nerf would be alright.

Delete Valkyrie and make Rez her ultimate again. Doesnt have to be old mass-rez but some form of rez since it is her best ability and a core part of her design. I would be fine if in the end Ana has the edge in higher tiers and performs better since you need to invest a lot of time into her.

There you go this is my opinion to it maybe biased but thats how I see it.

You learn something new everyday.

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Guys just remember to be civilized and to think before you talk and try to be the less biased as possible. some of the anwsers to the OP seem kinda agressive.

I mean OP made a civilized post with some suggestions. He/she didn’t scream for buff or nerfs.


You admitted yourself that brig is balanced, yet you give her HUGE nerfs.

Technically there is also skill in the use of the L-Shift long range flail ability. That is a skillshot and the hitbox on it isn’t particularly big.


I really don’t understand your hostility, this is a discussion thread, please be open to people’s opinions on her whether you never play them or whether you one trick them.

You shouldn’t remove damage boost, it’s a core part of her kit, part of her utility and one of the only things in her kit that gives the player meaningful choice. If you never use it, I urge you to do so. It’s very useful and can gain your ultimate faster than healing in some scenarios. Try damage boosting a Hanzo during a graviton/dragonstrike combo and watch those numbers fly up. Damage boost a hog when he’s locked a hook on an enemy so that his shot is more likely to kill, damage boost genji/soldier when they’re ulting etc.

I know how many people have said this and want it, and I’m really not sure it would be any better. She does still have Rez in her kit, so Mercy is still ‘Mercy’. Now she has another solid, less problematic and easier to balance ultimate, and her ‘core’ on a basic ability which has clearly defined strengths and weaknesses.

The big thing with Mercy is that she does so much for a lower skill requirement. She also has very little in the way of weaknesses, whereas the other main healers have much bigger moments of weakness or straight up weaknesses.



I admitted she’s balanced, but balanced isn’t an absolute state on most heroes. Many heroes you can make small adjustments too and they’d still be “balanced”. However a lot of people are convinced that she’s incredibly hard to deal with, so what I’ve offered are some very minor nerfs that give people a bit more outplay potential vs Brig and gives her slightly more moments of weakness to deal with her more easily. On paper the nerfs I’ve suggested aren’t that much, and in practice you’d find them to be even less noticeable.

I’d also like to make sure you understand - I only want ONE (maybe two in some cases) of the buffs/nerfs I’ve suggested for ANY of the characters to go through. I’ve provided a list of OPTIONS. I would hate for all of my suggestions to be applied, all the characters would be crippled or god-level respectively.

The op specefied up top that he/she would only want one of the nerfs to go through with briggites case

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This would be too much for grenade. grenade is balanced rn, but i think it needs qol buffs
*goes through full hp team mates
*can’t collide with team mates until it’s outside her hitbox to prevent grenade ghosting
if anything is going through shields, it would be scoped healing shots (for less healing) imo. Shots piercing people would be interesting, but I think the dart should stop at the first enemy it hits but heals all allies it touches.

I also think nano boost should have a 200m target range and darts/grenade going through full hp should be toggle-able (some people don’t like it). I agree she needs a passive heal (through healing team mates or something) a low percentage so that she doesn’t have to waste grenade.

If bliz won’t buff his range, i think Lucio will need this buff since he is forced to heal very close to the team.

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I would love any of these changes you’ve suggested to be made. For sure though, QoL buffs for the grenade would be very nice too.

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