[SUPER HUGE] Stylosa on Mercy: when you stack her (Mercy) up against Moira and Ana, she's just not even on the same planet

Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’d recommend you to not follow in their foot steps. Just for you, I’ll try to call it out as much as possible whenever I see it. :wink:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Stylosa is nothing more but gateway content if you are new or just interested in OW. If you take his word as benchmark for hero balance, you are just embarrassing yourself.


If you need to use Styolosa as support for your argument, you have a pretty weak argument.


The thing is, he isn’t my only argument. I have had so many elaborate threads with details on why Mercy needs help.

Stylosa is far from my only argument. But he certainly can help it!


Imagine dedicating the time you write these threads to be a productive member of society instead, you could probably cure cancer


and have invaded countless others.

Second of all, almost every one of your arguments have been disproven. So far, I haven’t been keeping a track record of it all, but on many fronts you and others, are wrong.


Why do we care what Stylosa says?


The reason she’s outdone by the two is because of two things.
One that’s all Moira provides is Raw healing and lots of it.
And two is skill ceiling differences between Ana and Mercy.
Ana requires her players to be mechanically skilled to be getting these huge healing numbers. Mercy didn’t, she only required you to stay alive.
This isn’t a bad thing either. this just means that putting time into getting good at higher skill ceiling heroes results with better results. Mercy’s focus shouldn’t be sitting in the back playing for passive heals. You need to start being more aggressive and giving value to your team with Dmg boost and RES. She’s not supposed to be pumping out Moira or Ana level healing for free.


I don’t think the idea of making squishy heroes too tanky would be an issue. First off, when they talk about overheal, I feel like a good way to implement this would be in the form of temporary shields like Lucio ult and Doomfist’s passive so it wouldn’t be all that difficult to play around. Secondly, we’ve had and still have heroes that make squishies tankier and it doesn’t really seem to present that much of an issue i.e. Symmetra’s old shield generator/shield ability and Brigitte’s rally. Brigitte’s is a bit more controversial since it’s armour and it’s Brigitte but right now we have no character that provides their team with shields outside of an ult and I feel like this addition to Mercy’s kit would be a welcomed change

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*feels like trash

She’s getting 1k less healing than Moira, and 1K healing more than Ana.

They’er still upset at valk, and claim she’s not fun when they only mean her ult, and ignore the fact that she has gotten her mobility buffed to such a degree that it adds a whole new dimension to her.

She still has her fundamental kit, and fundamental stats.

She’s the 5th most picked hero still, this week, and her winrate is only less than 1% lower than Ana’s.

She’s b a l a n c e d. if you only liked Mercy due to her mass rez, then I have bad news for you. But her base kit is still the same, and she still holds a tremendious amount of Power.

The ONLY difference between her and any other healer, is that Mercy is an entry-level hero. She was designed to be that way. And for the “b-b-but now I can’t play her at a high level now, and now it feels like I can’t play her”- yeah, it sucks that her design is kicking in right now, but the ONLY thing keeping her viable at all tiers, was the fact that she held SO much power, over other supports, and over metas. Brig is also facing this. Her power is too strong, so her being an easy/entry-level hero is giving her massive success.

Here’s the thing. I’m not hypocritical. I love Bastion, but even I recognize the fact that he will never be on par with McCree, Soldier, or any other hitscan. But the very buffs I advocate for, are for the undoing of his gutting, which took place 1 week after his rework. The Mercy mains honestly have nothing on him because it took 6 months to tone her down from OP, to must pick, and another 6+ for her to finally be balanced.

I can play Bastion barely at a Diamond level, however her is not the only hero I can play at that level. I can play Pharah and Junk which are my other mains, and a wide pool of heros. If you on Mercy is the only thing keeping you at a high level, should you even be there?

true, and even then she only has ~1k more healing than Mercy currently.

also true, Mercy is a hero you pick up when you first start, not onetrick into GM because you know the hero and out.

This is very much the same for Bastion, and thus I have VERY specific buffs I want for Bastion.


It baffles me why people think Ana putting out more is crazy. Like Shouldn’t a Doctor provide more to society than a plumber.

Can’t deny that and she’s not a must-pick anymore so I’m happy. I’m gettimg tired of this


Mercy valk rework was succesfull she was on the meta for 1.2 years she have less than 3 months not being meta.

A bad rework is Sym 2.0/3.0 or bastion 2.0 they are considered troll-pick

Everytime i play Mercy even on master nobody complain or ask me for swap ana/moira or report me.


Stylosa is a hypocrite though…


People still listen to him? why?


Only when what he says goes according to your own personal thoughts xP


Stylosa is one of the tools that made the rework happen in the first place and was a huge promoter of hide and rez complaining. Him and everyone else now complaining and saying 1.0 was better are all idiots for making the rework happen in the first place.


The fact anyone actually takes Stylosa(Or most Overwatch “news” channels) serioulsy



HEY your overwatch… i think which is the one with that eye candy Mysca?

Yeah, if you want people to take you serious, linking to a Stylosa video isn’t really helping you mate. He’s pretty much the laughing stock of the community.

As for Mercy herself, I can concede that she may need very small buffs, but it cannot be all that much. We just got out of a year long Mercy meta, and it was hell. Especially for those who did not like to play her, but were more or less forced into it as it was Mercy or a loss.

Mass Ress should also not return, as it would just bring us back to the age of “Find the Mercy.” which were about as interesting as trying to count straws of grass on a football field.

Of course, those are just my opinions (except for the Stylosa part, as that is the general consensus) and I can understand why Mercy mains might not like the current situation. I hope they will get some help, just not so much that Mercy overshadows everyone again.