Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

I think these changes are pretty good overall, but personally this is a pretty hefty nerf, and I think this version of Mercy isn’t good enough.

Valkyrie’s potential hps and damage amp per second is reduced. While the double effects are nice, it isn’t nearly as significant as having an AoE that boosts or heals the entire team massively. The damage amp would also be infringing upon Nanoboost, as it would be a massive 60%. Not to mention the duration is decreased by 3 seconds.

The Resurrect cast time in Valkyrie sounds nice, but with the extra flight speed and boosted passive, Resurrecting in Valkyrie is generally consistent unless you fly into the middle of the enemy team. A 0.875 cast will still probably mean Mercy will die going for that Resurrect.

While the earnable Resurrect proposal seems nice, I worry that the current proposal is a little too high. 70% healing uptime, while possible in a teamfight, is not at all feasible between fights. This creates an issue where Mercy might only have a Resurrect every other fight or so, and that will severely hamper her Resurrection capabilities. Remeber, she will still have the cast time to work around, so Resurrect being up doesn’t always mean you can get Resurrect off.


Its boring because it takes away something we had to do already that was engaging being target prioritization with chain its just is my beam connected to someone? If yes that’s all that’s needed with it being single target and double healing/boost it brings back target prioritization while also giving valk an extra oomph

That’s fair, however I’ve fundamentally disagreed with the direction they went to combat that. And these changes don’t seem to materially change what’s wrong with Valk from a gameplay perspective.


Because it makes Mercy semi-invincible for 15 seconds, gives your entire team 60hps(killing through a Mercy beam actually isn’t easy, if it was she would be garbage) or can also give her entire team a 30% damage amp. It is not a weak ability.

I think that a fire rate increase would only really “feel good” is if it came with an ammo clip increase. Otherwise you are right, she would just reload a whole lot.

Yet, it’s not powerful enough to be qualified as an Ultimate, either.


maybe it should be like double healing and have a weaker chain of like .5 healing with a shorter radius. then it would be able to provide the same healing as now, but provide the target prioritization people want.
I don’t think damage boost should be touched because then what’s the point of orisas ult.

I wouldn’t remove. I think it would be better to reduce the healing they give.


How long before this thread is absorbed by the Mega-thread?


Ultimates are abilities.

There is a reason Mercy’s Valkyrie winrate is the second highest of all the supports.

In what rank does it win? Bronze?


I never said I liked how they went to combat the change, but I can see the frustration. They could have slightly nerfed her to have LOS rez and a small cast time (less invul time?) but they did a complete rework, but that’s now what we’re talking about lol.

What’s wrong with Valk right now? This reduces the duration while making her kit stronger, and making rez be earnable makes the game flow better.

In my opinion, chaining kind of takes away from paying attention to who the beam is on. A boosted beam would add more attention required and be more engaging!

The Overwatch League.


Dismissed on the grounds of not being this game.

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“What rank? Bronze? haHAA xDdddddddd”
“The Overwatch League”
“That doesn’t count because it doesn’t agree with me”


No, OWL doesn’t count because it has no bearing whatsoever on ladder.


It does have bearing on the fact that they both share the same balance changes.


It has a closer link to GM solo q than Bronze does.

For starters, welcome to the new forums EeveeA! I like many of the ideas proposed, and I especially want the chained beams gone. I would personally have preferred rez gone as an ability, but your changes does remove some of my grievances about it (having it right at the start, isn’t rewarded by good play).

I still feel that one of the issues I have with it is that it feels really sluggish to use, could there be some way to remove a bit more of the cast time and compensate by some other means (longer reanimation for rezzed target perhaps?).

Mercy also has a currently unused reload key for her staff, and I think it would be fun if she could be given a cleanse ability that would remove CC and give a short duration of CC immunity. There’s a lot of CC in the game right now, and it would be interesting to see another ability that would combat that and also give Mercy a bit more “to do” in the fight.

I also made a suggestion where Mercy would regain a bit more of her mobility in Valkyrie (speed 10 meters/second and GA 30% increase instead of 25%) and in compensation she would only regenerate 10 hp/second while under fire and only regain her 20 hp/second once she’s been out of fire for 1 second.

And a last query, is Valkyrie really a fast charging ultimate? I guess it depends on the teams and which tier you play, but for me I find I gain ult faster with almost every other support except Lucio.