(Super) Global healing debuff in OW2?

Global healing nerf was needed for ages- been called for by many players too.
More focus on utility/supp dps instead.

I’ve been following this thread since it popped up last night. I sat down with the hero design and balance team this morning to talk about why we’re testing this change:

Josh Noh: this goes back to what we discussed previously: with a change to 5v5, heals were just too effective in combat due to the fact that Tanks in general provide more damage than what they mitigate.

Another possible approach would be individually nerfing each support Hero’s healing output, which could result in out of combat healing taking significantly longer. Because we’re still in internal testing, we could take this more broad sweeping approach, which helps us more quickly establish new baselines for individual support Heroes.

I do want to caveat: this is only a test change, and per Lead Hero Designer, Geoff Goodman it’s “unlikely to make it through to the live game, as it is now”.


I’ll be honest, this scares me.

Everything we’ve seen shows nerfs for supports without really any benefits to them. Can you give us something to show that supports aren’t just going to be weaker versions of themselves in OW2?


So do that, but flip this debuff passive into a buff passive.

Like 50% more healing after being 10sec out of combat


So that they can minimize downtime between fights.


Andy mate hadn’t they already done both on the beta though? Supports had heals nerfed AND this global nerf.

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So the game, said to be almost completely “done”, is actually the opposite of that?
Because it seems so. This all looks like basic stuff that should’ve been completely finished by this time.
I’m extremely worried for the game


Mr Andy, do you know if supports will get increased damage/utility as a compensation for their healing nerfs?


I still cant believe we have someone like you who is listening to our feedback, passing it along to the devs, then giving the answer back to us

You are the angle that will save this place


She was :put_litter_in_its_place: with 50hps in the live game, now they want to reintroduce it for the third time and have a healing penalty? I’m honestly wondering if they play Mercy at all.


A better way might be to get healing levels to the level the dev team wants during combat. Then add a new support passive that increases healing on targets that haven’t taken damage recently. Say 50%?

Might get things to where they’re aiming for.

It’s not that “official”, but you can see from the May PvP stream and the match from the Grand Finals that they increased the damage for Supports. Mercy needs like 3 headshots to kill a 200 HP target and in the live game it’s 4 head shots as example.

So amazing!

Except support players don’t want to play DPS when on Support. We want to play Support. Just like how tanks want to tank instead of being bigger hitbox lower damage higher HP DPS heroes


So you’re just gonna gut supports’ main function and not give them anything else?

Hahahahaha! Good luck with your video game.


Wew lad I figured it wouldn’t but good to hear anyway.

What do you mean, not being able to heal, build an ult, and having to fight off flankers constantly with no peel sounds awesome, sign me up!!!


Yea, the TF2 way of doing it is prob would be the best.

Perception is a lot more acceptable than what we’re getting despite it achieving the same thing.

TF2! Has! overheals! This makes the combat penalty more tolerable because everyone goes into a fight with increased durability! Have you people even played the game?


Yea but the concept is the same here anyways. Changing the perception of instead of taking 25% less healing during combat, you’re getting more heals outside of combat despite having the heal nerfed.

Sides, the dev themselves said that heals are too effective in combat and they’re looking to reduce that. The question now is making that perception being positive rather than negative.

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Please do this instead of what this whole thread is about.

Ana 65 healing per shot
Baptiste 60 direct, 45 splash
Brigitte 100 repair pack, 80 inspire
Mercy 50 healing per second (60 with Valk)
Moira 65 healing per second
And Zen and Lucio’s healing can stay what it is


I’m just gonna put my thoughts here, because I feel like it’s a massive balance issue in it’s implementation, which also drastically makes support engagement in the game void of purpose.

And I hope they rethink how they’re going to reduce support healing and player engagement.