šŸŽ¢ Summary of PTR Changes coming Today by macktor

Canā€™t wait for that Orisa and S76 buff.
Automatic weapons are always fun to play.

Baptiste comes out tomorrow, so itā€™s safe to say this entire patch is coming tomorrow. You can be excited that itā€™s even sooner than you expected!

This looks so beautiful.

Why does this post exist? Isnā€™t it all on the PTR forums anyway?

Plus the reasons why.

Idk about yall but Iā€™m boutta wreck shop with my 3 more damage revert

its not too bad of changes. My respect to the overwatch team for the fixes by only making SUBTLE changes this time +1 Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch team.

Now for the negative; They NEED to quit following Warcraftā€™s arena rating system for competitive overwatch and take an SR Loss,:rage: by weighting it LESS.

I was looking for something like this. Thank you.

I think Shadowstep would work if only you (and maybe your team) could see your intended destination and they also removed its sound effect. You could pop in, get off a few good shots, then Wraith outā€”which it seems like was always the intent behind his kit.

PMSL, as usual, can use anything in his kit while ulting, good jobā€¦

why donā€™t we just turn him into a tracer style hero while we are at itā€¦

A nerf to Orisa on 2 of her best maps.

many of these are quite good (Zen, 76, Hammond, Lucio, etc)

they appear to be addressing a few issues that have been problems FOREVER. Interesting.

Reaper got shafted, still has worthless ability and lost half his earlier buff which helped him only in low ranks ā€¦soā€¦yea. Overall pretty good patch I think, way better than some. The vids I have seen of Baptisteā€¦his healing is ungodly. I was seeing 3k/min on deathballsā€¦ so solo heal comps? or Baptiste GOATS 4eva? The only thing in GOATS nerfed was Lucioā€™s speed by 10%, its not gonna help that much.

Sym got nerfed and buffed in this latest patch. Waiting to see how this plays out as we wait for more buffs for her. Still that that Torbjorn health buff shouldā€™ve gone to her.

Eager to see how Baptiste shakes things up. Sampled him in PTR and donā€™t think heā€™s much for me but I think heā€™ll be fun to work with as other Heroes.

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Nerfed in what way? As I read it, beam weapons take a flat 20% penalty against armor now (instead of 50% in some cases or -3 in others), which is a buff for Winston and low energy Symmetra/Zarya.

This was a bug? It was so funnyā€¦

Based on the calculations I saw back when this patch was first released, the blanket armor nerf might have slightly buffed her beamā€™s damage at lower levels of charge but once it reached max charge it was definitely a nerf.

Changing Title and going to bed, peace.

Iā€™m going to miss punching Genji into a wall 20 meters away.

Why buff hanzo tho?!

Just why?!!!

Heā€™s talking about what they have planned for the next patch. Iā€™m really curious about that as well. They want to do more changes when the dust settles from this patch and the data comes in, which is usually at least 2 weeks to be reliable enough for them.