Super Meh Ultrawatch

What do I know though, I’m just some random guy.


No you’re not. You’re the guy


This is thee guy.

OP saved my marriage. And I don’t even have a spouse.


I wanted to make a pun and call your post “blasphemous”…but…I can’t…because you’re right.

I thought that prehistoric theme from months ago was the worst we were going to get and boy was I wrong.

I don’t even know what ultrawatch is. I’m just here for the vibes.

I’m just the guy, playing the guy, who’s pretending to be THE guy…

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Did you know you could save 15% off your car insurance off of this guy?! OP is thee goat.

You can save 100% off your car insurance if you just walk instead :wink:

Or maybe get one of those electric skateboards or scooters. I hear they bring up the cool factor by a good margin.

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Just remember to look both ways before crossing a street.

What a blunder. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: