(Super) Global healing debuff in OW2?

yeah it needs to be 45 atleast to counter tracer again :kiss:


maybe the devs are trying to go paladins style

So, screw healers I guess

Well alot of supports don’t want that, so they’ll leave

That’s gross and totally against her design


Also I see no good reason to cut support healing numbers at all if there is gonna be that debuff.


Perhaps this is what they meant when they mentioned cutting healing numbers

Where did you get this info from specifically? Did he say it on stream?

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No. They mentioned that Mercy is at 50hps (she’s 55 in live).

Oh damn we really TF2 now huh

Thank god I hate that thing so much

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Yes, although I’d take it with a grain of salt as he didn’t seem too confident about it.

Is there anything else he mentioned that you can remember?

An interesting idea, albeit 4s seem exaggerated, probably an extreme number to test the concept. 2s tops seems more realistic.

AoE sources like Inspire and Lucio’s song would be forked though, also Repair Pack since that’s barely useful outside of duels.

Overall a fine idea to experiment with.


He said a ton of stuff. If you look at his videos on twitch the most recent stream is where hes discussing the game. I wanna say he starts around 15 minutes in.

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From what we’ve been told, with the increase in passive self healing, they’re looking to reduce AoE healing numbers, but it’s also been stated that they’re watching damage numbers closely, especially with flankers, to make sure that it’s not out of line with HP pools and healing.

So Mercy is dead? Greeeeaaaat /s


Unfortunately I dont think I can look at recent videos if hes streaming unless if im dumb and missing something

They actually mentioned she was trash. Which doesn’t surprise me because she’s literally been statistically trash on live every time she has had 50 hps, and now they took a baseball bat to her playstyle. Pocketing is worse AND she can’t quickly top up a tank out of combat.

  • D.Va defense matrix was 3 seconds
  • Mei primary DPS was 90
  • Winston railgun charged about the same speed as Symmetra right click/self-release, has 25m range, and deals 50 damage
  • Brigette shield bash dealt about 50 damage but had no other effects
  • Moira, Sigma, Orisa, Doomfist, and McCree were disabled
  • Firestrike was reduced to 90 damage

The VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1161286610


Mercy has literally never worked with 50 hps, she barely works with 55 as is. With Rez making her a statue and Valk having awful healing. She’s dead af


Ana’s getting her healing nade nerfed. Mercy’s getting nerfed back to 50 hp/s.

Oh yeah, fanboys will keep up the toxic positivity "Supports will get something good! It’s not all nerfs!’

The devs, are just nerfing supports. Now we have numerous changes nerfing supports. Their philosophy is nerfing supports, they have 0 intention on buffing them or giving them non-dps mechanics. We would be lucky if they even consider giving supports offensive buffs at this point.

They are not trying out anything novel or something fascinating for supports. They do not have the supports best interest in mind. Brig’s Bash is garbage. Don’t bother calculating a bash combo against Tracer as she can blink out of it. You’re a moron if you think a Tracer above sliver is not going to blink/recall immediately out of bash as it has no hard cc.


Ouch. Support bottleneck incoming if this goes through to final product. Definitely not sounding good.