Suggestions to make Symmetra rework - work

Ranged placement of the turrets increases their average damage significantly, but not in a way that is easily calculated.

It’s common in games for turret heroes to have high potential dps when you count all the turrets, under the expectation that they will not have 100% turret uptime and range on any single target.

For the sake of example, if her previous turrets did X dps, with an average of 2 turrets actively dealing damage due to restrictive placement rules and ease of destroying them, then they would be balanced around doing 2X dps. If the new turrets do 1.5X dps, but you are still able to keep 2 on your intended target, they are now doing 3X average damage. Despite the potential max dps being 6X in the former case and 4.5X in the latter.

You can’t do exact math on it though. Tuning the range, hit points, dps and slow intensity is all going to adjust how much effective damage they output (in large part because range and damage are basically the same thing). They can make a guess, but balancing it is trial and error. I think they guessed pretty well though, because the turrets feel like they have a lot more impact now.

I can assure you, there’s no further need. Though I do apologise for my tone! I just think it’s proper to back up ones statements with valid sources, especially when you attempt to completely refute someone in a single sentence.

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So, I’d like her turrets to go up to 50 HP from 30, and be placeable on her shield wall. When the shield wall breaks they fall to the ground. I do like the idea of the giant shield giving allies temporary shield, but I doubt we’d get that.

Primary weapon is mostly fine. maybe make it slightly wider and longer, but that’s a big maybe. I’m not saying it’s fine by itself. The whole gimmick of it is really dumb, but She’d be too strong if it got buffed too much.

The real problem with her left click is thus: It’s supposed to be some kind of shield counter, so it doesn’t use ammo on shields, allowing it to ramp up easily. Okay great, but it still kills shields very slowly, and she’s countered by every hero that has a shield. If you try to get close to charge up on a shield enjoy dying.

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it also takes longer to set up now (travel time) and they can be destroyed mid-air. combine that with the fact you only have 3, and that also lowers their potential. it’s hard to calculate but i don’t think it’s X3 vs X2 as you claim

My only problems with the rework are the long turret CD and the M1 is kinda useless in most situations. The ult could use a bit of work however I’ve gotten pretty good use out of it by just running around it everywhere.

They could make her ult do something like each panel of the ultimate deals damage and slows on contact. For her primary fire they could probably just increase the range by 4~6m and decrease the time it takes to charge by 0.25~0.50 seconds. Should fix most issues and give her some more area control and dueling potential.

3X and 2X are just examples. I have no idea what the “true” relationship is.

This is not to say they don’t need tuning still. I’d like the cooldown to go down to 8 seconds, maybe with a nerf to the slow strength and an increase in flight speed. Just pointing out that “she had 6 and now she has 3” doesn’t really say much about how strong they are in 3.0 relative to 2.0.

I get where your coming from but the ramp up idea has been with Symmetra since lauch. The gun even is even designed to reflect this. I think the starting charge should be higher to match Zarya who starts with 95 I believe. Everything else I agree with.

3 turrets can kill a 200hp hero in less than 2 seconds, no.

Those same 3 turrets (if they’re stacked in such a way that all 3 can hit the same character) can also be taken out by a single attack.

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if that hero is afk, or wood rank, maybe. if he uses melee or any type of attack on them they are gone in 0.001 seconds.

Good point. As a Symmetra main myself, I want a buff to her, but on the right hands, she’s extremely powerful, I THINK she’s fine.

i don’t think she needs a buff. she needs to be viable. if she’s a DPS, she needs a good primary weapon. if she’s a support she needs a shield gen.

right now she’s a teleporter generator, and a flimsy one at that.

Primary, without fixing tick rate:

Pierce enemy players, still stopped by shields.


Regen shield HP when used on barriers.
+4 meter range

TP-make it more reliable for placement. When there are railings or nearby geometry, Turret placement tends to, “jump,” around.

Turrets–they can be placed and fire through walls. As a Symmetra main, I don’t mind but it is unfair for everyone else

Someone said that the primary fire has 20 ticks a second. If that is true then its insane and should be reverted to 4.

IDK who is saying ‘‘Sym in the right hands is powerful’’, because its wrong. TP is powerful, but everything else kinda sucks. Even pros like Seagull find her to be little more that a TP bot for ultra coordinated teams.

Currently she isnt a damage dealing hero, she is just a heal-less support and thats it. She was more of a damage dealing hero pre-rework when she could actually outduel people and not just hope some enemy shield magically appears on a safe place to get on her gun charged.

Sym, by the war they reworked her, cant work as a damage dealing hero of any kind. The best she can do currently is poke people with secondary fire. She doesnt have the range, reliable dps or survability to properly use her primary fire, irrelevant of the dps that it has at max level.

That they removed her lock-on, which was the only incentive she had to go to close range while also being a perk for having close range and no meaningful mobility/defenses, at the same time they neutered her survivability is just insane. IDK what the rework’s actual goal was, but making Sym actually viable wasnt one of them.


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accurate :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Makes a thread asking for massive buffs :thinking:

Then again they say her ult is useless, right there its obvious that they must be a low rank with poor understanding of how valuable barriers are, especially those that split the entire map.

dear, Cnflagration
try quoting the entire sentence and not just an edited part of it.
that way, you’ll actually address my points and not a straw man.

i said she needs to be viable. i don’t consider making a hero playable a “buff” but a necessary change.

She is viable, every hero is viable. Just so happens that sym also has an insane win rate still. Maybe you need to learn the definitions of viability and what a buff is. Asking for a hero to be much stronger, is guess what, asking for buffs. Capable of working successfully; feasible, seems she is viable too. Not to say that she has no issues, mainly her primary, but she is doing very well right now for more of a niche pick. Many people dont like her playstyle, she doesnt need to have one of the highest pick rates to be a good viable hero.