Support article 13

Article 13 holds the companies/websites responsible for copyright violations instead of the Creators/users

There are only two possible outcomes if this article passes

    1. Youtube and twitch don’t change their automation. They continue on their way of not having any humans involved in the screening process. This will result in even faster censors on anything their algorithms detect as copyright infingement.

This will result in a massive drop in their popularity. These sites rely on the work of Creators to make their billions. If these creators are censored and can’t monetise anything (which in the case of youtube is pretty much the current situation) they will migrate to new sites that actually provide them with some income.

If you think giant sites like youtube or twitch can’t die, you probably have forgotten the history of the net.

    1. These sites decide that their long term survival is more important than the short term maximisation of profit. They’ll change the automation process, they will involve actual human employees and they will stop censoring things that may trigger the algorithm but are actually perfectly legal.

This is something you should like.

What most people don’t understand

Article 13 bans memes in EU LUL

No. It doesn’t. Using a picture of a Disney Character, of Tracer, of Angela merkel, WHATEVER, to make a meme, is protected under fair use the same way it was protected until now. But these sites will ban said memes nevertheless. The people/sites who are selling their propaganda to you, forget to inform you that the bans have nothing to do with breaking an EU law. The only thing that breaks is their algorithm.

They would MUCH RATHER prefer not to be forced to spend millions if not billions hiring actual employees and continue to operate on a minimum cost basis, maximising their profit.

Inb4 “That’s how business works”?

Sure, but you’re a customer. Not a business. If their goal is maximising their profit, then your goal as a customer is to maximise your “profit”.

And a proper implementation of copyright instead of the automated UNFAIR mess that currently exists, is in your best interest. Both yours and the creators which you follow, actually.

Read the article before you make your decision. Don’t take the word of a company before actually reading it.

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Brilliant. What does this have to do with overwatch.

This is the overwatch forums. You’re better of posting this somewhere where your target audience are.

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Please note, topics that are not relevant about Overwatch or Blizzard’s games as a whole is not permitted per the Overwatch Posting Guidelines


Well this could potentially relate to Overwatch content creators, right?

But it is clearly not the theme of the subject the original poster is sharing and there are no constructive and substantial talking points to such.

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Ah okay. I guess I just made that leap myself. Carry on.

These companies provide tools and a service to users (in cases like youtube or twitch this would be storage space and network bandwidth for streaming content). It’s not the responsibility of these companies to make sure that their clients do not misuse this service.

Those who also do not understand the tremendous and invasive costs and risks associated with enforcing this at a tehcnological level probably don’t really understand how technology works in the first place. Saying things like “The only thing that breaks is their algorithm” when describing false positives don’t really understand how open ended and unreliable these types of things are.

I know it’s a popular bandwagon to blame evil greedy corporations for everything these days, but it’s truly not their responsibility to police their users.

Hey folks, this topic isn’t really about Overwatch feedback/suggestions. Also political posts aren’t appropriate on the Overwatch forums. I’ll be locking the thread. Thanks!